spent a lot of time try to compile boost# Programming - 葵花宝典
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It simply doesn't work.
What is the reason?
I was trying to use the thread library. And it seems that this library need
to be compiled. Since I am not using Visual Studio, I need to do it by
myself. tried to compile with bjam and boost.build, it simply doesn't work.
It says " msvc.jam:263: in configure-really *** argument-error * rule path.
make(native) * called with:() *missing argument native
anybody can help me?
What is the reason?
I was trying to use the thread library. And it seems that this library need
to be compiled. Since I am not using Visual Studio, I need to do it by
myself. tried to compile with bjam and boost.build, it simply doesn't work.
It says " msvc.jam:263: in configure-really *** argument-error * rule path.
make(native) * called with:() *missing argument native
anybody can help me?