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By Susan Miller
As you begin November, if you feel your career progress has been too slow to
suit you, be quick to jump on opportunities that will start to emerge. You
are now in the very best portion of the year to make stellar career gains,
but you must work fast. Open talks now, but realize you don't have to
actually win the job yet, as big jobs often take weeks or months to be
awarded. What matters in astrology is when you start your hunt for your new
position - do that now, and the job you finally get will be one that will be
a jewel in your crown.
The new moon that appeared at the end of last month, on October 26, was
simply sensational for investigating new professional offers or asking for a
promotion at your present firm. New moons are operative for two weeks, and
the actions you take within those two weeks have the power to change the
course of your professional life in the twelve months to come. This would
also be the right time to get an approval for a far-reaching idea you had
presented (or will now present) to a current client. Think big, too - you
have the kind of aspects that will support you.
If you are self-employed, you can elevate your position by pitching new
clients. A prestigious one is likely to sign on with you soon if you do.
Once you have something to celebrate, publicize your success.
I want you to plant the seed early in the month, as all new moons become
weaker as each day passes. They are strongest at the time they appear, (
which was last month, near October 26). Did you have a meeting last month?
What happened then that could continue to grow? Meetings and conversations
you had in October's last week could be laden with potential. Even if you
didn't have any meetings or interesting phone calls then, you can still
generate an opportunity now if you start calling people you know.
The aspects at play are about scaling great career heights, not making a
lackluster lateral move, and that's great! This will be the only time of
2011 that I will urge you to consider changing positions. If you feel this
is not the right time to make a change, set your sights on the time near
full moon of April 21, 2012, for you could get fine results then, too.
There is one little problem in that Mercury is about to retrograde from
November 24 to December 13.
Mercury rules all the intellectual, rational, and objective thinking that
the world depends on to keep things spinning correctly. Indeed, Mercury
rules clear communication, negotiation, and contracts. However, when Mercury
is out of phase, all these areas go haywire. During these phases, it is not
the time to hire a contractor, close on a house, or buy important furniture
or electronics. It is also not the time to accept a new job offer, not
unless you don't mind if the job turns out to be short lived.
In short, you have to sit tight during this phase, but there is no reason to
be anxious about Mercury going retrograde. Delays will benefit you.
Conditions are changing, and you won't know which way they are changing
until several weeks after the retrograde is over. The tricky part is that
everything will look quite normal and the same on the surface, but it won't
be the case. When you hear Mercury is about to retrograde, it is a signal
that the game is changing, often radically, and the old rules won't apply.
Mercury will influence your holiday shopping, as it is not a good time to
shop for expensive gifts. For those, you really should shop early, in the
first week of November, or else wait until the last minute, and pick up
those pricey gifts from December 14 onward, after Mercury is done with the
It is vital that you not buy any electronic items during the retrograde -
your gifts (even those for yourself) will not deliver the happiness you
anticipate if you shop during these phases. It will be so much better to
wait! If you want to shop for small gifts under $200 or so, such as apparel,
wallets, handbags and the like, you can do so. Just be sure to carefully
save the receipts in case your recipient would like to make an exchange
later. I feel these types of gifts are perfectly safe to buy if you have
that gift receipt handy in case your recipient needs it.
If you hope to give gift cards, that's a good idea, as long as you choose a
retailer you are sure your recipient frequents, and that the retailer has a
store in the city where that person lives. Also, once you buy all your gift
cards, photocopy them so that you have the serial numbers should any cards
get lost. Write the name of the person you are giving the card to on the
photocopy, and keep all the copies in one folder in your desk. When Mercury
is retrograde, anything can happen.
Now let's turn to talk about your home and family situation, which is about
to get a big boost at the full moon, November 10, plus or minus four days.
This full moon will help you to crystallize any type of home-related plan. (
Mercury won't retrograde until November 23, so you would be free and clear
at the full moon to make decisions.)
Your home and family will be a big area of growth for you then and in months
to come, and at this point, you may get solid evidence that indeed you are
fortunate. If you hope to buy a house or condo, or to renovate several rooms
, you may find the right property to bid on. If you want to rent a new,
larger apartment, start to view spaces soon. Jupiter is currently retrograde
, so if you find your ideal situation but something seems not quite right
about it, don't let the obstacle deter you. Keep negotiating, or put talks
off until late next month, after Jupiter goes direct on December 25. Happily
, Jupiter will stay strong until June 11.
