弄了这么多单子,还是CostCentral 最厚道 (转载)
弄了这么多单子,还是CostCentral 最厚道 (转载)# PDA - 掌中宝
【 以下文字转载自 ebiz 讨论区 】
发信人: Princetonboy (Princetonboy), 信区: ebiz
标 题: 弄了这么多单子,还是CostCentral 最厚道
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Aug 23 09:10:57 2011, 美东)
Due to an overwhelming response to this item, we will require additional
time to process and ship these orders. If you chose expedited shipping,
your order will ship via that method however it will still take additional
time to process your order. Rest assured we are working as quickly as
possible to process your order.
We received tens of thousands of orders for the HP Touchpads. We have
restructured our support team to help with the processing of these orders.
In order to allow our support staff to work on processing these order, we
ask that you please refrain from contacting us for the status of your order.
Once your order has been processed and shipped, you will automatically
receive an email with tracking information. If we should encounter an issue
with your order, you will be contacted directly.
If you have concerns if you order has been received; you may log into your account and your order should appear in your order history.
We do apologize for the delay and rest assured your order will be filled as
soon as possible and that your credit card will not be charged until your
order is ready to ship.
We appreciate your business and your patience while we work to process and
fill every customers order.
The Team
hou dao what?
just politics wording

【在 P**********y 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 ebiz 讨论区 】
: 发信人: Princetonboy (Princetonboy), 信区: ebiz
: 标 题: 弄了这么多单子,还是CostCentral 最厚道
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Aug 23 09:10:57 2011, 美东)
: Due to an overwhelming response to this item, we will require additional
: time to process and ship these orders. If you chose expedited shipping,
: your order will ship via that method however it will still take additional
: time to process your order. Rest assured we are working as quickly as
: possible to process your order.
: We received tens of thousands of orders for the HP Touchpads. We have
