请推荐个小孩做作业的台灯?# Parenting - 为人父母


【在 b**j 的大作中提到】
: 换过几个,普通白炽灯的,容易发热,也买过LED的,似乎有的太亮,有的不够亮,也不
: 知道对眼睛好不好。刚好今天灯坏了,要换一个。
: 请万能的父母版推荐一下。
: thanks!

I got a book talking about lighting for reading but I am on a business trip
staying in a hotel. Otherwise I will take a picture of the book and post it
The book's title is "Interior Lighting" by Gary Gordon. The section that
talk about great light source for reading is around page 40. You probably
can find it in library.
The brightness is not the most important factor to reading light. Contrast
is more important. Rule one is the light source should not within the view
when you are reading books, desk lamp is usually not suitable for hours of
reading. Rule two is that nothing else has more contrast than the book
itself. Since most books has white background, dark colored table is a big
no no. If you want the kid use the same setup when later on for computer or
laptop. You probably want the wall to be whitish. No dark color hutche
Rule three is no bright light directly on top of the head or slightly in
front of the head. It will reflect light on the book and cause strain on the
We just remodeled our house. We put ceiling recess light on the two ends of
my son's table so that it hit middle of the table at 45 degree (he got a big
table). The design is exactly like Gary's book. I liked it so much. We
ended up have the contractor come back and did the same thing for both my
office and my husband's game room.


【在 P*******m 的大作中提到】
: I got a book talking about lighting for reading but I am on a business trip
: staying in a hotel. Otherwise I will take a picture of the book and post it
: here.
: The book's title is "Interior Lighting" by Gary Gordon. The section that
: talk about great light source for reading is around page 40. You probably
: can find it in library.
: The brightness is not the most important factor to reading light. Contrast
: is more important. Rule one is the light source should not within the view
: when you are reading books, desk lamp is usually not suitable for hours of
: reading. Rule two is that nothing else has more contrast than the book


★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.7

【在 P*******m 的大作中提到】
: I got a book talking about lighting for reading but I am on a business trip
: staying in a hotel. Otherwise I will take a picture of the book and post it
: here.
: The book's title is "Interior Lighting" by Gary Gordon. The section that
: talk about great light source for reading is around page 40. You probably
: can find it in library.
: The brightness is not the most important factor to reading light. Contrast
: is more important. Rule one is the light source should not within the view
: when you are reading books, desk lamp is usually not suitable for hours of
: reading. Rule two is that nothing else has more contrast than the book

You mean a photo of the page on the book? I cannot get that until I am home.
The ceiling recess light is the most common and most ugly lighting you could
find in home stores. But since I use them in a bed room, it is more for
practical purpose than for the looks.
The important thing is how you position the light source instead which kind
of light you use. If you can position the cheap bath room light from BBB for
$20 each in the right position, it will work. You can also hang two
Chandelier that cost 2K each, if they are in the wrong position, it will not
work. Basically, you try to mimic the library or office lighting with a
lower budget.

【在 c*******u 的大作中提到】
: 可以上张照片吗?
: trip
: it
: ★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.7

Thanks for the replay. I am in the middle redo my daughter's play room, one
area is going to be an art corner,there will be a big table - where my
daughter can draw or do craft, she is only 2, down the road she might do
home work over there too. The lighting I have in mind is couple of recess
lights or one ceiling light in the room for ambient lighting and hang a
pendant light above that big table for art or homework. I see similar design
in ikea kid area.But it is kinda contradict to what you said, the light
source is within the scene.
here is one picture I found online (the second one in the link)


【在 P*******m 的大作中提到】
: You mean a photo of the page on the book? I cannot get that until I am home.
: The ceiling recess light is the most common and most ugly lighting you could
: find in home stores. But since I use them in a bed room, it is more for
: practical purpose than for the looks.
: The important thing is how you position the light source instead which kind
: of light you use. If you can position the cheap bath room light from BBB for
: $20 each in the right position, it will work. You can also hang two
: Chandelier that cost 2K each, if they are in the wrong position, it will not
: work. Basically, you try to mimic the library or office lighting with a
: lower budget.