This full moon of November 10 does not make any decisive aspects to other
planets, but there is something else that will happen at the time, just as
powerful. Jupiter, in your solar fourth house of home, will be in a very
friendly angle to Pluto. On the same day, Mars will enter your financial
eighth house of other people's money, and remarkably, Mars will send
incredibly strong energy to both Jupiter and Pluto, giving you outstanding
luck in regard to home and family matters. Mars is known as the action
planet that gets things done!
Watch November 10, plus or minus four days, which is the full moon, for news
that things are moving in the right direction.
Mars will enter your financial eighth house of other people's money on
November 10, and rather than stay his usual seven weeks, he will remain in
your eighth house of other people's money for nearly eight months. That's an
enormous amount of time for Mars to spend in any one part of the chart. So
clearly, from mid-November to early July, you will be tending to quite a
number of financial matters. It may be that you are selling your house, or
selling a house that you inherited. You may volunteer to take over the
household ledgers for your aging parents or help your parents sell their
house so they can move to a warmer climate. You may be collecting bids from
contractors, or buying lots of new furniture to replace old, outworn pieces.
There may be other reasons you will be focused intently on money. You may be
busy raising venture capital, or dealing with a court case that is complex
and that requires your attention to lots of details. You may have a
complicated tax matter to sort out, or you may be battling an insurance
company for a payout you feel you deserve. If you are getting a divorce, it
appears you will be negotiating the settlement for a long time, possibly
until early July, but you will have a chance to settle by March. There are
many reasons you might have a strong emphasis on money matters in the coming
months, but your chart suggests that the most likely reason has to do with
a real estate matter.
On November 16, you will see just how fortunate you are, when Mars will
contact Jupiter on your behalf, and a home, property, or family matter will
bring wonderful news!
When I first saw that Mars was about to spend so much time in your money
sector, I said to myself, "Oh oh, is this good?" but then realized my first
reaction was completely wrong. This is no normal visit from Mars! Mars will
work closely with the two planets known to be linked to big financial
markets, and Jupiter and Pluto spell success whenever they are in
conversation. These two planets urge us to think BIG. With Mars, Jupiter,
and Pluto all in earth signs, they will demand a practical, objective
approach (not a visionary one), but if you can keep grounded, you will have
a sterling opportunity to do very, very well financially.
All three planets will orbit in early degrees of earth signs, forming a
golden triangle in the sky, called a "grand trine" - that's the best aspect
you could ever wish to get in a horoscope. Mars, the action planet, in your
money house, will directly link to Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, in your
real estate sector and to Pluto in your house of confidential matters. The
near-perfect triangle that they will create in the sky from November 16 to
28 will be a wonderful help to you to see a fortunate break, just when you
were about to think the miracle you need would never happen.
No matter what your situation, you have reason for hope. Let's say you are
in danger of losing your house because you are now "under water" because
your mortgage is for more than your house is worth. With such stellar
aspects at play now, I would suggest you meet with your banker this month to
set up a meeting in person. Present all the reasons why the bank should
work with you and trust that you will deliver on your promises. Stay strong
and have faith!
Or, if you are in a different kind of tight spot financially, say, because
you are out of work and are worried that you can't continue to pay your rent
, you may get a loan or outright gift from your mother or father. Family
support this month will be awesome. Your luck may emanate from your parents,
or from a sympathetic aunt or uncle who loves you.
There is another reason I am upbeat about your prospects for money. Neptune
is about to go direct on November 9, having been retrograde since June 3. If
you feel that no matter what you did over recent months, it was hard for
you to get money matters on track and moving in the right direction, you
will see a big difference after November 9 and in months to come.
Friends and contacts are due to be vital help to you later in the month,
starting on November 22 and 23, when the Sun and your ruling planet, Uranus,
will be in perfect sync. These days could be spectacular for you. If you
are active in social media, consider reaching out to people on one of these
days. The fact that your ruler is involved is very significant, because it
says you are named in this brilliant configuration.
The year's most friendly eclipse, November 25, a solar eclipse (new moon) in
Sagittarius, 3 degrees, will put even more emphasis on your involvement in
groups, communities, and possibly politics or charities / humanitarian
efforts. This is an area of lots of new developments, so make an effort to
make new friends and expand your circle. Your new friends will introduce you
to more new people, and also expose you to new interests. The effect will
be broadening, like a breath of fresh air.
