2 楼
My son's doctor said that I can add vitamin D if his daily consumption is
between 24-36 ounces of formula. If he drinks more formula, then it's not
necessary or even harmful. It depends on where you live too. We live in the
north and can barely see the sun in winter.
between 24-36 ounces of formula. If he drinks more formula, then it's not
necessary or even harmful. It depends on where you live too. We live in the
north and can barely see the sun in winter.
国内的奶粉-similac sensitive for infant up to 12 month (转载)完了,老二好像也花生过敏了一般都是啥时候外型上可以看出来怀孕滴?母乳,产后6周来例假,正常吗?看ST帖子,三周大娃,我是不是让他自己睡?转让两个britax UPC关于TD或TDAP疫苗妈妈在UA的里程积分,用她自己中国的visa卡能不能兑换机票。请问Similac Mom 妈妈喜康素在美国有卖吗?四个月小娃疯狂地吃大拇指怎么办?我的催产无麻 双宝 顺产经历请教各位妈妈:生完孩子可以马上上学吗?今天下午一个人把昨天到货的婴儿床安装好了实在受不了了,看到就快抓狂了,怎么那么多文盲?三周大宝宝每2小时吃4oz。是不是吃太多了?担心做月子蒸澡的问题一岁半的宝宝可以喝蜂蜜水么?孕妇为他命含铁好还是不含好?36周岁怀孕,纠结要不要。。。宝宝上幼儿园适应过渡的问题