Flink Sparks Next Wave of Distributed Data Processing
Flink Sparks Next Wave of Distributed Data Processing# Programming - 葵花宝典
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February 22, 2015 Nicole Hemsoth
If you haven’t heard of Flink until now, get ready for the deluge. As one
of a stream of Apache incubator-to-top-level projects turned commercial
effort, the data processing engine’s promise is to deliver near-real time
handling of data analytics in a much faster, more condensed, and memory-
aware way than Hadoop or its in-memory predecessor, Spark, could do.
What really captured our attention, however, was the claim by Data Artisans,
the company behind Flink, that the new tool can deliver 100X the speed of
Hadoop with all the necessary programming APIs firmed up, including those
for Java, Scala, and the coming promise of MPI. Further, the founders of the
project, several of whom are now behind the Berlin-based Flink startup, are
keen on showing how it can replace the in-memory and real-time processing
power of Spark with many of the similar benefits and approaches thanks to
its more sophisticated memory management, iterative processing, and
optimizer capabilities.
But the question is, why does this matter so much when we are only just
finally starting to see a broader range of Hadoop workloads in actual
production in major enterprise settings? The quick answer is simply that
real-time will matter more than ever, especially in the sweet spot for big
companies analyzing mountains of consumer, web, sensor, and other
information—not to mention those heavy-duty users who are employing Hadoop
for mission-critical analysis. It certainly doesn’t hurt when the same
engine can also do batch processing when required as well, as is the case
with Flink. While each of the Hadoop vendors have snapped in tools to make
real-time more of a reality on a platform that was never designed to do
anything beyond batch jobs, with more deployments comes more demand for
performance, which just spawns entirely new use cases for Hadoop and its in-
memory brethren, Spark. And so the cycle goes.
From the outside, Flink does not look like anything more than just another
member of that processing family inside an ever-expanding open source
analytics toolchain. It’s in the same family as Hadoop and Spark (and
others), but where does one tool begin and another end? Think of it this way
MapReduce does in the batch sense, but it can do it all with some memory
management, built-in optimizer, and transformation kicks that might be just
enough to upend the open source data processing hierarchy. How Flink gets
adopted and commercialized is still an unknown.
Flink is a runtime system that is not so different from MapReduce or Spark (
more on those differences coming) but there is not a storage system
component. In short, Flink pulls data from its source (HDFS, S3, etc.) and
processes it from there, which is similar to how MapReduce reads data from
the file system or Spark—but these minute differences are where the real
benefits lie.
As Data Artisans co-founder Kostas Tzoumas explains to The Platform: “
Current engines for data processing are designed to perform their best in
one of two cases: when the working set fits entirely in memory, or when the
working set is too large to fit in memory. Flink’s runtime is designed to
achieve the best of both worlds. Flink has great performance when the
working set fits in memory, and is still be able to keep up very gracefully
with “memory pressure” from large datasets that do not fit in memory, or
from other cluster applications that run concurrently and consume memory.”
There are two ways in particular that Flink shines; in the way it handles
iterative data processing (very important given its importance in many large
scale analysis problems at the top of enterprise hit lists) as well as its
memory management capabilities. It is in these two areas where the “100X
faster than Hadoop” claim comes to bear and where Flink has credence as the
next early-stage step for where existing Hadoop workloads could go. Unless,
of course, it becomes part of the core of one or more of the Hadoop
distributions—but we’ll save that bit of speculation for another time.
The value of high performance iterative data processing cannot be
underestimated, especially as the number of clustering and graph-like
algorithms expand in scope and purpose in the enterprise. But isn’t this
kind of iterative stuff the magic that made Hadoop and, more recently, Spark
, the darlings of the big data world? According to Robert Metzger, a
founding member of the Flink project, there are some key differences in how
these two existing frameworks tackle iterative processing. And Metzger says
that Spark is inherently less efficient than Flink.