I love that this new moon will receive such a positive beam from Uranus,
your ruler, suggesting something you are involved in doing this month, or in
December, should work out fantastically well. Whenever Uranus is involved,
surprises abound, too. No matter what you think will happen, things will
work out very differently - with an interesting twist. With so many planets
in Sagittarius, your new friends may have been born overseas, or have a
background very different from yours. There is some indication that you may
have to take a quick little trip, so be ready in case that happens.
When there is an eclipse, it is always possible that someone may be "
eclipsed out" (in this case it would not be a lover, but rather a friend or
colleague, and more likely a man than a woman.) I see this eclipse as
exciting and happy for you, though, so I see no reason to be concerned. I
raise this possibility for only a tiny portion of charts, in an effort to
tell you everything I see.
If your birthday falls on January 23 plus or minus five days, you will feel
the effects of this happy solar eclipse of November 25 very directly. You
could benefit so much from the efforts of a friend or with your involvement
in charities, community events, and other group endeavors.
Romantically, you have amazing prospects for fun, because Venus in
Sagittarius will have you in demand and on everyone's invitation list.
Indeed, your friends will coax you out of the house to be part of all they
do. In many ways, November will be your big social month, even more so than
If you are attached or dating seriously, your romantic relationship with
your steady date, spouse, or with a business partner, agent, or collaborator
, may have hit a difficult patch in past weeks, since mid-September onward.
Now, relief is on the way. Mars has been forcing the differences you both
hold out into the open so you would confront them, discuss them, and find
solutions. Since mid-September, you probably have worked hard on your
Mars will finally leave your opposite sign of Leo on November 10, so you can
expect a calmer, more peaceful interaction after that. This may be because
you have ironed out problems or because you realized you are hopelessly
incompatible and broke up. Either way, easier times are on the way.
One of your best days for fun and love will be November 2-3, when Venus
contacts Uranus in Aries and bubbles up plenty of fun. If you get invited to
a party on this night, you must agree to go! The moon will be in Aquarius
on both days, adding icing on the cake. Perfect!
I also think it's possible that you'll have a major event to attend near the
eclipse of November 25, one you will enjoy very much. There will be lots of
friendly faces to meet and get to know.
Most romantic dates: November 2, 3 (gold star), 11-13, 19, 22, 23, 25, and
26-27 (good for home entertaining). You can add November 29 and 30 for fun,
As the month dawns, you may be pleasantly surprised to see the attention and
praise VIPs will pay to you. You've waited all year for professional
opportunities to come up, and the ones that are surfacing now will be simply
dazzling. Cast a wide net - the actions you take now can have the power to
change your life's direction in the weeks and months ahead.
The caveat is that you MUST make your career a top priority in the first two
weeks, the sooner the better. Call friends and professional associates for
help, as your chart in November shows you will easily garner support. You
won't have a moment to spare, however, for the new moon of October 26, still
strong and responsible for the career luck you see in early November, won't
last long. That new moon's energies will begin to fade in intensity with
each passing day. The earlier you make phone calls, send queries, and have
meetings, the better.
Your home will need quick attention at the full moon, November 10, but all
the news will be happy and upbeat. You may conclude negotiation on a lease,
sale, or purchase of a house at this time, or make a final choice of
contractor for a renovation. All sorts of home-or-family decisions will be
possible, including the choice of a handsome new piece of furniture. With
good fortune Jupiter in your house of home, this is would be your very best
time to address domestic and family considerations. You will have until June
2012 to complete plans, but this full moon will bring special options to
act upon now.
Watch November 26-27 as potentially wonder-days for news related to home,
family, and property matters. Jupiter will send glimmering beams to Venus
and help you get outstanding news for this part of life. This weekend would
also be an ideal time to do entertaining at home.
You appear to be entering into a period of high spending that will last
almost eight months, beginning mid-November. If you have planned a major
lifestyle change, such as to move house, go back to college, open a business
, or have a baby (among many other possible examples), that would explain so
much of your outgo. Almost all major lifestyle changes require big outlays
of cash, so that would explain the extended period of spending. You may have
prepared for this phase of spending - joyously so - but if not, over coming
months, do your best not to spend with wild abandon. You will have to get
through many months, so if you have a stash saved, so much the better!
