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Stream Netflix一本片子在手机上看要多少数据流量# Movie - 无限影话
今天去Sears,Sales person跟我说front loader省很多水,是这么回事吗?能省很多
钱吗?front loader贵不少地说。
******** 正文
四颗甜蜜的行星 -- 木星、金星、火星和冥王星 -- 正在慢慢到达预定的位置形成一个
你对你的伴侣 对手或合作伙伴的关注在3月22月白羊座以后会增加。那时,4个行星将
会挤在你的第七宫,这个区域不仅掌管通过严肃的合同约束力(爱情 婚姻或生意)来
和你结盟并支持你的那些人,还掌管挑战你 批评你或者跟你竞争倾向于攻击你的诚信
这个月还会发生一点其他事情,你家庭中的一位成员可能已经住进了医院 护理中心 康
复中心 理疗中心或其他关人的地方等等,如果这几个月ta情况未见好转,或者你为了
ta的事情已经被各种文件 会议 或其他官僚过程淹没,下个月就能看到一些成效了。如
果是你3而不是你的亲戚住进了医院或其他护理中心,事情也是一样的 -- 你会看到4月
不要在这一天前后举行任何会谈。对方可能是个银行家 房子的潜在买家或卖家 甚至是
羊座的太阳会对冲天秤座的土星。你可不想在那天讨论任何跟爱情 承诺或商业相关的
-- 也许他内心深处有什么财富在一开始没有抓住你的眼球。慢慢发展,这样你就不会
的代理 商业伙伴 猎头之类的。像前面说的,你的第七宫掌管一切严肃的紧密的关系和
他行星在白羊 天秤 双子 射手或水瓶2度,你也会感受到它,还有可能你从中受益。没
******** 总结
配偶或商业伙伴/代理 律师之类的,如果你想留下ta合作你就不得不妥协。你想要保守
进行,而ta却恰恰相反,更倾向于一个重大的冒险的企划项目。 现在跟ta理论没什么
******** 重要日子
3月12日是关于房产 不动产 家宅 家庭和金钱事务的重要日子。
维修困难。。。。。。。。NND。。。。正对着一个下了一堆螺丝的front loader查说

【在 f*******e 的大作中提到】
: 今天去Sears,Sales person跟我说front loader省很多水,是这么回事吗?能省很多
: 钱吗?front loader贵不少地说。
: 除此以外,两者之间还有什么主要差别?

