920的这些accessories实在是碉堡了# PDA - 掌中宝
1 楼
我准备的时间还不够, 今天这二面有点忐忑.面我的人是个白人小伙子, 说话很快, 不
1. how to pick first k maximum numbers in an array.
me: most straightforward, sort then pick, nlgn + k
he: ok...
me: better way, quick select, n * k
he: what is quick select, why is it linear time?
me: talking...
he: what if array is way bigger than the memory, can this work?
me:...yes...but slower due to swapping...
he: anything better?
me: ...
问了他,他说,你可以构造一个size k heap. then it is nlogk. 哎, 我当时真
没往这想. 还是准备不够.
2. write a c program to reverse a string, read to me.
me: reading...
he: how do you test? what parameter will you pass to it?
me: char *, but can't be string literal
he: what is string literal? why can't?
me: talking...
he: what if there are unexpected results, say garbage char?
me: ..? the trailing \0 is not right after the valid char?
he: no, let's say they use this to sort german, and garbage char.
me: it should work?
he: what is char set of german?
me: oh, you are talking about unicode, 2 bytes per char?
he: what would that affect your program?
me: just swap 2 bytes instead of 1 then.
he: ok...
3. design a card game in c++
class card
int suit,
int rank,
class app
struct { card mycard,
card * next;
card里面需要有个 card * next, 我跟他说了他就ok了.
4. explain mutex & deadlock, how to avoid deadlock.
这个标准概念题. 然后我们讨论了下第一题的那个heap. 之后就挂了,
刚好一小时. 他说如果有下一轮,那么可能是onsite.
不知道吉凶如何. 心里七上八下. 不过还是自己准备的时间太短.
过一段应该状态有提升. 诸位有人这些天拿到他们的onsite吗?
我准备的时间还不够, 今天这二面有点忐忑.面我的人是个白人小伙子, 说话很快, 不
1. how to pick first k maximum numbers in an array.
me: most straightforward, sort then pick, nlgn + k
he: ok...
me: better way, quick select, n * k
he: what is quick select, why is it linear time?
me: talking...
he: what if array is way bigger than the memory, can this work?
me:...yes...but slower due to swapping...
he: anything better?
me: ...
问了他,他说,你可以构造一个size k heap. then it is nlogk. 哎, 我当时真
没往这想. 还是准备不够.
2. write a c program to reverse a string, read to me.
me: reading...
he: how do you test? what parameter will you pass to it?
me: char *, but can't be string literal
he: what is string literal? why can't?
me: talking...
he: what if there are unexpected results, say garbage char?
me: ..? the trailing \0 is not right after the valid char?
he: no, let's say they use this to sort german, and garbage char.
me: it should work?
he: what is char set of german?
me: oh, you are talking about unicode, 2 bytes per char?
he: what would that affect your program?
me: just swap 2 bytes instead of 1 then.
he: ok...
3. design a card game in c++
class card
int suit,
int rank,
class app
struct { card mycard,
card * next;
card里面需要有个 card * next, 我跟他说了他就ok了.
4. explain mutex & deadlock, how to avoid deadlock.
这个标准概念题. 然后我们讨论了下第一题的那个heap. 之后就挂了,
刚好一小时. 他说如果有下一轮,那么可能是onsite.
不知道吉凶如何. 心里七上八下. 不过还是自己准备的时间太短.
过一段应该状态有提升. 诸位有人这些天拿到他们的onsite吗?