2 楼
其它基本上还好。主要concern是关于gas heating unit, 以下是inspector的comment:
The front burner chamber of furnace has rust/smoke stains. this is usually
an indication that the unit may downdraft or has inadequate ventilation.
when testing the smoke makes with my gas detectors, gas readings were picked
up by both my combustible gas detector and carbon monoxide gas detector.
Have furnace evaluated/repaired (or replaced) by a licensed heating
specialist for safety against gases from entering the home.
好像就是chamber边缘漏气。这个gas unit已经23年了。不知修一下(封起来漏气的地
The front burner chamber of furnace has rust/smoke stains. this is usually
an indication that the unit may downdraft or has inadequate ventilation.
when testing the smoke makes with my gas detectors, gas readings were picked
up by both my combustible gas detector and carbon monoxide gas detector.
Have furnace evaluated/repaired (or replaced) by a licensed heating
specialist for safety against gases from entering the home.
好像就是chamber边缘漏气。这个gas unit已经23年了。不知修一下(封起来漏气的地
3 楼
看图说话, 高手们看这个风水如何?闯祸了。。。哪里有租梯子的?发现了黑霉菌有人自己换过卫生间马桶吗?怎么能不让被商家骚扰?请问那里能找到想买的房子的floorplan图?谢谢.请问大家办理loan的时候,appraisal 的费用是多少呀,归谁出的呀。一只成年公鹿死在了我家的前院请问,厨房桌面或浴缸和墙接缝之间涂的那层白白的东西叫什么?不能按时close各位来818第一次在美国拥有房子时你多大?可以从401K借钱买房吗?求救,晕死了close以后,才发现我们的home inspector有多烂今天刚close的房子,装修的人说我们的房子往中间斜求助:怎样知道 inspector 好不好?哪里能查到 license 真假?大家地下室的湿度都是多少啊?Website Bid for hotel?犹豫中。。。。。。。