ibra Horoscope for March 2012
By Susan Miller
You are in luck in March! It's a wonderful month, for Venus, your ruler,
will spend almost the whole month orbiting within a few tiny degrees of
Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck. That is sure to bring you a shining
month, for almost all things important to you will go your way. Further,
there will be more shimmering aspects that will go far beyond this
exceptional pairing of two gorgeous planets.
Financially, you will be golden, and it's hard to imagine anyone saying "no"
to you for any application to raise funds, whether they represent financial
aid for college, a claim for an insurance policy, or the fair division of
property in a divorce, as a few examples. The area of the chart that glows
brightest is this (eighth house) area of money that is referred to as "other
people's money." This kind of money delivers funds in a one-time chunk
rather than be parsed out over the course of time, say, in the way salary
typically is done.
What is happening in the heavens is that four sweet planets - Jupiter, Venus
, Mars, and Pluto - are zooming though space to reach predetermined spots to
form a golden triangle in the sky. This will happen to perfection mid-month
, on March 12 and 13, but you will feel the energy sooner, at the full moon,
March 8. These particular planets will link your twelfth house of
confidential matters, your eighth house of other people's money, and your
fourth house of home and family in extraordinary harmony. Together they will
bring you the kind of luck you've not seen in many years.
There are so many ways you might benefit from the lovely triangulation of
planets. The area of other people's money is particularly bright, especially
if the funds you seek are related to your physical home or other property.
If you need to buy or sell a house or condo, or to negotiate an agreeable
rate for a first mortgage, you should start taking action in the first week
of March. If you already have a mortgage, early March would be the right
time to meet with your banker to find out if you would qualify for a
refinancing plan to gain a much improved, lower interest rate on your
present mortgage.
If you have been suffering because your house is "under water" (worth less
than your mortgage implies), see your banker now, even if you have applied
for help and have been turned down in the past. Something seems to have
changed in regard to your possible remedies, so go to your banker to ask
what solutions the bank suggests are available.
You don't have to buy a house to gain the benefits this month - you can rent
, too. Let's say you have always dreamed of renting a cottage for two weeks
in the summer, in a choice seaside setting, but never thought you could
afford to do so. You may now find the perfect one, at an affordable price
that you simply can't pass up. When it comes to real estate, in early March
you'll have the Midas touch.
Your good fortune with home may come though other means, not through your
physical home or other real estate, but rather, through the kindness of a
beloved relative. You may receive a generous cash gift from your mother, or
an inheritance from a beloved uncle. You may discover a treasure in the
attic of a relative's house you are about to sell and later have it
appraised - and sold - for thousands. There are so many possibilities!
The full moon on March 8 will fall in your twelfth house, so it appears that
talks you may be having are still in the confidential stage (no matter what
you happen to be discussing). That's fine - you will have several more
months to perfect your idea and your strategy before you take matters out in
the open. Keeping talks quiet will benefit you.
Mercury will be retrograde this month from March 12 to April 4, and
additionally, Mars will continue to retrograde until April 13, a holdover
from January 23. You will almost certainly encounter delays by the time you
get to the middle of March, but when you do, don't fight them - go with them
. It appears it will be a partner or adversary who tries to hold things up,
but rather than protest, go with the flow.
Mars rules your partnership / marriage house, and Mercury is currently IN
that house, so it appears whatever is happening to frustrate your efforts to
get things done, matters are out of your control. Cooperate as best you can
and show a good attitude. If possible, as odd as this may sound, try to
slow things down even more. You need to get to April before you agree to any
financial plan. Ideally, you will want to reach a deal after the new moon,
April 21, one of the best of the year. That new moon just brims with
financial good fortune. For now, delays will benefit you.
Your focus on your partner, collaborator, or a competitor will increase at
the new moon in Aries (2 degrees) on March 22. At that time, four planets
will be crowded into your seventh house, the area of your chart ruling not
only the people who align with you and support you in a serious, contractual
way (in love - as in marriage - or in business), but also those people who
challenge, criticize, or compete with you and who are prone to attack your
You may be surprised to learn that such opposite types (both the good people
and the evil ones) could occupy the same part of your chart, the seventh
house. It all comes down to how that house is aspected by other planets, and
also how transiting planets relate to those found in your natal chart. I
can't see your natal chart from where I sit, of course, but I can see the
former situation, conversations each planet will have with the others this
With Uranus so very close to the Sun and new moon, it's clear one partner
will be volatile, but I am not sure if this is in a good way (he or she is a
genius) or a bad way (this person is a lunatic.) Either way, you won't be
able to predict what your partner will do next. Since it would be futile to