No reason to stress out now about money, though, for you have generous
Jupiter and Pluto supporting your every move. Mars will work with Jupiter
and Pluto to create the most generous and heavenly of all possible aspects,
the golden triangle, linking money, home, and powerful people behind the
scenes. No matter what your home situation - even if you feel that you are
in a bad way, and hanging on a string - help can arrive in the eleventh hour
. Keep searching for options - they will show up!
Friends are always of primary importance to Aquarius, and with Venus,
Mercury, the new moon / eclipse of the Sun on November 25 in fiery
Sagittarius, all in your friendship house, you will be eager to start
planning a festive holiday season.
A big social event may dot your calendar near November 25 - it may be a
wedding or reunion, or a benefit for a charity, as a few examples. The event
may need you to travel to attend, but you seem to be willing to do so. As
mentioned earlier, you will be cognizant of the cost of all things impacting
your budget this month, so you may hold out until the last minute deciding
whether to attend. It seems you will, and going will prove to be all you
hope it to be.
Also this month you may plan to join a group, online or in real life. Giving
your time to a humanitarian or community effort will allow you to make a
difference to the charity and help to flex your leadership muscles that you
can later transfer to your career. Some quick travel may be involved, and
although you will be cost-conscious, you will be willing to make the effort
- and write the check. No matter what you get involved in socially now, you
will be refreshed and invigorated by what you do, and you will open yourself
to new interests and friends - and maybe a new lover.
Sometimes eclipses "eclipse out" someone important to us, so near November
25, you may get news that one close friend is moving away, getting married,
or disappearing from your daily life for other reasons, possibly because of
a falling out. The latter case seems unlikely, however, as you seem in a
happy-go-lucky mood all month.
All in all, you certainly will have a lot going on socially and
professionally. Somehow you can make this all work, but you will have to do
some fast tap dancing and stay organized to do so. Of course you can -
Aquarius is the sign of genius!
Dates to Note for Aquarius
Mercury will be retrograde: November 24-December 13.
Most romantic dates: November 2, 3 (gold star), 11-13, 19, 22, 23, 25, and
26-27 (good for home entertaining). You can add November 29 and 30 for fun,
The full moon November 10 could bring exciting news about a real estate,
home refurbishing, or decorating matter. Family could be your focus too;
things culminate.
The new moon solar eclipse of November 25 may bring new friends into your
life, or a chance to make a difference to a charity. One friend may
disappear, but others will enter your life.
One of your best days, when everything goes your way, will be November 22-23
- when the Sun and Uranus trade signals. Spontaneous travel may come up,
and surprise communications make you smile.
Give a party or gathering at home: November 25-27.
Venus in Sagittarius will energize your social life from November 2 to 26.
November 3 could be amazing fun for singles - a chance meeting could occur
this day, thanks to Venus in perfect angle to Uranus, your ruler.
Mars in Virgo from November 10 to July 3 will substantially increase
spending for nearly eight months. Why? Try to anticipate reasons. Could be
you'll be raising money, like venture capital, seeking a mortgage? If so,
you are in luck!
Neptune has been retrograde for months, but will move forward November 9.
That change should help your efforts to find more income in months ahead.
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【在 z*****u 的大作中提到】
: 想问一下大家用的哪家reward account网上转账的功能比较好
: 是reward account自己的转账可以加外部账号,
: 不需要ING中转 然后可以转进转出
: 然后还想问一下速度怎么样



【在 j**********t 的大作中提到】
: 没有人翻苏三大妈的星运。真是听话的好娃娃们啊。
: By Susan Miller
: As you begin November, if you feel your career progress has been too slow to
: suit you, be quick to jump on opportunities that will start to emerge. You
: are now in the very best portion of the year to make stellar career gains,
: but you must work fast. Open talks now, but realize you don't have to
: actually win the job yet, as big jobs often take weeks or months to be
: awarded. What matters in astrology is when you start your hunt for your new
: position - do that now, and the job you finally get will be one that will be
: a jewel in your crown.


【在 f*******i 的大作中提到】
: RT
: 虽然系统上各有千秋,硬件上的成本应该是大差不差的吧
: HP这次算是把家底也交代了,除非HP是亏本卖,否则现在pad的价格就太暴力了


【在 i****n 的大作中提到】
: 水瓶座基本上英语都超级好,直接看原文的
write-off 100m...

