someone's prediction for 2015 on sony(zz)
someone's prediction for 2015 on sony(zz)# PhotoGear - 摄影器材
90% chance – New Loxia FF E-mount lenses:
At least two new lenses will be announced in 2015. Not yet sure about the
focal length but a 85mm and a 24mm version could come as next.
90% chance – Sony High Megapixel E-mount FF camera:
I don’t know if it will be called A9 or A7rII or what. But I really think
the rumors about that camera are true and that it will raise the Megapixel
bar above the current 36Mp Sony sensor used by the A7r and Nikon DSLR
cameras. When is it coming? Around mid 2015 is the most likely timeframe for
the release.
90% chance – One surprise:
More about it in a soon to be posted rumor ;)
90% chance – E-mount camcorders:
There is at least one more to come priced below the FS7.
75% chance – Fast 85mm FE:
Announcement late 2015. And of course there will be the FE lenses already
announced at Photokina plus new FE lenses that will be announced late 2015
but to be released in 2016 only.
75% chance – Sony RX2:
If the rumors and patents we got are correct than this should be the RX2
will feature the first curved Full Frame sensor of the world. Sony said it’
s production ready and we also spotted official Sony patent describing the
sensor and the lens designed for it (35mm f/1.8). Around mid-end 2015 is the
most likely timeframe for the release.
75% chance – Sony A7000:
High End APS-C E-mount camera with 5 axis stabilization. Around early-mid
2015 is the most likely timeframe for the release.
75% chance – New A-mount “updated” lenses:
Sony seems to be focused on update some of the current A-mount lenses rather
than introduce completely new lenses.
60% chance – Sony A99II:
Actually in a “normal condition” I would rate the rumor much higher. But
seeing how Sony is focusing on E-mount first I don’t know when they will
decide to release the new A-mount FF. So let’s keep the rate at a save 60%.
Around mid-late 2015 is the most likely timeframe for the release.
60% chance – Sony A3100:
E-mount APS-C entry level and DSLR styled camera. Around early-mid 2015 is
the most likely timeframe for the release.
50% chance – Updted A7s and A7r with 5 axis:
Sony did it with the A7II. Although I have no rumors about that yet I think
50% chance – RX20:
4K updated version.
30% chance – RXm:
Fixed lens medium format camera.
Extremely unlikely to happen:
A-mount FF with integrated vertical grip, Interchangeable medium format
system camera.