As shown above, with Hadoop, you read the data once, run the jobs, write
those results, then read those results again from HDFS, then onto the next
step. That’s great, but it’s very slow since it’s constantly going
through disk. To get around those disk hurdles, Spark emerged and found a
place in the ecosystem since it brought much faster in-memory processing for
the same data. However, it is not without limitations because there are
still cache steps between the iterations.
What Flink is doing instead is handling these steps with iteration operators
. Tasks keep running for the iterations and are not being constantly re-
deployed and re-read for each step. The caching and some underlying
optimizations there are handled transparently within Flink, while handling a
defined amount of the data in memory to avoid spilling into disk at
undefined points as much as possible.
The way Flink handles memory is also part of that secret performance sauce.
The need for super-efficient in-memory data processing is why Spark has
become popular, but Flink’s founders have found a way to “take out the
trash” of the memory management process. For a lot of data-intensive
workloads, the garbage collector in the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is kept
constantly busy, which creates a bottleneck. Flink lightens the garbage
collection overhead by managing all the memory inside the JVM, allocating
specific portions for the user’s data, the network, and the operations.
From the outset, Flink automatically allocates 70 percent of the free heap
space. This means there’s a huge chunk of memory pre-assigned from the
beginning, so all operators are getting a fixed amount of memory to operate
on. When those are done, the memory gets handed back for the next round,
meaning that in-memory operations are maximized.
Given that Flink was developed among database and distributed systems
researchers, it is not surprising the early developers wanted to bring the
best of both worlds to bear. Specifically, the teams looped in scalability
and reliability benefits they saw in Hadoop and meshed those advantages with
the various pipelining and query flexibility features of databases. While
Hadoop is more flexible in that it is based on schema on read versus write (
so data can be seen before processing), users still have to think a great
deal about execution. With database systems, however, the focus is on the
query instead.
Spark has what is called a resilient distributed dataset abstraction layer
and while Flink does as well, there is a transformation layer that changes
the performance profile. It offers users a transformation that turns that
distributed dataset into a new, condensed dataset. Some of the
transformations available within Flink’s DataSets transformations are
traditional things one would find in a database, but the magic for Hadoop-
like workloads is that it also has map and reduce transformations. Hence
Tzoumas’ assertion that Flink is a successor to Hadoop—it provides all the
same functionality but with much-needed benefits efficiency-wise at the map
and reduce levels. For instance, when you want to do a join in MapReduce,
you have to somehow fit the join into the MapReduce framework, which is no
picnic. Since this system knows a join is needed, it can do it efficiently
with the complexity of that process abstracted away via the transformation
With this and the iterative and memory management magic that is woven in,
algorithms like PageRank are prime benchmark candidates, especially since
they utilize the “Delta” iterations which, to be light about it, take all
the data that has already been processed and remove it from the iterative
loop instead of resolving the same thing over and over—freeing up memory
and compute.
Most of the benchmarks that Data Artisans is showing off are run on the
Google Compute Engine public cloud without any fancy hardware choices beyond
adding extra memory to virtual nodes. The benchmarks are based on hard disk
as well, but one can only imagine what kind of across-the-board Hadoop-y
boosts will happen when SSDs (or similar kin) become the norm and the disk
is no longer such a painful bottleneck.
But what will be most interesting to watch is how a very small European
company like Data Artisans plays its commercial open source cards. With
early support from Hortonworks (which is strange since Hortonworks just
introduced open source Tez, which targets similar problems) and others, Data
Artisans might be absorbed as quickly as it emerged. If not, seeing how
independent commercial support for Flink will play out will be equally
interesting. Data Artisans co-founder Tzoumas is confident that the growing
list of contributors will push its viability—but Flink’s best opportunity
might lie inside the halls of a distro vendor, especially if they’re
claiming they can eat Hadoop’s lunch.
“The good news is that we are living in an era of choice,” says Tzoumas.
“The world is very different than a few years ago when infrastructure was
mostly closed-sourced. There are choices at every level of the data
management stack.”
based mini batch),这个和flink的streaming有什么不同?

