Re: 打败法美中共 越南名将武元甲欢度百岁 (转载)
Re: 打败法美中共 越南名将武元甲欢度百岁 (转载)# Piebridge - 鹊桥
U.S. programmer outsources own job to China, surfs cat videos
By Ramy Inocencio, for CNN
Updated 0742 GMT (1542 HKT) January 17, 2013
After a U.S.-based "critical infrastructure" company discovered in 2012 its
computer systems were being accessed from China, its security personnel
caught the culprit ultimately responsible: Not a hacker from the Middle
Kingdom but one of the company's own employees sitting right at his desk in
the United States.
The software developer is simply referred to as "Bob," according to a case
study by the U.S. telecommunications firm Verizon Business.
Bob was an "inoffensive and quiet" programmer in his mid-40's, according to
his employee profile, with "a relatively long tenure with the company" and "
someone you wouldn't look at twice in an elevator."
Those innocuous traits led investigators to initially believe the computer
access from China using Bob's credentials was unauthorized -- and that some
form of malware was sidestepping strong two-factor authentication that
included a token RSA key fob under Bob's name.
Investigators then discovered Bob had "physically FedExed his RSA token to
China so that the third-party contractor could log-in under his credentials
during the workday," wrote Andrew Valentine, a senior forensic investigator
for Verizon.
Bob had hired a programming firm in the northeastern Chinese city of
Shenyang to do his work. His helpers half a world away worked overnight on a
schedule imitating an average 9-to-5 workday in the United States. He paid
them one-fifth of his six-figure salary, according to Verizon.
And over the past several years, Bob received excellent performance reviews
of his "clean, well written" coding. He had even been noted as "the best
developer in the building."
A forensic image of Bob's workstation revealed his true work habits and
typical day:
9:00 a.m. -- Get to work, surf Reddit, watch cat videos
11:30 a.m. -- Lunch
1:00 p.m. -- Ebay
2:00 p.m or so -- Facebook and LinkedIn
4:30 p.m. -- Send end-of-day e-mail update to management
5:00 p.m. -- Go home
The Verizon investigation suggested Bob's entrepreneurial outsourcing spirit
stretched across several companies in his area -- netting him several
hundred thousand dollars a year as he paid out about $50,000 a year to his
China-based ghost writers, according to hundreds of PDF invoices also
discovered on his work computer.
Verizon's Valentine told CNN via e-mail that Bob "was in fact terminated at
the conclusion of the investigation."
Presumably Bob's Chinese helpers were as well.
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: MB80528 (肥猫(Contrarian)[食MM而肥]), 信区: Military
标 题: Re: 打败法美中共 越南名将武元甲欢度百岁 (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Aug 26 22:07:27 2011, 美东)
所以WSN/V 们要理解胆怯,猥琐和窝囊正是早夭的秘诀。