感动全中国~孔雀哥!.# Love - 情爱幽幽
1 楼
中午吃饭的时候,我就把这个问题“自然而然”地抛出来了:In what situations do
people write?
(我和儿子一直是中文对话的。我的英语口语不好, 但为了儿子的长远的身心健康,我
只好赶鸭子上架, 开始拽 E文了。对了,写和说的基因看来不是直接挂钩的。 我儿子
Here are the answers from him, prompted by my questions.
1. You write things down so you can remember. (赞儿子知道好脑子敌不过烂笔头
2. You write stuff to get people entertained. For example, a book, good
stories. (赞儿子为人民服务的觉悟)
3. You need to write for school or work, to learn or to teach. For example ,
authors who write non-fictions to inform/ teach people. (赞儿子实用主义)
4.you write to get something, for example a job, money. (I will write
everyday if writing a letter to mom will get me money:D).(赞儿子功利主义)
5. You can just write for fun. (me: please elaborate: how?) if you have
nothing to do, you can sit down and write down what you did (for fun) or you
can create a game and write down how to play. Mmotivation终于开始冒个小丫了
其实我并不在乎他给我什么答案. 我就是想通过这个对话,让他意识到写的必要性。整
个对话过程,我也未加任何干预或评价。 我是做好了准备,以开放的心态和他谈谈这
people write?
(我和儿子一直是中文对话的。我的英语口语不好, 但为了儿子的长远的身心健康,我
只好赶鸭子上架, 开始拽 E文了。对了,写和说的基因看来不是直接挂钩的。 我儿子
Here are the answers from him, prompted by my questions.
1. You write things down so you can remember. (赞儿子知道好脑子敌不过烂笔头
2. You write stuff to get people entertained. For example, a book, good
stories. (赞儿子为人民服务的觉悟)
3. You need to write for school or work, to learn or to teach. For example ,
authors who write non-fictions to inform/ teach people. (赞儿子实用主义)
4.you write to get something, for example a job, money. (I will write
everyday if writing a letter to mom will get me money:D).(赞儿子功利主义)
5. You can just write for fun. (me: please elaborate: how?) if you have
nothing to do, you can sit down and write down what you did (for fun) or you
can create a game and write down how to play. Mmotivation终于开始冒个小丫了
其实我并不在乎他给我什么答案. 我就是想通过这个对话,让他意识到写的必要性。整
个对话过程,我也未加任何干预或评价。 我是做好了准备,以开放的心态和他谈谈这