【在 a*****s 的大作中提到】
: 看好flink
Spark采用batch engine来处理数据; Flink采用stream engine处理数据。
Spark的streaming process = micro batch; Flink的batch process = streaming
罐车队批量拉油(spark micro batch),也修建石油管道直接输送原油(Flink
在计算机领域里,两个大数据平台的本质其是源于对Unix Pipes在分布式环境下的演化
。 下面用Linux自带的工具举个例子,来比较一下Spark和Flink的不同点。假设我们想
Spark的处理模式可以等效为: cat FileA > /dev/shm/RDD1; grep China /dev/shm/
RDD1 > /dev/shm/RDD2; wc -l /dev/shm/RDD2 > /dev/shm/FileB
Flink的处理模式可以等效为: cat FileA | grep China | wc -l > /dev/shm/FileB
最后,data-artisans讨论了为什么batch process是streaming process的特殊情况


【在 x***4 的大作中提到】
: 谁讲讲flink和spark有什么本质区别?我很表面的理解,spark也支持streaming(rdd
: based mini batch),这个和flink的streaming有什么不同?

Spark AMPCamp训练:
Flink的online training:
Google Cloud Dataflow
MapReduce里面的data parallel的基本概念:
最后,新技术的出现,虽然只能hot一两年,但也不会马上被淘汰,很可能可以流行5 ~
10年。而这个更新频度也比较符合开发人员的学习周期。比如,big data programing

【在 n****5 的大作中提到】
: 膜拜一下楼上的大牛。请教这新东西层出不穷,各另风骚一两年,新手们看的眼花缭乱
: 的怎么办?

多谢!!! 顺便顶贴!


【在 z****e 的大作中提到】
: February 22, 2015 Nicole Hemsoth
: art2
: If you haven’t heard of Flink until now, get ready for the deluge. As one
: of a stream of Apache incubator-to-top-level projects turned commercial
: effort, the data processing engine’s promise is to deliver near-real time
: handling of data analytics in a much faster, more condensed, and memory-
: aware way than Hadoop or its in-memory predecessor, Spark, could do.
: What really captured our attention, however, was the claim by Data Artisans,
: the company behind Flink, that the new tool can deliver 100X the speed of
: Hadoop with all the necessary programming APIs firmed up, including those



【在 f******2 的大作中提到】
: 赵老师已经是committer了?赶快上船,把版上的小白兄弟们带入门
: Artisans,


spark的streaming只是mincro batch
尤其是file system, db上的数据,我觉得用batch就足够了
还有tweets,还比如用一个udp socket直接监听一个port就好了
这些用streaming api就非常合理,可以增强客户体验
他们还有第三种api,就是table api,这个就是脚本引擎

【在 x***4 的大作中提到】
: 谁讲讲flink和spark有什么本质区别?我很表面的理解,spark也支持streaming(rdd
: based mini batch),这个和flink的streaming有什么不同?

stream - storm,rxjava,scalaz这些都可以搞
传统数据仓库的etl也是streaming api的主要应用点
batch - spark, hdmr, hdmr2/yarn 这些都可以搞
table - database这些,主要是index和transaction
一般stream api用在网络上过来的数据
一般batch和table api用在硬盘上读取出来的数据
Batch is a special case of streaming
Posted on September 15, 2015 by Kostas Tzoumas
In recent blog posts, we introduced what we deem as requirements for systems
to classify as stream processors, and followed up with a detailed
comparison of current approaches to data streaming, including extensive
experiments comparing Apache Flink and Apache Storm.
We are not the only ones to make the point that streaming systems are
reaching a point of maturity which makes older batch systems and
architectures look less compelling. But is batch dead already? Not quite, it
’s just that streaming is a proper superset of batch, and batch can be
served equally well, if not better, with a new breed of modern streaming
In this post, we dive deeper on how, in principle, batch analytics is just a
special case of streaming analytics, we look concretely on how Apache Flink
implements this vision.