try to anticipate his or her behavior, you will have to simply look at any
visual clues you can find to discern the mood or mental state of your
partner or opponent. This won't be as hard to do as you might assume.
With Mars in your twelfth house now through June, your intuition will be
working in a powerful way and will give you the information you need. Trust
your gut. The twelfth house is very "right brain" - the part of your mind
where information comes in to your brain through the visual side, not from
the, more analytical, objective left side. You will have to be physically in
the presence of your partner/ opponent to get the clues you need, so do as
little as possible over email. The phone is better as you will be able to
judge inflection, but nothing beats being with your partner to pick up more
There are other things going on this month. You may have a family member who
has been infirmed in a hospital, nursing home, rehab center, physical
therapy center, or other institution of confinement. If you feel that your
relative has not been making enough progress, or that you've been drowning
in paperwork, meetings, or other bureaucratic work at this institution (to
help your relative), you will see much better progress next month. Should it
be you, instead of a relative, who is in the hospital or other care
facility for a procedure, the same is true - you will see things move
forward at a better clip by April, especially by the end of next month.
Now let's look at one tough day to avoid for any kind of meeting with a top
person, especially in regard to real estate or family matters. That day will
be March 29, when Pluto will challenge the Sun, and news is not likely to
be what you want to hear. An authority figure may give you too few options,
and you may feel pushed into a corner, forced to accept a course of action
you would rather resist.
I would say not to schedule any meetings near this date. This person may be
a banker, perspective seller or buyer of a house, or even your father or
other major figure in your family, as a few examples. If you have to have a
meeting, you would need to watch and listen rather than to enter into a
discussion because it would be more of a tug-of-war than give-and-take. If
your birthday falls on or near October 1, you will feel Pluto pressing on
you now.
In your career, several surprise developments may come up after the new moon
, March 22, and a friend will set things in motion. By all means investigate
that opportunity, but because Mercury is about to retrograde, keep your
talks simmering slowly. If you are self-employed, you may want to quickly
form a business partnership or joint venture this month, or hire an expert,
such a new lawyer or publicist, but you would do best to put off that
decision. Aim to finalize details of a final agreement in late April, a time
you will feel more support.
Romantically, having your ruling planet Venus in such good form is a great
start to March. As I mentioned before, Venus will bring happy experiences in
all realms of life, ones that go far beyond delivering good financial news.
Your allure will be high, so you can rely on your innate magnetism to
attract love to you.
Mars, however, is retrograde, so the chemistry may prove to be off in time.
It's not the best time to meet someone new, but see how you feel. If you are
getting close to deciding about marriage with a long-time partner, it might
be best to wait to pop the question (or to respond to a proposal by to
commit your heart forever). Wait until after Mars goes direct April 13. (
Mars rules your solar seventh house of serious commitments.)
When you see the date, April 13, as the date Mars goes direct, don't jump
too quickly on that date. A difficult day is due for matters of the heart
right after, on April 15, when the Sun in Aries will oppose Saturn in Libra.
You don't want to have any important talks about love and commitment or for
any business reason on that day. It'll be too dreary a day for that! Allow
some space of days, for sure!
In general, if single, meetings and attachments are likely to come up
quickly but flame out just as quickly unless you proceed slowly and allow
things to develop gradually. Build a good foundation. Don't over-emphasize
the appearance of your perspective partner - there could be additional
treasures within someone who doesn't immediately "grab" your attention. By
going slowly you will avoid the danger of assuming that this new person has
sterling qualities that really aren't there or, on the other side, miss
golden traits that person does possess but that you never saw. In a month
like this, what you see immediately is not what you necessarily get!
Single or attached, one day that might be great for love will be March 13,
when Venus will align with Jupiter. You will feel the energy of this lovely
day earlier, over the full moon, March 8 plus four days - those are your
Also watch March 24, when the Sun and Uranus will conjoin to produce a
lively date night. I should say however that when Uranus is involved, you
never know which way things will go. Uranus is the planet of surprise, and
is also the natural ruler of your solar fifth house of romance AND the house
that rules pregnancy / children. You may have a surprise meeting of someone
new and you may find that person to be quite intriguing. If you are
attached and dating a while, March 24 could bring all sorts of news, such as
learning that you (or your partner) are pregnant. If you are not planning
to have a baby, be extra careful this month.
Or, on the downside, near March 24, you may suddenly realize you can't
continue with your partner any longer, hoping against hope that things will
get better. Under a situation like that, things may end rather abruptly.
There are endless possibilities, but all of them relate to extreme
