黑五有什么推荐吗?# Living
I am interested in a recorder which can be a camera, an ipad, or a tablet
with a powerful embedded camera.
My purpose is to recorder professors' slides during seminar.
Most of time, I couldn't understand what they talked about.
A recorder will help me go over their speech later and get full
Please recommend one for me. Thank you.
three eggs, what were you doing in the last 10 years?
no improve in listening yinglish at all?
发信人: GoooG (信), 信区: EnglishChat
标 题: how to grasp 'if' when listening
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Dec 21 16:23:47 2006), 转信
'how can i give your answer if the quesiton is a secret?'
in the above sentence, I cannot grasp the word 'if' when listening to
the audio from radio. How can you grasp this kind of little word
such as 'if' 'it' when they are in position of linking and omission?
发信人: GoooG (FBI), 信区: EnglishChat
标 题: 哪能找到英文整句音标?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Jul 3 00:33:29 2007), 站内
where to find out the phonetic transcript for the whole sentence,
not for a single word?
That's correct. My English is poor. This is the reason why I need to buy
a video recorder for my class.

【在 m********n 的大作中提到】
: three eggs, what were you doing in the last 10 years?
: no improve in listening yinglish at all?
: ----------------------------------------------------------
: 发信人: GoooG (信), 信区: EnglishChat
: 标 题: how to grasp 'if' when listening
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Dec 21 16:23:47 2006), 转信
: 'how can i give your answer if the quesiton is a secret?'
: in the above sentence, I cannot grasp the word 'if' when listening to
: the audio from radio. How can you grasp this kind of little word
: such as 'if' 'it' when they are in position of linking and omission?