The principles: Bounding unbounded data with windows
We will follow the excellent terminology from Tyler Akidau’s blog post (and
largely build on his thoughts). We use the term unbounded data for an
infinite, ever-growing data stream, and the term bounded data for a data
stream that happens to have a beginning and an end (data ingestion stops
after a while). It is clear that the notion of an unbounded data stream
includes (is a superset of) the notion of a bounded data set:
Streaming applications create bounded data from unbounded data using windows
, i.e., creating bounds using some characteristic of the data, most
prominently based on timestamps of events. For example, one can choose to
create a window of all records that belong to the same session (a session
being defined of a period of activity followed by a period of inactivity).
The simplest form of a window is (when we know that the input is bounded),
to include all the data in one window. Let’s call this a “global window”.
This way, we have created a streaming program that does “batch processing
The efficiency: Pipelined and batch processing with Flink
Early streaming systems suffered from efficiency problems due to design
choices that sacrificed throughput, in particular, record-by-record event
processing and acknowledgement. This led to a belief that streaming systems
can only “complement” batch systems, or that hybrids of streaming and
batching (“micro-batching”) are required for efficiency.
This is, however, no longer true. For example, Flink’s network stack is
based on a hybrid runtime that supports pipelined processing, similar to MPP
databases, as well as batch processing if needed. This style of processing
can support the full spectrum of data exchange, from pure record-by-record
shipping to pure batch processing. Flink accumulates records in buffers, and
ships these buffers over the network when they are full. This style of
processing can emulate both record-by-record processing (regard a buffer as
“full” when it has one record), pure batch processing (retain all buffers
in memory and disk until the result has been fully materialized), and,
interestingly, a sweet spot in the middle, which is the default behavior of
Flink and can achieve very high throughput.
This leads us to establish that pipelining is a proper superset of pure
Batch systems are streaming systems in the closet
The little secret of batch processors is that they always include a hidden
streaming component. When a batch processor reads a file, it streams the
file to the first operator. If the first few operators are record-by-record
transformations such as filters, mappers, etc, then the data is still
streamed through the operator code (often by “chaining” operators together
). However, at the first blocking operator (e.g., sort, aggregation, etc) a
batch processor blocks the output until all the input of the operator has
been produced.
Of course, blocking operators are blocking by nature, so their input needs
indeed to be materialized before they start processing it. For example, a
sorting operator needs the whole data to be present before it can return a
fully sorted result. However, there is no fundamental reason that blocking
should be part of the system and not the operator itself. Flink follows the
philosophy of streaming end-to-end, by embedding blocking operators within
streaming tasks. The system does not differentiate between a blocking
operator and a streaming operator, this is part of the operator logic itself:
We have seen that it is possible to embed blocking operators into streaming
topologies, and thus, streaming topologies strictly subsume classic batch
processing DAGs:
Overall, the result of all these observations brings us to the thesis we
started from, namely that batch is a special case of streaming:
Lambda and Kappa architectures, and batch-specific optimizations
If batch is a special case of streaming, can it be that pure batch
applications are better served by the special case? Partly, but this can be
fully rectified by implementing batch-specific optimizations on top of a
stream processor. Let us look at how Flink in fact implements a hybrid
architecture, incorporating optimizations that are specific to batch
workloads in the framework.
As older streaming systems lacked support for high throughput and consistent
results, the so-called Lambda architecture gained a lot of popularity. The
Lambda architecture advocates using a batch system for the “heavy lifting”
, augmenting it with a streaming system that “catches up” with data
ingestion producing early, but maybe incomplete, results. Then, separate
logic tries to “merge” the produced results for serving.
The Lambda architecture had well-known disadvantages, in particular that the
merging process was often painful, as was the fact that two separate
codebases that express the same logic need to be maintained.
