Some comments:
1) 10-22 can't be used on 5D2
2) 17-40L has great center sharpness but horrible corner image quality. This
is okay on a crop as you are not using the corners. But it will show on a
full frame camera, especially 5D2 with high pixel density. Not recommended.
3) Don't sell your 24-105L for 24-70L. 20-70L has slight advantage on image
quality but the no difference on smaller apetures, which is what you use for
landscape. The weight difference is huge when you travel/hike. You neck
will appreciate it if you keep 24-105L. 24mm is wide enough 99% of time.
4) Don't listen to the recommendation of 16-35L II. Bad IQ for landscape.
5) For portraits, I think you save money by buying the best lens directly.
Don't consider 85/1.8 or 100 macro. You will replace them sooner or later. I
own 35L, 85L and 135L. I found myself reaching out to 35L most often. With
2k budget, you may get used 35L and 135L without going over a lot.