The Wolf and the Crane# Parenting - 为人父母
The Story
Passage 1 A Wolf had been gorging on an animal he had killed, when
suddenly a small bone in the meat stuck in his throat and he could not
swallow it. He soon felt terrible pain in his throat, and ran up and down
groaning and groaning and seeking for something to relieve the pain. He
tried to induce every one he met to remove the bone. “I would give anything
,” said he, “if you would take it out.” At last the Crane agreed to try,
and told the Wolf to lie on his side and open his jaws as wide as he could.
Then the Crane put its long neck down the Wolf’s throat, and with its beak
loosened the bone, till at last it got it out.
Passage 2 “Will you kindly give me the reward you promised?” said the
Passage 3 The Wolf grinned and showed his teeth and said: “Be content.
You have put your head inside a Wolf’s mouth and taken it out again in
safety; that ought to be reward enough for you.”
Passage 4 Gratitude and greed go not together.
Multiple Choice Questions
1.The story uses the word groan to describe how the Wolf was__
A.laughing aloud with joy.
B.crying with long deep sound as he suffered a terrible pain.
2.The story uses the word gorging to describe how the Wolf was__
A.eating the dead animal greedily and swallowing the meat quickly down to
his stomach.
B.playing with the dead animal by throwing it around.
3.The story uses the word seeking to describe how the Wolf was__
A.trying to find help.
B.trying to swallow more meat.
4.The story uses the word induce to describe how the Wolf tried to__
A.thank someone for helping him.
B.make someone help him.
5.The Wolf used the word content to say that the Crane should be__
A.satisfied because she got to put her long neck down the Wolf’s throat and
came out alive.
B.concerned because she dared to put her long neck down the Wolf’s throat.
6.The word ‘gratitude’ at the end of the story means__
7.By saying “I would give anything,” the Wolf meant that__
A.he would give all he had to anyone who helps him.
B.he would give anything he had as a reward to anyone who helps him.
8.“The Wolf and the Crane” is__
9.The main character of this story is__
A.the Wolf
B.the Crane
10.Which part of the descriptions in the story best describes the terrible
pain that the Wolf was suffering from?
A.The Wolf had a small bone stuck in his throat and he could not swallow it
B.The Wolf ran up and down groaning and groaning and seeking for something
to relieve the pain
11.Which of the following shows that the Crane helped the wolf for reward?
A.The Crane put its long neck down the Wolf’s throat, and with its beak
loosened the bone, till at last it got it out.
B.“Will you kindly give me the reward you promised?” said the Crane.
12.What is the main idea of the story?
A.Gratitude and greed go not together
B.The Wolf did not keep its promise
13.Which of the following best describe the plot of the story?
A.The Wolf got a bone stuck in his throat, when he ate an animal he had
killed. He promised to give a reward to anyone who helped. A Crane took the
bone out of his throat. And the Wolf did not want to give the reward he had
B.The Wolf got a bone stuck in his throat when he ate an animal he killed. A
Crane took the bone out of his throat. The Wolf then offered a reward but
did not keep his promise
14.The author shows us that the Wolf is NOT__
15.The authors shows us that the Crane is NOT__
16.The passage 4 the story says that “The Wolf grinned and showed his teeth
…” Showing teeth indicates__
A.the wolf’s evil spirit
B.the wolf’s playfulness
Writing Exercises
1.Using numbers to mark the scrambled parts in an appropriate sequence to
restore the story:
a.__The Wolf grinned and showed his teeth and said: ‘Be content. You have
put your head inside a Wolf’s mouth and taken it out again in safety; that
ought to be reward enough for you.’
b.__"‘I would give anything,’ said he, ‘if you would take it out.’"
c.__At last the Crane agreed to try, and told the Wolf to lie on his side
and open his jaws as wide as he could.
d.__He soon felt terrible pain in his throat, and ran up and down groaning
and groaning and seeking for something to relieve the pain.
e.__A Wolf had been gorging on an animal he had killed, when suddenly a
small bone in the meat stuck in his throat and he could not swallow it.
f.__Then the Crane put its long neck down the Wolf’s throat, and with its
beak loosened the bone, till at last it got it out.
g.__‘Will you kindly give me the reward you promised?’ said the Crane.
h.__Gratitude and greed go not together.
i.__He tried to induce every one he met to remove the bone.
2.Write down the above parts in the order you’ve chosen. Compare it with
the original story
Additional Writing Exercise
3.Answer Questions:
a)What was the Wolf doing when he got a bone stuck in his throat?
b)How did the bone hurt the Wolf?
c)How did the Wolf feel with the bone stuck in his throat? And what did he
do about it?
d)What did the Wolf do to induce others to help him?
e)What did the Crane ask the Wolf do when she offered her help?
f)How did the Crane get the bone out of the Wolf’s throat?
g)What did the Crane say to the Wolf after she removed the bone for him?
h)What was the Wolf’s expression and what did he say to the Crane?
4.Connecting the answers to above questions to re-write the story. Compare
it with the original story.
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