Later, Jay Kreps advocated that only one system, the stream processor,
should be used for the entirety of data transformations, drastically
simplifying the whole architecture:
Flink is a stream processor that embeds within the streaming topology all
kinds of processing: stateful operators, blocking operators, iterations,
windowing, as well as the simple stateless operators. Thus, it implements
exactly this vision.
However, practice is always a bit more messy. We have seen that batch is a
special case of streaming. As batch processors only need to support this
special case, they are often in a position to make optimizations and take
shortcuts in their internal design that the more general stream processing
are not. In particular:
Batch programs do not need coordination to recover from failures. Instead,
failed partitions can simply be restarted (because the input is finite).
Scheduling of batch jobs can be done in stages instead of bringing the whole
topology live at once.
Query optimization techniques that estimate sizes of intermediate data sets
can often be employed to reduce (often drastically) the runtime of the
Operators (such as joins) that can assume that their input is finite can use
more efficient internal data structures
Flink internally implements all of these optimizations, resulting in two
different code paths for batch and streaming that meet at the same endpoint,
the system’s runtime:
The green boxes correspond to the streaming code paths, and the yellow boxes
correspond to the batch code path. The foundation of all is a stream
processing engine that executes both stream and batch programs. The end
result is a system that natively supports stream processing, and treats
batch as a special case of streaming by layering batch-specific
optimizations on top of the streaming engine.

【在 z****e 的大作中提到】
: 按照datasources分的话
: 一般stream api用在网络上过来的数据
: 比如kafka,比如video,比如etl
: 这些都是streaming的大户,然后配合reactive
: 就可以比较迅速地处理数据并反馈
: 一般batch和table api用在硬盘上读取出来的数据
: 尤其是你自己系统控制的硬盘上的数据
: 这种用batch或者table来稿
: table针对结构比较完整,精度要求高的数据源
: 因为精度高,相对要求也高,要求index和transaction

The world beyond batch: Streaming 101: A high-level tour of modern data-
processing concept
by Tyler Akidau August 5, 2015
Editor’s note: This is the first post in a two-part series about the
evolution of data processing, with a focus on streaming systems, unbounded
data sets, and the future of big data.
Streaming data processing is a big deal in big data these days, and for good
reasons. Amongst them:
Businesses crave ever more timely data, and switching to streaming is a good
way to achieve lower latency.
The massive, unbounded data sets that are increasingly common in modern
business are more easily tamed using a system designed for such never-ending
volumes of data.
Processing data as they arrive spreads workloads out more evenly over time,
yielding more consistent and predictable consumption of resources.
Despite this business-driven surge of interest in streaming, the majority of
streaming systems in existence remain relatively immature compared to their
batch brethren, which has resulted in a lot of exciting, active development
in the space recently.
As someone who’s worked on massive-scale streaming systems at Google for
the last five+ years (MillWheel, Cloud Dataflow), I’m delighted by this
streaming zeitgeist, to say the least. I’m also interested in making sure
that folks understand everything that streaming systems are capable of and
how they are best put to use, particularly given the semantic gap that
remains between most existing batch and streaming systems. To that end, the
fine folks at O’Reilly have invited me to contribute a written rendition of
my Say Goodbye to Batch talk from Strata + Hadoop World London 2015. Since
I have quite a bit to cover, I’ll be splitting this across two separate
Streaming 101: This first post will cover some basic background information
and clarify some terminology before diving into details about time domains
and a high-level overview of common approaches to data processing, both
batch and streaming.
The Dataflow Model: The second post will consist primarily of a whirlwind
tour of the unified batch + streaming model used by Cloud Dataflow,
facilitated by a concrete example applied across a diverse set of use cases.
After that, I’ll conclude with a brief semantic comparison of existing
batch and streaming systems.
So, long-winded introductions out of the way, let’s get nerdy.
To begin with, I’ll cover some important background information that will
help frame the rest of the topics I want to discuss. We’ll do this in three
specific sections:
Terminology: To talk precisely about complex topics requires precise
definitions of terms. For some terms that have overloaded interpretations in
current use, I’ll try to nail down exactly what I mean when I say them.