【在 f*******i 的大作中提到】
: RT
: 虽然系统上各有千秋,硬件上的成本应该是大差不差的吧
: HP这次算是把家底也交代了,除非HP是亏本卖,否则现在pad的价格就太暴力了


【在 i****n 的大作中提到】
: 水瓶座基本上英语都超级好,直接看原文的
By Susan Miller
As you begin November, if you feel your career progress has been too slow to
suit you, be quick to jump on opportunities that will start to emerge. You
are now in the very best portion of the year to make stellar career gains,
but you must work fast. Open talks now, but realize you don't have to
actually win the job yet, as big jobs often take weeks or months to be
awarded. What matters in astrology is when you start your hunt for your new
position - do that now, and the job you finally get will be one that will be
a jewel in your crown.
The new moon that appeared at the end of last month, on October 26, was
simply sensational for investigating new professional offers or asking for a
promotion at your present firm. New moons are operative for two weeks, and
the actions you take within those two weeks have the power to change the
course of your professional life in the twelve months to come. This would
also be the right time to get an approval for a far-reaching idea you had
presented (or will now present) to a current client. Think big, too - you
have the kind of aspects that will support you.
If you are self-employed, you can elevate your position by pitching new
clients. A prestigious one is likely to sign on with you soon if you do.
Once you have something to celebrate, publicize your success.
I want you to plant the seed early in the month, as all new moons become
weaker as each day passes. They are strongest at the time they appear, (
which was last month, near October 26). Did you have a meeting last month?
What happened then that could continue to grow? Meetings and conversations
you had in October's last week could be laden with potential. Even if you
didn't have any meetings or interesting phone calls then, you can still
generate an opportunity now if you start calling people you know.
The aspects at play are about scaling great career heights, not making a
lackluster lateral move, and that's great! This will be the only time of
2011 that I will urge you to consider changing positions. If you feel this
is not the right time to make a change, set your sights on the time near
full moon of April 21, 2012, for you could get fine results then, too.
There is one little problem in that Mercury is about to retrograde from
November 24 to December 13.
Mercury rules all the intellectual, rational, and objective thinking that
the world depends on to keep things spinning correctly. Indeed, Mercury
rules clear communication, negotiation, and contracts. However, when Mercury
is out of phase, all these areas go haywire. During these phases, it is not
the time to hire a contractor, close on a house, or buy important furniture
or electronics. It is also not the time to accept a new job offer, not
unless you don't mind if the job turns out to be short lived.
In short, you have to sit tight during this phase, but there is no reason to
be anxious about Mercury going retrograde. Delays will benefit you.
Conditions are changing, and you won't know which way they are changing
until several weeks after the retrograde is over. The tricky part is that
everything will look quite normal and the same on the surface, but it won't
be the case. When you hear Mercury is about to retrograde, it is a signal
that the game is changing, often radically, and the old rules won't apply.
Mercury will influence your holiday shopping, as it is not a good time to
shop for expensive gifts. For those, you really should shop early, in the
first week of November, or else wait until the last minute, and pick up
those pricey gifts from December 14 onward, after Mercury is done with the
It is vital that you not buy any electronic items during the retrograde -
your gifts (even those for yourself) will not deliver the happiness you
anticipate if you shop during these phases. It will be so much better to
wait! If you want to shop for small gifts under $200 or so, such as apparel,
wallets, handbags and the like, you can do so. Just be sure to carefully
save the receipts in case your recipient would like to make an exchange
later. I feel these types of gifts are perfectly safe to buy if you have
that gift receipt handy in case your recipient needs it.
If you hope to give gift cards, that's a good idea, as long as you choose a
retailer you are sure your recipient frequents, and that the retailer has a
store in the city where that person lives. Also, once you buy all your gift
cards, photocopy them so that you have the serial numbers should any cards
get lost. Write the name of the person you are giving the card to on the
photocopy, and keep all the copies in one folder in your desk. When Mercury
is retrograde, anything can happen.
Now let's turn to talk about your home and family situation, which is about
to get a big boost at the full moon, November 10, plus or minus four days.
This full moon will help you to crystallize any type of home-related plan. (
Mercury won't retrograde until November 23, so you would be free and clear
at the full moon to make decisions.)
