sorry i realized i have said the wrong thing; what i really wanted to know
is 大家怎么想的
the bottom line is that the scandal is not related to the fundamental,
unlike therano. (actually the earning report is kinda good.)
(and they also bought back the loans too, so investors did not lose money)
不是想洗地。ceo 做错了吗?当然错了。炒的对吗?当然对。做错了罚很正常。
就是想知道大家为什么因为这个与基本面不怎么无关的事件 (unlike therano),都那
恶化 DQ;the new CEO is even worse than the CEO fired; 烙印可能会上台什么;
investors 都是一次不忠百次不用,不能容忍,所以以后会 pull back loan
purchases 等等, 所以以后会更坏更差。
maybe you know something that we don't。 however you came up with your
conclusion, 你牛,好歹理由share一下让其他人可以了解,讨论,学习嘛。