Capabilities: I’ll remark on the oft-perceived shortcomings of streaming
systems. I’ll also propose the frame of mind that I believe data processing
system builders need to adopt in order to address the needs of modern data
consumers going forward.
Time domains: I’ll introduce the two primary domains of time that are
relevant in data processing, show how they relate, and point out some of the
difficulties these two domains impose.
Terminology: What is streaming?
Before going any further, I’d like to get one thing out of the way: what is
streaming? The term “streaming” is used today to mean a variety of
different things (and for simplicity, I’ve been using it somewhat loosely
up until now), which can lead to misunderstandings about what streaming
really is, or what streaming systems are actually capable of. As such, I
would prefer to define the term somewhat precisely.
The crux of the problem is that many things that ought to be described by
what they are (e.g., unbounded data processing, approximate results, etc.),
have come to be described colloquially by how they historically have been
accomplished (i.e., via streaming execution engines). This lack of precision
in terminology clouds what streaming really means, and in some cases,
burdens streaming systems themselves with the implication that their
capabilities are limited to characteristics frequently described as “
streaming,” such as approximate or speculative results. Given that well-
designed streaming systems are just as capable (technically more so) of
producing correct, consistent, repeatable results as any existing batch
engine, I prefer to isolate the term streaming to a very specific meaning: a
type of data processing engine that is designed with infinite data sets in
mind. Nothing more. (For completeness, it’s perhaps worth calling out that
this definition includes both true streaming and micro-batch implementations
As to other common uses of “streaming,” here are a few that I hear
regularly, each presented with the more precise, descriptive terms that I
suggest we as a community should try to adopt:
Unbounded data: A type of ever-growing, essentially infinite data set. These
are often referred to as “streaming data.” However, the terms streaming
or batch are problematic when applied to data sets, because as noted above,
they imply the use of a certain type of execution engine for processing
those data sets. The key distinction between the two types of data sets in
question is, in reality, their finiteness, and it’s thus preferable to
characterize them by terms that capture this distinction. As such, I will
refer to infinite “streaming” data sets as unbounded data, and finite “
batch” data sets as bounded data.
Unbounded data processing: An ongoing mode of data processing, applied to
the aforementioned type of unbounded data. As much as I personally like the
use of the term streaming to describe this type of data processing, its use
in this context again implies the employment of a streaming execution engine
, which is at best misleading; repeated runs of batch engines have been used
to process unbounded data since batch systems were first conceived (and
conversely, well-designed streaming systems are more than capable of
handling “batch” workloads over bounded data). As such, for the sake of
clarity, I will simply refer to this as unbounded data processing.
Low-latency, approximate, and/or speculative results: These types of results
are most often associated with streaming engines. The fact that batch
systems have traditionally not been designed with low-latency or speculative
results in mind is a historical artifact, and nothing more. And of course,
batch engines are perfectly capable of producing approximate results if
instructed to. Thus, as with the terms above, it’s far better describing
these results as what they are (low-latency, approximate, and/or speculative
) than by how they have historically been manifested (via streaming engines).
From here on out, any time I use the term “streaming,” you can safely
assume I mean an execution engine designed for unbounded data sets, and
nothing more. When I mean any of the other terms above, I will explicitly
say unbounded data, unbounded data processing, or low-latency / approximate
/ speculative results. These are the terms we’ve adopted within Cloud
Dataflow, and I encourage others to take a similar stance.
On the greatly exaggerated limitations of streaming
Next up, let’s talk a bit about what streaming systems can and can’t do,
with an emphasis on can; one of the biggest things I want to get across in
these posts is just how capable a well-designed streaming system can be.
Streaming systems have long been relegated to a somewhat niche market of
providing low-latency, inaccurate/speculative results, often in conjunction
with a more capable batch system to provide eventually correct results, i.e.
the Lambda Architecture.