Your home and family will be a big area of growth for you then and in months
to come, and at this point, you may get solid evidence that indeed you are
fortunate. If you hope to buy a house or condo, or to renovate several rooms
, you may find the right property to bid on. If you want to rent a new,
larger apartment, start to view spaces soon. Jupiter is currently retrograde
, so if you find your ideal situation but something seems not quite right
about it, don't let the obstacle deter you. Keep negotiating, or put talks
off until late next month, after Jupiter goes direct on December 25. Happily
, Jupiter will stay strong until June 11.
This full moon of November 10 does not make any decisive aspects to other
planets, but there is something else that will happen at the time, just as
powerful. Jupiter, in your solar fourth house of home, will be in a very
friendly angle to Pluto. On the same day, Mars will enter your financial
eighth house of other people's money, and remarkably, Mars will send
incredibly strong energy to both Jupiter and Pluto, giving you outstanding
luck in regard to home and family matters. Mars is known as the action
planet that gets things done!
Watch November 10, plus or minus four days, which is the full moon, for news
that things are moving in the right direction.
Mars will enter your financial eighth house of other people's money on
November 10, and rather than stay his usual seven weeks, he will remain in
your eighth house of other people's money for nearly eight months. That's an
enormous amount of time for Mars to spend in any one part of the chart. So
clearly, from mid-November to early July, you will be tending to quite a
number of financial matters. It may be that you are selling your house, or
selling a house that you inherited. You may volunteer to take over the
household ledgers for your aging parents or help your parents sell their
house so they can move to a warmer climate. You may be collecting bids from
contractors, or buying lots of new furniture to replace old, outworn pieces.
There may be other reasons you will be focused intently on money. You may be
busy raising venture capital, or dealing with a court case that is complex
and that requires your attention to lots of details. You may have a
complicated tax matter to sort out, or you may be battling an insurance
company for a payout you feel you deserve. If you are getting a divorce, it
appears you will be negotiating the settlement for a long time, possibly
until early July, but you will have a chance to settle by March. There are
many reasons you might have a strong emphasis on money matters in the coming
months, but your chart suggests that the most likely reason has to do with
a real estate matter.
On November 16, you will see just how fortunate you are, when Mars will
contact Jupiter on your behalf, and a home, property, or family matter will
bring wonderful news!
When I first saw that Mars was about to spend so much time in your money
sector, I said to myself, "Oh oh, is this good?" but then realized my first
reaction was completely wrong. This is no normal visit from Mars! Mars will
work closely with the two planets known to be linked to big financial
markets, and Jupiter and Pluto spell success whenever they are in
conversation. These two planets urge us to think BIG. With Mars, Jupiter,
and Pluto all in earth signs, they will demand a practical, objective
approach (not a visionary one), but if you can keep grounded, you will have
a sterling opportunity to do very, very well financially.
All three planets will orbit in early degrees of earth signs, forming a
golden triangle in the sky, called a "grand trine" - that's the best aspect
you could ever wish to get in a horoscope. Mars, the action planet, in your
money house, will directly link to Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, in your
real estate sector and to Pluto in your house of confidential matters. The
near-perfect triangle that they will create in the sky from November 16 to
28 will be a wonderful help to you to see a fortunate break, just when you
were about to think the miracle you need would never happen.
No matter what your situation, you have reason for hope. Let's say you are
in danger of losing your house because you are now "under water" because
your mortgage is for more than your house is worth. With such stellar
aspects at play now, I would suggest you meet with your banker this month to
set up a meeting in person. Present all the reasons why the bank should
work with you and trust that you will deliver on your promises. Stay strong
and have faith!
Or, if you are in a different kind of tight spot financially, say, because
you are out of work and are worried that you can't continue to pay your rent
, you may get a loan or outright gift from your mother or father. Family
support this month will be awesome. Your luck may emanate from your parents,
or from a sympathetic aunt or uncle who loves you.
There is another reason I am upbeat about your prospects for money. Neptune
is about to go direct on November 9, having been retrograde since June 3. If
you feel that no matter what you did over recent months, it was hard for
you to get money matters on track and moving in the right direction, you
will see a big difference after November 9 and in months to come.
Friends and contacts are due to be vital help to you later in the month,
starting on November 22 and 23, when the Sun and your ruling planet, Uranus,
will be in perfect sync. These days could be spectacular for you. If you
are active in social media, consider reaching out to people on one of these
days. The fact that your ruler is involved is very significant, because it
says you are named in this brilliant configuration.
