48,000+ students opt out in Washington
48,000+ students opt out in Washington# Parenting - 为人父母
48,000+ students refused the testocracy in Washington State by opting out.
This isn't an "anomaly", it's an uprising
How many students opted out of the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (
SBAC) in Washington State? Short answer: More than you probably imagined.
Now that the final numbers are out, let's dig in and see what happened.
11th Grade
We knew the opt out numbers were going to be huge. Last week's OSPI report
confirmed that. Across the state, the opt out rate for 11th grade was 49.3%
for ELA and 52.9% for Math. This translates into:
37,112 students opted out of the English Language Arts (ELA)
39,444 students opted out of Math
(Opt outs are reported as "No Score". At the website, Click image to enlarge
Now let's do a quick run down on the other grades. Although the numbers lack
the dramatic impact of the 11th grade, these figures are higher than what
was reported by OSPI in July.
3rd Grade
1,590 opted out of the ELA
1,680 for Math
4th Grade
1,579 opted out of ELA
1.702 for Math
5th Grade:
1,588 opted out of the ELA
1,683 for Math
6th Grade
1,733 opted out of the ELA
1,898 for Math
7th Grade
2,298 opted out of the ELA
2,341 for Math
8th Grade
2,676 for the ELA
2,953 for Math
Some thoughts.
First, if you opted out your elementary or middle school student, you're far
from being the only one. There are potential allies at your school, parents
who have also taken the leap. You just need to find them. Organizing is
more fun when you do it with friends.
Also, bring more parents into your newly formed opt-out circle. Talk to
parents you don't know. Reach out. Be open about opting your child out,
share the why and how of what you did. Be respectful if they're unsure.
Challenging the status quo is frightening and takes practice. You'll be
surprised how many people will approach you later with questions and asking
for advice.
Second, when you combine the opt-out numbers for grades 3 through 8, the
figure is not insignificant.
For ELA, the total of students 3rd through 8th grade who opted out is 11,464.
For math, that number is 12,257.
Adding another 10,000+ opt outs to the state total isn't something to be
ignored. That's a strong initial opt out base. These are the kids who will
face the SBAC as a graduation requirement. Now is the time to rise up and
squash it, before more harm is done.
All of this brings us back to the question: How many students opted out of
the SBAC? Here is the answer.
For ELA: 37,112 11th graders + 11,464 grade 3-8 = 48,576 students
For Math 39,444 11th graders = 12,257 grade 3-8 = 51,701 students.
Randy Dorn thinks this year's opt-outs are an "anomaly". I see 48,000+ opt
outs as an education uprising.


【在 a*****g 的大作中提到】
: 48,000+ students refused the testocracy in Washington State by opting out.
: This isn't an "anomaly", it's an uprising
: How many students opted out of the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (
: SBAC) in Washington State? Short answer: More than you probably imagined.
: Now that the final numbers are out, let's dig in and see what happened.
: 11th Grade
: We knew the opt out numbers were going to be huge. Last week's OSPI report
: confirmed that. Across the state, the opt out rate for 11th grade was 49.3%
: for ELA and 52.9% for Math. This translates into:
: 37,112 students opted out of the English Language Arts (ELA)

上次是谁在版上说了这个笑话,结果引起了一场纠纷?这次. . . .

【在 a*****g 的大作中提到】
: 飞机上,乌鸦翘着二郎腿大声对空姐说——给大爷我来杯白酒;
: 猪看见了,学着乌鸦的样子对空姐说——给大爷我也来杯白酒;
: 空姐一生气,把乌鸦和猪都扔出了飞机。
: 坠落的时候,乌鸦笑着对猪说——傻了吧,爷是会飞的……
: %
