作为他的粉,我要严肃的批评他这种不顾商业前景、烧钱拍小众片的行为。再这么整下 去,电影公司会砍他的纺锭的。古宅鬼片这种题材早就不流行了,Crimson Peak很可能 最后跟环太1一样叫好不叫座,更可能跟Don't Be Afraid of the Dark一样连叫好都没 有。
7 楼
What I read from a financial website (kiplinger?) is they report at the end of the month. so the article suggests to pay down the balance before the end of the month. I assume everybdoy's statement date is different, I don't think they will report according to individal's statement date.