The year's most friendly eclipse, November 25, a solar eclipse (new moon) in
Sagittarius, 3 degrees, will put even more emphasis on your involvement in
groups, communities, and possibly politics or charities / humanitarian
efforts. This is an area of lots of new developments, so make an effort to
make new friends and expand your circle. Your new friends will introduce you
to more new people, and also expose you to new interests. The effect will
be broadening, like a breath of fresh air.
I love that this new moon will receive such a positive beam from Uranus,
your ruler, suggesting something you are involved in doing this month, or in
December, should work out fantastically well. Whenever Uranus is involved,
surprises abound, too. No matter what you think will happen, things will
work out very differently - with an interesting twist. With so many planets
in Sagittarius, your new friends may have been born overseas, or have a
background very different from yours. There is some indication that you may
have to take a quick little trip, so be ready in case that happens.
When there is an eclipse, it is always possible that someone may be "
eclipsed out" (in this case it would not be a lover, but rather a friend or
colleague, and more likely a man than a woman.) I see this eclipse as
exciting and happy for you, though, so I see no reason to be concerned. I
raise this possibility for only a tiny portion of charts, in an effort to
tell you everything I see.
If your birthday falls on January 23 plus or minus five days, you will feel
the effects of this happy solar eclipse of November 25 very directly. You
could benefit so much from the efforts of a friend or with your involvement
in charities, community events, and other group endeavors.
Romantically, you have amazing prospects for fun, because Venus in
Sagittarius will have you in demand and on everyone's invitation list.
Indeed, your friends will coax you out of the house to be part of all they
do. In many ways, November will be your big social month, even more so than
If you are attached or dating seriously, your romantic relationship with
your steady date, spouse, or with a business partner, agent, or collaborator
, may have hit a difficult patch in past weeks, since mid-September onward.
Now, relief is on the way. Mars has been forcing the differences you both
hold out into the open so you would confront them, discuss them, and find
solutions. Since mid-September, you probably have worked hard on your
Mars will finally leave your opposite sign of Leo on November 10, so you can
expect a calmer, more peaceful interaction after that. This may be because
you have ironed out problems or because you realized you are hopelessly
incompatible and broke up. Either way, easier times are on the way.
One of your best days for fun and love will be November 2-3, when Venus
contacts Uranus in Aries and bubbles up plenty of fun. If you get invited to
a party on this night, you must agree to go! The moon will be in Aquarius
on both days, adding icing on the cake. Perfect!
I also think it's possible that you'll have a major event to attend near the
eclipse of November 25, one you will enjoy very much. There will be lots of
friendly faces to meet and get to know.
Most romantic dates: November 2, 3 (gold star), 11-13, 19, 22, 23, 25, and
26-27 (good for home entertaining). You can add November 29 and 30 for fun,
As the month dawns, you may be pleasantly surprised to see the attention and
praise VIPs will pay to you. You've waited all year for professional
opportunities to come up, and the ones that are surfacing now will be simply
dazzling. Cast a wide net - the actions you take now can have the power to
change your life's direction in the weeks and months ahead.
The caveat is that you MUST make your career a top priority in the first two
weeks, the sooner the better. Call friends and professional associates for
help, as your chart in November shows you will easily garner support. You
won't have a moment to spare, however, for the new moon of October 26, still
strong and responsible for the career luck you see in early November, won't
last long. That new moon's energies will begin to fade in intensity with
each passing day. The earlier you make phone calls, send queries, and have
meetings, the better.
Your home will need quick attention at the full moon, November 10, but all
the news will be happy and upbeat. You may conclude negotiation on a lease,
sale, or purchase of a house at this time, or make a final choice of
contractor for a renovation. All sorts of home-or-family decisions will be
possible, including the choice of a handsome new piece of furniture. With
good fortune Jupiter in your house of home, this is would be your very best
time to address domestic and family considerations. You will have until June
2012 to complete plans, but this full moon will bring special options to
act upon now.
Watch November 26-27 as potentially wonder-days for news related to home,
family, and property matters. Jupiter will send glimmering beams to Venus
and help you get outstanding news for this part of life. This weekend would
also be an ideal time to do entertaining at home.
