BHphoto is shipping two A7rIII instead of one to its customers
Many SAR readers reported that they got not one but two A7rIII cameras
shipped by BHphoto.
Alex Workman form our A7rIII Facebook group shared these pictures and writes:
Over the last 24 hours, I have been battling a HUGE moral dilemma…
Yesterday morning, I woke up like a kid on Christmas morning. After waiting
40 days since preordering my Sony a7Riii from B&H, it was waiting at the UPS
depot for me to pick up. I was there at 8:00am sharp with a huge grin on my
I got home and sat down with the fam to experience the excitement of our new
gear together. My wife, Chelsea, loves opening boxes, so I wanted to make
sure she got to partake in the fun. As soon as she opened the box, my jaw
dropped to the floor. There was not just one camera in the box, but two. Two
brand new Sony a7Riii camera bodies.
Not going to lie, I didn’t “want” to do anything. I had dozens of
justifications running through my head.
-They will never know
-They have insurance anyways
-I have ZERO legal obligation to contact them, let alone return it
-They will just write it off/shrink is a part of the retail life
After the nudging from Chels to call B&H and let them know what happened and
after 30 min on hold, I spoke to a customer service staff who didn’t seem
too phased about the fact that they made a $3200 mistake. After each
exchange of the phone call, I kept justifying (or trying to justify) a
reason to keep the camera (I mean, there is so much good I could do with
that piece of gear). When I asked to speak to a manager, the customer
service representative told me that managers were too busy and he would pass
my message along (even another justification for me to keep the camera
since a manager is too busy to talk with a customer about a mistake). The
representative informed that they could probably send out a return label (
Could probably‽ I mean “probably?” Yet another justification).
Then, I had a thought. When I was expecting to receive one camera body, I
was content. When I opened the box to see two camera bodies, that
contentment went out the window. I instantly wanted, and told myself I
needed, more. Especially in this holiday season, it is so easy to get our
contentment out of whack. I never want anyone to say that I do not (to the
best of my ability) live out what I say I believe. We have hustled hard to
build a business that champions everyone’s story and does so with integrity
. Even though I don’t want to, the camera is going back to B&H. My
integrity is worth more than $3200.
I hope B&H or Sony (or whomever made the mistake) will have grace on those
individuals who made the error.
This season, let’s champion integrity. Do what is right and remember to
keep our level of contentment in check.
有次在Amazon买东西,也是寄过来多了,我customer chat过去,Amazon CR淡淡的说了
Even though I don’t want to, the camera is going back to B&H.

【在 w***1 的大作中提到】
: 挺真实的。不过他最后到底是退回去了吗?
: 有次在Amazon买东西,也是寄过来多了,我customer chat过去,Amazon CR淡淡的说了
: 一句,你去donate到charity了吧。当然那东西没有A7r3值钱,不然我估计也得脑子里
: struggle好久。