Thanks a lot. I am trying to find a desk lamp recently on Amazon too.
Here is the picture from the book


【在 c*******u 的大作中提到】
: Thanks for the replay. I am in the middle redo my daughter's play room, one
: area is going to be an art corner,there will be a big table - where my
: daughter can draw or do craft, she is only 2, down the road she might do
: home work over there too. The lighting I have in mind is couple of recess
: lights or one ceiling light in the room for ambient lighting and hang a
: pendant light above that big table for art or homework. I see similar design
: in ikea kid area.But it is kinda contradict to what you said, the light
: source is within the scene.
: here is one picture I found online (the second one in the link)

Never posted a picture before. How do I post picture?

【在 P*******m 的大作中提到】
: Here is the picture from the book
: IMG_7988.JPG
: one
: design


【在 P*******m 的大作中提到】
: Here is the picture from the book
: IMG_7988.JPG
: one
: design

Actually you can find the book in library. It is a text book for interior
design students. Most people work on commercial building interior design
knows about this author. I think it is on 3rd or 4th edition now. The
pictures are on page 41 on my book.
I thought we are talking about reading lights for older kids. It does not
apply to toddler's play room.
Also it is not the light source should not be in the scene. It is the light
source should not be in the view when you are reading the book. In your
picture, if you are looking down on a book, you will not see the light. For
desk lamp, if you place it to far, it will be in the view. If you place it
too close to you, you will get glare.
Task light is not reading light. Task light is brighter than reading light
and meant for looking at moving object. Your eyes will not be looking at the
lighted object for a prolonged time. Most tailor or sculptor has task light
. Their work make them move a lot and they don't stare at the lighted object
all the time.
If you have a student that reads for a long time. For example take a one
hour test, then check answers to the answers sheet for half an hour, then go
through wrong answers to figure out what went wrong for another hour. You
don't want to sit down under a task light.
As for toddler's play room, ambient light is good enough. If you find them
kept on playing under the table or shadowy area, you probably need to check
is there are too much light in the room.


【在 c*******u 的大作中提到】
: Thanks for the replay. I am in the middle redo my daughter's play room, one
: area is going to be an art corner,there will be a big table - where my
: daughter can draw or do craft, she is only 2, down the road she might do
: home work over there too. The lighting I have in mind is couple of recess
: lights or one ceiling light in the room for ambient lighting and hang a
: pendant light above that big table for art or homework. I see similar design
: in ikea kid area.But it is kinda contradict to what you said, the light
: source is within the scene.
: here is one picture I found online (the second one in the link)

Thank you for your help. Took me a little while to figure it out. The photo
file was too big.

【在 s**n 的大作中提到】
: 在回复帖子的时候(不是同主题模式下哈,是回复某个具体的帖子的时候)
: 帖子标题底下会有一个“点击添加附件”

Thanks for the suggestion, I will see if ceiling light is good enough for my
daughter's play room, though I always think pendant light hanging over a
table is cute. I see a lot of great input from you, are you interested in
interior design or a designer by trade? Do you think most certified interior
designers have knowledge on lighting? The reason I ask is I talked to a
newly certified designer about designing the play room and talked her into
helping me design this room for very little money and as return she use
before/after pictures in her portfolio.The only concern I have is how
qualified she is as she obviously does not have much real experience yet.


【在 P*******m 的大作中提到】
: Actually you can find the book in library. It is a text book for interior
: design students. Most people work on commercial building interior design
: knows about this author. I think it is on 3rd or 4th edition now. The
: pictures are on page 41 on my book.
: I thought we are talking about reading lights for older kids. It does not
: apply to toddler's play room.
: Also it is not the light source should not be in the scene. It is the light
: source should not be in the view when you are reading the book. In your
: picture, if you are looking down on a book, you will not see the light. For
: desk lamp, if you place it to far, it will be in the view. If you place it

