掉举--掉:落下,举:举起, 散乱-- 散: 分散,不一, 乱:没有次序 昏沉- 我这里不是解释什么经典理论,这些词"应该是什么", 我下面说三种真实状态,显然不同,我用这三个词,表达这三个状态. 1.对某一个事情,一会忘记,一会想起来,反反复复.. 我称为:DJ 2. 一会想事情A,一会B, c d e,f, 到处走神,没有次序, 我称为 sl 3. ..费劲.懒得说了.我转俱乐部吧.
6 楼
We are looking for a summer intern working on the analysis of massive amount of time series data. The ideal candidate should be good at Python programming with working experiences in Numpy/Pandas/Scikit-learn/Tkinter modules. He should currently be a Ms or PhD student in a good school in USA. Detailed information about internship at NEC labs can be found at http://www.nec-labs.com/careers/internship.php if you are interested, please send your resume to z**********[email protected]