This story about Salma Hayek made me love her...
"On a goodwill trip to Sierra Leone in 2009, Salma Hayek famously breastfed
a week-old infant whose mother was too malnourished to produce milk herself.
The actress recalledthe wet nurse experience.
The baby was perfectly healthy, but the mother didn’t have milk. He was
very hungry. I was weaning Valentina [then 2-years-old], but I still had a
lot of milk that I was pumping, so I breast-fed the baby,” she says, her
voice dropping. “You should have seen his eyes. When he felt the
nourishment, he immediately stopped crying.”
Hayek says she was hoping to raise awareness that Sierra Leone has the
highest infant mortality rate in the world. She went on to say, “I actually
think my baby would be very proud to share her milk. And when she grows up
I’m going to make sure she continues to be a generous, caring person.”
Years later, Salma continues to answer questions about acting as a wet nurse.
'If you have milk, you have milk, and if they’re hungry, they’re hungry,”
she said. “I think it’s a beautiful thing, because motherhood is a very
strong place for women to connect and understand each other.'"
I couldn't agree more. ♥
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