after all, no worries,
just change MaJia, you can instantly become professor and give talks in
yinglish with no problem.
发信人: MikeD (心情好极了), 信区: Faculty
标 题: research associate professor vs tenure track assistant prof
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri May 12 20:53:08 2017, 美东)
1)research associate professor (director of core facility)
under direction of an associate professor
funding for this position is 8 years.
start-up package include 1 postdoc for 5 years.
location: vermont
salary: $100000 yearly
2) tenure track assistant professor
no hope to get funded in near three years
start-up package include 1 phd for 3 years.
no other start-up package.
location: alabama
salary: $90000 yearly
which is better choice if you were me, who don't have much ability to get
proposals funded in 3 years?
发信人: MikeD (心情好极了), 信区: Faculty
标 题: 多少张图片和表格比较合适
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Apr 8 09:00:03 2017, 美东)
查找讨论区'Living'内, 标题含:'' 作者为:'GoooG','300'天以内的主题文章
序号 标记 作者 日期 标题
1 GoooG Jan 18 放弃延续承租权的声明公证如何办理?
2 GoooG Feb 25 固定电话能转到电脑上接听吗?
3 GoooG Feb 28 when for prevention for crabgrass?
4 GoooG Mar 1 how to use crabgrass preemergent?
5 GoooG Mar 1 街道草地上发绿的是什么野草
6 GoooG Mar 3 how to close chase saving account?
7 GoooG Mar 7 国内亲戚如何来美国看病?
8 GoooG Mar 8 墙角裂缝
9 GoooG Mar 12 install double window screens?
10 GoooG Mar 12 换纱窗是个力气活
11 GoooG Mar 12 如何正确割草得以除杂草
12 GoooG Mar 13 撒了crabgrass preemergent药后的草地秃顶如何修补
13 GoooG Mar 13 大家都用多大的screen spline?
14 GoooG Mar 20 ceiling有裂纹怎么修?
15 GoooG Mar 27 门柱子烂了能修理吗?
16 GoooG Mar 30 garmin “poor satellite reception"
17 GoooG Apr 1 邻居紧挨篱笆的树长很大了
18 GoooG Apr 1 小镰刀哪儿能买?
19 GoooG Apr 1 mini hedge trimmer
20 GoooG May 5 什么电公司按月算最划算?
21 GoooG May 6 搬家卖房如何选择电公司?
22 GoooG May 6 ups blinking red light
23 GoooG May 7 charter把spinkler的管子弄破了
24 GoooG May 9 reseeding after crabgrass preemergent
25 GoooG May 9 lawn patch repair: sod vs seeding
26 GoooG May 14 tolltag refill?
27 GoooG May 14 千年之约
28 GoooG May 14 洗衣的水能浇草地吗?
29 GoooG May 21 两张联票可以用护照吗?
30 GoooG May 25 下棋大家下赢过电脑吗?
31 GoooG May 25 十多年前,打麻将就打不赢机器人了
32 GoooG Jun 8 如何补碘?
33 GoooG Jun 13 如何卸载割草机的刀片
34 GoooG Jun 18 如何在擀面杖两端钻穿一个孔
35 GoooG Jun 18 termites的药能驱赶或者杀死蚂蚁吗?
36 GoooG Jun 19 goodwill捐家具
37 GoooG Jun 21 htc amaze 4g battery
38 GoooG Jun 24 laptop deal recently
39 GoooG Jul 13 popcorn ceiling repair
40 GoooG Jul 15 paint sheen
41 GoooG Jul 15 杀蚂蚁的喷壶可以做一个喷油漆吗?
42 GoooG Jul 16 joint compound 打开后没用完能放多久?
43 GoooG Jul 16 first coat后多久上second coat
44 GoooG Jul 17 请问外面的灯罩用什么油漆
45 GoooG Jul 17 车库门前的灯座如何paint
46 GoooG Jul 18 drywood ceiling crack repair
47 GoooG Jul 18 penske 12 feet vs 16 feet?
48 GoooG Jul 18 开大truck时,如何判断右lane盲点无车?
49 GoooG Jul 20 签title时需要本人亲自去吗?
50 GoooG Jul 21 penske 12 foot
51 GoooG Jul 25 异地卖房,需要注意什么?
52 GoooG Aug 2 door jamb/frame 有人修过吗?
53 GoooG Aug 2 如何识别2x4是weather treated还是pressure
54 GoooG Aug 4 how to drive nails without nail gun
55 GoooG Aug 6 remove old caulk before new caulking
56 GoooG Aug 8 油漆桶有替代吗?
57 GoooG Aug 8 alex plus caulk
58 GoooG Aug 8 caulking windows with alex plus
59 GoooG Aug 10 有hoa,卖房需要提前多久通知?
60 GoooG Aug 11 best caulk for window ?
61 GoooG Aug 12 mulch在斜坡上如何预防雨水冲刷?
62 GoooG Aug 15 redfin上的agent怎么不给4.5%?
63 GoooG Aug 15 redfin上怎么找卖房agent?
64 GoooG Aug 15 请问如何挑选sell agent
65 GoooG Aug 17 大家的旧笔记本回收到哪儿?
66 GoooG Aug 17 mulch粉末状的好吗?
67 GoooG Aug 21 灌木丛里面的草怎么方便杀死?
68 GoooG Aug 22 灌木丛中野黑莓藤,请问如何去除? (转载)
69 GoooG Aug 22 带刺仙人掌在前院,是不是应该割除?
70 GoooG Aug 23 厨房的柜子掉漆,如何买漆?
71 GoooG Aug 23 前院仙人掌炸伤邻居小孩
72 GoooG Aug 25 家里通风口过滤网有deal吗?
73 GoooG Sep 11 $500 home warranty
74 GoooG Sep 15 payroll by monthly or bi-weekly
75 GoooG Oct 17 出租房单独还是合住?
76 GoooG Oct 25 如何用微信给美洲联通卡充值?
77 GoooG Oct 25 Samsung Gravity TXT
78 GoooG Nov 2 冬季是买房的好季节吗?
79 GoooG Nov 3 房子没有车库
80 GoooG Nov 4 battery from walmart (转载)
81 GoooG Nov 5 信用卡公司给的拒绝信用卡申请的理由
82 GoooG Nov 10 黑五有什么推荐吗?

【在 s********e 的大作中提到】
: GoooG应该是从老邢那里拿工资发帖吧。
: 有兴趣的可以去搜一下他在这个版或者其他版发过的帖子。哈哈我知道我很无聊。
: 他发的文章的内容更加匪夷所思。像是人工智能。
: 查找讨论区'Living'内, 标题含:'' 作者为:'GoooG','300'天以内的主题文章
: 序号 标记 作者 日期 标题
: 1 GoooG Jan 18 放弃延续承租权的声明公证如何办理?
: 2 GoooG Feb 25 固定电话能转到电脑上接听吗?
: 3 GoooG Feb 28 when for prevention for crabgrass?
: 4 GoooG Mar 1 how to use crabgrass preemergent?
: 5 GoooG Mar 1 街道草地上发绿的是什么野草