You appear to be entering into a period of high spending that will last
almost eight months, beginning mid-November. If you have planned a major
lifestyle change, such as to move house, go back to college, open a business
, or have a baby (among many other possible examples), that would explain so
much of your outgo. Almost all major lifestyle changes require big outlays
of cash, so that would explain the extended period of spending. You may have
prepared for this phase of spending - joyously so - but if not, over coming
months, do your best not to spend with wild abandon. You will have to get
through many months, so if you have a stash saved, so much the better!
No reason to stress out now about money, though, for you have generous
Jupiter and Pluto supporting your every move. Mars will work with Jupiter
and Pluto to create the most generous and heavenly of all possible aspects,
the golden triangle, linking money, home, and powerful people behind the
scenes. No matter what your home situation - even if you feel that you are
in a bad way, and hanging on a string - help can arrive in the eleventh hour
. Keep searching for options - they will show up!
Friends are always of primary importance to Aquarius, and with Venus,
Mercury, the new moon / eclipse of the Sun on November 25 in fiery
Sagittarius, all in your friendship house, you will be eager to start
planning a festive holiday season.
A big social event may dot your calendar near November 25 - it may be a
wedding or reunion, or a benefit for a charity, as a few examples. The event
may need you to travel to attend, but you seem to be willing to do so. As
mentioned earlier, you will be cognizant of the cost of all things impacting
your budget this month, so you may hold out until the last minute deciding
whether to attend. It seems you will, and going will prove to be all you
hope it to be.
Also this month you may plan to join a group, online or in real life. Giving
your time to a humanitarian or community effort will allow you to make a
difference to the charity and help to flex your leadership muscles that you
can later transfer to your career. Some quick travel may be involved, and
although you will be cost-conscious, you will be willing to make the effort
- and write the check. No matter what you get involved in socially now, you
will be refreshed and invigorated by what you do, and you will open yourself
to new interests and friends - and maybe a new lover.
Sometimes eclipses "eclipse out" someone important to us, so near November
25, you may get news that one close friend is moving away, getting married,
or disappearing from your daily life for other reasons, possibly because of
a falling out. The latter case seems unlikely, however, as you seem in a
happy-go-lucky mood all month.
All in all, you certainly will have a lot going on socially and
professionally. Somehow you can make this all work, but you will have to do
some fast tap dancing and stay organized to do so. Of course you can -
Aquarius is the sign of genius!
Dates to Note for Aquarius
Mercury will be retrograde: November 24-December 13.
Most romantic dates: November 2, 3 (gold star), 11-13, 19, 22, 23, 25, and
26-27 (good for home entertaining). You can add November 29 and 30 for fun,
The full moon November 10 could bring exciting news about a real estate,
home refurbishing, or decorating matter. Family could be your focus too;
things culminate.
The new moon solar eclipse of November 25 may bring new friends into your
life, or a chance to make a difference to a charity. One friend may
disappear, but others will enter your life.
One of your best days, when everything goes your way, will be November 22-23
- when the Sun and Uranus trade signals. Spontaneous travel may come up,
and surprise communications make you smile.
Give a party or gathering at home: November 25-27.
Venus in Sagittarius will energize your social life from November 2 to 26.
November 3 could be amazing fun for singles - a chance meeting could occur
this day, thanks to Venus in perfect angle to Uranus, your ruler.
Mars in Virgo from November 10 to July 3 will substantially increase
spending for nearly eight months. Why? Try to anticipate reasons. Could be
you'll be raising money, like venture capital, seeking a mortgage? If so,
you are in luck!
Neptune has been retrograde for months, but will move forward November 9.
That change should help your efforts to find more income in months ahead.


【在 j**********t 的大作中提到】
: 没有人翻苏三大妈的星运。真是听话的好娃娃们啊。
: By Susan Miller
: As you begin November, if you feel your career progress has been too slow to
: suit you, be quick to jump on opportunities that will start to emerge. You
: are now in the very best portion of the year to make stellar career gains,
: but you must work fast. Open talks now, but realize you don't have to
: actually win the job yet, as big jobs often take weeks or months to be
: awarded. What matters in astrology is when you start your hunt for your new
: position - do that now, and the job you finally get will be one that will be
: a jewel in your crown.


【在 i****n 的大作中提到】
: 水瓶座基本上英语都超级好,直接看原文的

【在 i****n 的大作中提到】
: 水瓶座基本上英语都超级好,直接看原文的