这个很搞啊 (转载)# Money - 海外理财
【 以下文字转载自 EasyMoney 俱乐部 】
发信人: riverhouse (luckyguy), 信区: EasyMoney
标 题: 这个很搞啊
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed May 16 12:38:20 2012, 美东)
My dearest Sapphire Preferred,
I remember when we met, it was love at first sight. Your sleek beauty,
your steel resolve, and your giving nature made you irresistible. My
fondness for you grew as we travelled the world and dined in fine
restaurants. I will always treasure the times we had.
I don’t know a good way to tell you this, but I’ve fallen for another.
I know what you’re thinking, but no it’s not the one who goes by the
initials S.P.G. No, my dearest Sapphire, it is your sister Ink Bold.
Ink is not as beautiful or as strong as you. When I first met her I
thought she was rather dull — all business. But, over time, I’ve grown to
recognize her true qualities and my relationship with her has become more
rewarding than I ever dreamed possible.
Can you ever forgive me? I really would like to stay friends. There’s
no reason we can’t still visit the mall together from time to time. If you
’ll have me, I know that our friendship will pay dividends year after year.

Yours truly,
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