Le Le is a big fan of Baby Einstein’s MacDonald’s Farm. He wants to watch
“E-A-E-A-O” every night. Last Saturday we finally made it to the real farm
- Howell Live History Farm in NJ.
The first thing to see was of cause the horse barn. There are eight horses
in the barn, all male. Blaze is the nicest one. He has dark brown skin with
brown/white face. You can touch him. Le Le was so happy to be close to a
real horse. My favorite is Mac, a black horse with shining skin and very fit
body, while most
Le Le is a big fan of Baby Einstein’s MacDonald’s Farm. He wants to watch
“E-A-E-A-O” every night. Last Saturday we finally made it to the real farm
- Howell Live History Farm in NJ.
The first thing to see was of cause the horse barn. There are eight horses
in the barn, all male. Blaze is the nicest one. He has dark brown skin with
brown/white face. You can touch him. Le Le was so happy to be close to a
real horse. My favorite is Mac, a black horse with shining skin and very fit
body, while most of other horses are kind of big. The farmer girl showed us
how to brush the horses use scrubber and firm brush.
Then we went to see the 2-day-old chicks, pigs, cows, turkey, chicken, hen,
ducks and sheep which you can touch.
A bunch of people caught our attention. Le Le said “food”. Indeed they are
chopping onions, scarlino, and then use blender to crash tomato. You may
DIY and make your own jar of tomato dips. Tomato came in different color –
red, orange, pink, even green. The farmer girl was nice enough to cut one
orange tomato for Le Le to taste and he loved it. Since they don’t sell the
tomato, I memorized the name of the tomato (Jubilee) so I can buy it from
local store later. If you want farmer Joe can take you to pick up tomato and
make your jar of dip truly from scratch and fresh.
I bought a jar for $3 and joined the crowd to fill up my cook jar. Le Le
helped with measuring the flour and pouring into the jar. Then I learnt how
to use two teaspoons to measure a level tsp of baking soda and salt. Then I
added sugar, brown sugar and chocolate chips – was amazed by the sugar
amount and thought of cutting down to half. But they told me it has to be
enough other vise the cookies would not taste right. So I followed their
advice and hang their recipe on the bottle, chose a blue tweed cloth cover
and tight it up. Here you go – the first cookie jar of Le Le and mine. Will
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河映`鍍]箌盫苆鉱R輠湶q公LP厘f圃啮蚛i;f9壠満雠[张/u枕沜6鵇弪臷=螨搏\眮]发信人: ellenecho (nininana), 信区: Parenting
标 题: Re: 怎么办
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Oct 9 15:12:04 2006)
搬家吧. 小孩子也少受点限制
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