situations - dramatically unhappy or wildly happy. Uranus will often push
things to one end of the spectrum or the other in a very high contrast way
so you can see the situation more clearly.
If you are basically happy and attached to your partner, then late March's
vibrations may simply mean you will need to dance with your partner without
stepping on his or her toes. Surely with all the planets on the western side
of the chart, your partner will be in control.
I want to make something clear. The person you will think about most this
month could be your mate or steady romantic partner - or not. Rather, it
might be your agent, business partner, or headhunter, as a few examples. As
said earlier, your seventh house rules all serious, close relationships and
alliances of all kinds, so don't automatically assume it will be your
romantic partner who will be the erratic person in your life. It could be
someone you work closely with at work, like your agent (or if you are the
agent, one of the talents you represent), for example.
Knowing you may come up against an unpredictable person may help you keep
your armor on, so that you won't feel broadsided if anyone near should act
up. Keep in mind, however, that this energy works two ways. Conversely, near
March 21 and the two weeks to follow, you may be very happy with the person
you are close to and view this person as capable of generating many
progressive ideas, even ones that border even genius.
If your birthday falls on September 24 or within five days of this date, you
will feel the effects of this new moon in Aries the most. If you have other
planets at 2 degrees Aries, Libra, Gemini, Sagittarius, or Aquarius, you
will feel it too, and there is a chance you may benefit from it. It won't be
long until you find out!
March comes brimming with good financial news, almost all from a source
outside of your regular standbys. New funds may now stem from a bank loan or
insurance company payout, or money may come from one of your parents, as
some of many possible examples. The meeting of your ruling planet, Venus, to
good fortune Jupiter from March 8 to 14 will give you a rare kind of
financial luck and sense of security you've not felt in a long time.
Despite financial good fortune, you may also be focused on an overall lack
of control in regard to a partner's plans and actions. If this person is
someone like a spouse or business partner / agent or lawyer who you are
aligned with and want to remain with, you may have to compromise. You appear
to want to take a conservative course, but your partner seems in opposite
mode and drawn to a major risk-taking, entrepreneurial project that will be
coming up soon. Arguing your case won't have much effect on your partner now
, so choose your battles carefully. Libras born in September seem to be the
most undecided about what to do. Mars (until April 13) and Mercury (March 14
-April 4) will be retrograde, so for now, do nothing and decide nothing.
If the person you are thinking about is a competitor, detractor, or critic,
or someone who is clearly out to discredit you (such as a lawyer would do in
court), you need to expect the unexpected. Keep listening to your intuition
, for it will guide you in the right direction.
Jupiter's closeness to Venus shows you are holding all aces, but you seem
strangely unaware of your advantage. By next month, you'll be met with less
opposition and can win more of your points. Keep talking, for a number of
good ideas will likely surface if you do. By late April you can seal things
with a signature or a handshake. If you can't wait to late April, sign
things in early March, no later than March 9, or table talks to April 21 and
beyond. I wish there were a mid-course, but that seems to be it.
Watch your health in the early part of the month. The full moon of March 8
may show up any weakness in your constitution, and you may crave quiet,
peaceful time alone. In early to mid-March, you might need rest and you will
benefit from reflection. Think about all the recent life events you have
experienced to center yourself and plan your next move.
Life has not always been easy for you, for you are dealing with Saturn in
Libra, an aspect that adds many new responsibilities. Libras born at the end
of September are dealing with Uranus opposed to their Sun, also a strenuous
aspect that requires flexibility and resourcefulness in the face of
If you are single, it seems you have put lots of emphasis on a perspective
partner's appearance and the chemistry you feel. Looks, dear Libra, fade in
time, and chemistry can take you just so far - both are wonderful to have in
a relationship, but you need more. This month, look deeper, and you may
find a heart of gold and love that could last forever.
Dates to Note for Libra:
Most romantic dates: March 12-14, 17-18, and 27-28.
Protect your health within four days of the full moon March 8.
A sensational day for matters related to property, real estate, home, family
, and money would be March 12.
March 12-April 4 Mercury will be retrograde, so take no important actions
A gold-star day will be March 13, with Venus, your ruler, conjunct Jupiter;
this is a five-star day, not only of the month, but also of the year. Due to
Mercury retrograde, use the full moon March 8, operative to March 11, for
any initiation.
A new chapter starts up in your marriage or partnership on the new moon
March 22. Watch for news you don't expect in the ten days to follow.
Your partner is about to be surprising - or unpredictable March 24.

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: rt,估算一下数据量够不够,谢谢!
top loader 维修不困难吗?感觉都不容易。

【在 Y**********n 的大作中提到】
: 维修困难。。。。。。。。NND。。。。正对着一个下了一堆螺丝的front loader查说
: 明呢

看netflix的时候肯定要用wifi呀,不该用data plan,不然哪会够用,除非是数据无限

【在 N********n 的大作中提到】
: anyone?

★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 8.6

【在 N********n 的大作中提到】
: rt,估算一下数据量够不够,谢谢!