I am a engineer working on computer all day. I got a friend that studied
interior design but said he will never work for me because I am a picky
A designer with no experience is no good. It's better to read a lot of
magazine and find out what you want. The recommended approach is go to the
library and get a tall stack of magazine to read. Find 3-4 magazines that
you like, then subscribe them for a year. Tear out the pages you like from
the magazine you subscribed. Go visit the show rooms that you are interested
in. Then put together your own ideas.
A lot of so called "designer" can not even use graphic tools. When I pull
out a Microsoft Visio floor plan, some of them gasps "ahhh, You know how to
make those. I wish I could do that too".
The only good thing (to me) about interior designer is to get discount on
furniture and lighting product if you buy high end brand. The discount can
be really deep. My friend helped me bought a few pieces of Knoll furniture.
It was 55% off. I choose all of them, fabric color, texture, wood color, by
myself, only bring him to the merchant's office to get the discount.
A lot of "designer" only pick the easy project. When I got married, my
husband had mostly mission style furniture. His grandpa give him a few 50s
Arts and Crafts furniture in walnut wood. I got my Knoll couch, swivel
chairs and table. My husband cannot trust me to pull all these elements
together, so we set out to find a designer to help us decide wall color,
area rug and etc. Turns out, no one wants to do it, even a high end designer
house in downtwon Chicago, they choose not to give us a price on how much
it takes to work with us as soon as they find out how complicate it is. In
the end, my husband give the job back to me. If you have time, it's better
to do it on your own because you probably understand you own lifestyle much
better than the "designer".
If you need a contractor to complete the interior, I find the contractor
give me more helpful info than "designer".


【在 c*******u 的大作中提到】
: Thanks for the suggestion, I will see if ceiling light is good enough for my
: daughter's play room, though I always think pendant light hanging over a
: table is cute. I see a lot of great input from you, are you interested in
: interior design or a designer by trade? Do you think most certified interior
: designers have knowledge on lighting? The reason I ask is I talked to a
: newly certified designer about designing the play room and talked her into
: helping me design this room for very little money and as return she use
: before/after pictures in her portfolio.The only concern I have is how
: qualified she is as she obviously does not have much real experience yet.

An experienced designer may easily command $150/hour, I'd never pay that
much, can not afford, I don't live in a million dolor house either. If
someone can help me put together a room that both functional and flow nicely
, I am happy. I do subscribe design magazines and surf website like houzz
and apartment therapy everyday, but I feel I still need help from
professional for second opinion. I am a software engineer working in
downtown Chicago, will love to chat with you someday.

★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.7

【在 P*******m 的大作中提到】
: I am a engineer working on computer all day. I got a friend that studied
: interior design but said he will never work for me because I am a picky
: client.
: A designer with no experience is no good. It's better to read a lot of
: magazine and find out what you want. The recommended approach is go to the
: library and get a tall stack of magazine to read. Find 3-4 magazines that
: you like, then subscribe them for a year. Tear out the pages you like from
: the magazine you subscribed. Go visit the show rooms that you are interested
: in. Then put together your own ideas.
: A lot of so called "designer" can not even use graphic tools. When I pull

I don't know how some parents can write so many posts when they have more
than one kid to take care of. I only got one kid but the minute I arrive
home, I have no time for internet any more.
Chicago! I really like this city. I lived there for a few years until my
husband's job moved us to Dallas. I have not able to go back ever since my
son is born. My husbands family have a family network in his brother's house
in Chicago suburb. Whenever I use the software VPN phone on my computer,
people think I am calling from Chicago suburb because the area code is "224".
I bought my Knoll from Merchandise Mart. You can visit this place for some
inspiration if your designer have access to the show room. It is not open to
the general public and you need a badge to get on the elevator. The "
designer" inside Merchandise Mart is more like sales man. If you like a
particular brand, they might design it for you. During the summer time, they
often have days that open the floors to public.
I know what you mean. For people rely on salary for living and paying
mortgage monthly, House can be a bottomless hole keep on eating away your
I was not into the brand name stuff before. Then on my 32nd birthday, I find
myself single and reading an article "one person's home is still a home". I
decided to have some retail therapy and get rid of IKEA furniture in my
apartment. My apartment looked great until I met my now husband 3 months
later. He teased me mercilessly for breaking the bank buying the Knoll. Our
wedding was exactly 24 month after the Merchandise Mart truck send the Knoll
to my apartment. My dad come from China to our wedding and saw what we got,
told my mom "败家子". HaHaHa...
I am not going to be on the internet now that I am home. Hope you have fun
with your remodeling project. I am not sure when I will be in Chicago. But
if I go, I will email your account.


【在 c*******u 的大作中提到】
: An experienced designer may easily command $150/hour, I'd never pay that
: much, can not afford, I don't live in a million dolor house either. If
: someone can help me put together a room that both functional and flow nicely
: , I am happy. I do subscribe design magazines and surf website like houzz
: and apartment therapy everyday, but I feel I still need help from
: professional for second opinion. I am a software engineer working in
: downtown Chicago, will love to chat with you someday.
: ★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.7
