(CW3) Canon EOS 6D Mark II# PhotoGear - 摄影器材
"Canon EOS 6D
New bits about the Canon EOS 6D Mark II were sent in (thanks).
I have been told that Canon’s replacement for the highly popular EOS 6D
will be announced not earlier than Q1 2016. In other words, the EOS 6D Mark
II will be announced after the EOS 5D Mark IV started shipping (this is not
entirely new since it was already murmured on the web). I also got some
6 fps
ISO 100 – 102400 (expandable to 204800)
new AF system (but not the same as on 5DS)
98% viewfinder coverage
Single SD card slot
WiFi, NFC, and GPS
small improvements for video features
Contrary to a previous rumor that was floating around some weeks ago,
suggesting the EOS 6D2 will have a 24MP sensor, our source stated that it
will be a 28MP sensor. The source said that Canon will not sell a full-frame
DSLR with the same pixel count as Canon’s latest Rebels. The source was a
bit confusing about the auto-focus system, saying that it will not be on the
same level as the AF system featured on the EOS 5DS and EOS 5DS R. Still,
it is not clear to me what kind of AF is coming. For sure there will be a
step forward compared to the 6D, but given the fact the EOS 6D Mark II will
be an entry-level DSLR, it won’t probably be a the most advanced AF system.
I guess Canon will recycle one of the AF system they already feature on
some of their DSLRs.
I rate this rumor CW3. It’s still early for reliable EOS 6D Mark II rumors.
However, this is one of the not so weird 6d2 rumors we had so far. We heard
pretty amusing things, like that Canon isn’t satisfied with the EOS 6D
sales figures, and will hence move the 6D2 upmarket (which is absurd, the 6D
was and is a best seller). It’s funny to see how odd some rumors get, and
how fast they are abbandoned when they are no longer working. The source
stated clearly that the EOS 6D Mark II will be an entry-level FF DSLR,
exactly like its predecessor. The pricing should be around $2,100, same as
the 6D when it was introduced.
The EOS 6D was released in November 2012. Stay tuned…."
改进太少了,看看af 有什么惊喜。


【在 y*b 的大作中提到】
: "Canon EOS 6D
: New bits about the Canon EOS 6D Mark II were sent in (thanks).
: I have been told that Canon’s replacement for the highly popular EOS 6D
: will be announced not earlier than Q1 2016. In other words, the EOS 6D Mark
: II will be announced after the EOS 5D Mark IV started shipping (this is not
: entirely new since it was already murmured on the web). I also got some
: specs:
: 28MP
: 6 fps
: ISO 100 – 102400 (expandable to 204800)

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