这里面讲了些,主要是autofoucs module的安装位置有偏差,DPReview用的两台D750 同样的镜头需要AF fine tune在机身上 “Implications for autofocus accuracy Given that the problem arises from the placement of the AF module, we were curious to check for any effects on focus accuracy. Since we were lucky enough to have two D750 bodies with differences in severity of the flare issue, we tested both bodies for front/back-focusing issues relative to one another, with two different prime lenses: both a Sigma 35mm f/1.4 Art lens, and a Nikkor 35mm f/1.8G (to rule out any possibility that it's just the lens that's at fault). ... What's interesting is that body #1 (the 'worse' D750) front focuses consistently relative to body #2 (the 'better' D750), which you'll see if you roll back and forth over A (D750 #1) and B (D750 #2) below. The red arrows indicate the point of optimal focus. You'll note below that both lenses front-focus with both bodies; however, the body (#1) with the AF module placed slightly higher front-focuses more, in both cases. You can also see the optimal planes of focus if you hover over C and D, which show the results of the more accurate contrast-detection autofocus (CDAF). Furthermore, we verified that the first D750 consistently front-focused relative to the second one with two different lenses, so it's unlikely that it's the particular lens solely at fault here. ”