Depends what you mean by "document". It's harder to specify formally the
function/method interfaces for python modules/classes because of duck typing
. But documentation on a framework level is much easier in Python because
there are usually far fewer classes and methods used and less reliance on
convoluted design patterns.


【在 r****t 的大作中提到】
: http://vis.cs.ucdavis.edu/~ogawa/codeswarm/
: 有 Eclipse and Python videos. 不明白为什么 coconut says python 不好 document
: , 不过可以看到 python document activity percentage 确实比较大。

I think that we have demonstrated fairly well that python doesn't
save on logic. Thus your statement of saying python relies less
on convoluted design patterns is false.


【在 h***z 的大作中提到】
: Depends what you mean by "document". It's harder to specify formally the
: function/method interfaces for python modules/classes because of duck typing
: . But documentation on a framework level is much easier in Python because
: there are usually far fewer classes and methods used and less reliance on
: convoluted design patterns.
: document

fairly well 可能谈不上。就算是拿你说 fairly well 的 Exception 处理的例子,
python has much more concise yet more readable way to manage the same logic
than Java does, I mean the "with" statement. However the point of using
python is not saving on logic, 这么多人讲过 why (not) python, 好像你还是第一
Only speak of syntax, Python allows to do the same logic more concisely and
more clearly. But even that is not the point compared to Java/C++, because
if you stick to the same logic in every piece of code, then do not bothe

【在 c*****t 的大作中提到】
: I think that we have demonstrated fairly well that python doesn't
: save on logic. Thus your statement of saying python relies less
: on convoluted design patterns is false.
: typing

One could always write crappy code, but using good python code against
bad Java code isn't a fair comparison. Also, some codes may consider
more situations than others.
My statement was regarding "python could do without convoluted design
pattern". Doesn't save on logic means that if one thing could be done
in python, similar approach could be done in Java or other staticly
typed languages (which have better documentation support).
Python has nothing to save on frameworks. We are talking abou

【在 r****t 的大作中提到】
: fairly well 可能谈不上。就算是拿你说 fairly well 的 Exception 处理的例子,
: python has much more concise yet more readable way to manage the same logic
: than Java does, I mean the "with" statement. However the point of using
: python is not saving on logic, 这么多人讲过 why (not) python, 好像你还是第一
: 个这么讲的。
: Only speak of syntax, Python allows to do the same logic more concisely and
: more clearly. But even that is not the point compared to Java/C++, because
: if you stick to the same logic in every piece of code, then do not bothe

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