For those of you not already familiar with the Lambda Architecture, the
basic idea is that you run a streaming system alongside a batch system, both
performing essentially the same calculation. The streaming system gives you
low-latency, inaccurate results (either because of the use of an
approximation algorithm, or because the streaming system itself does not
provide correctness), and some time later a batch system rolls along and
provides you with correct output. Originally proposed by Twitter’s Nathan
Marz (creator of Storm), it ended up being quite successful because it was,
in fact, a fantastic idea for the time; streaming engines were a bit of a
letdown in the correctness department, and batch engines were as inherently
unwieldy as you’d expect, so Lambda gave you a way to have your proverbial
cake and eat it, too. Unfortunately, maintaining a Lambda system is a hassle
your pipeline, and then also somehow merge the results from the two
pipelines at the end.
As someone who has spent years working on a strongly-consistent streaming
engine, I also found the entire principle of the Lambda Architecture a bit
unsavory. Unsurprisingly, I was a huge fan of Jay Kreps’ Questioning the
Lambda Architecture post when it came out. Here was one of the first highly
visible statements against the necessity of dual-mode execution; delightful.
Kreps addressed the issue of repeatability in the context of using a
replayable system like Kafka as the streaming interconnect, and went so far
as to propose the Kappa Architecture, which basically means running a single
pipeline using a well-designed system that’s appropriately built for the
job at hand. I’m not convinced that notion itself requires a name, but I
fully support the idea in principle.
Quite honestly, I’d take things a step further. I would argue that well-
designed streaming systems actually provide a strict superset of batch
functionality. Modulo perhaps an efficiency delta1, there should be no need
for batch systems as they exist today. And kudos to the Flink folks for
taking this idea to heart and building a system that’s all-streaming-all-
the-time under the covers, even in “batch” mode; I love it.
The corollary of all this is that broad maturation of streaming systems
combined with robust frameworks for unbounded data processing will, in time,
allow the relegation of the Lambda Architecture to the antiquity of big
data history where it belongs. I believe the time has come to make this a
reality. Because to do so, i.e. to beat batch at its own game, you really
only need two things:
Correctness — This gets you parity with batch.
At the core, correctness boils down to consistent storage. Streaming systems
need a method for checkpointing persistent state over time (something Kreps
has talked about in his Why local state is a fundamental primitive in
stream processing post), and it must be well-designed enough to remain
consistent in light of machine failures. When Spark Streaming first appeared
in the public big data scene a few years ago, it was a beacon of
consistency in an otherwise dark streaming world. Thankfully, things have
improved somewhat since then, but it is remarkable how many streaming
systems still try to get by without strong consistency; I seriously cannot
believe that at-most-once processing is still a thing, but it is.
To reiterate, because this point is important: strong consistency is
required for exactly-once processing, which is required for correctness,
which is a requirement for any system that’s going to have a chance at
meeting or exceeding the capabilities of batch systems. Unless you just
truly don’t care about your results, I implore you to shun any streaming
system that doesn’t provide strongly consistent state. Batch systems don’t
require you to verify ahead of time if they are capable of producing
correct answers; don’t waste your time on streaming systems that can’t
meet that same bar.
If you’re curious to learn more about what it takes to get strong
consistency in a streaming system, I recommend you check out the MillWheel
and Spark Streaming papers. Both papers spend a significant amount of time
discussing consistency. Given the amount of quality information on this
topic in the literature and elsewhere, I won’t be covering it any further
in these posts.
Tools for reasoning about time — This gets you beyond batch.
Good tools for reasoning about time are essential for dealing with unbounded
, unordered data of varying event-time skew. An increasing number of modern
data sets exhibit these characteristics, and existing batch systems (as well
as most streaming systems) lack the necessary tools to cope with the
difficulties they impose. I will spend the remainder of this post, and the
bulk of the next post, explaining and focusing on this point.
To begin with, we’ll get a basic understanding of the important concept of
time domains, after which we’ll take a deeper look at what I mean by
unbounded, unordered data of varying event-time skew. We’ll then spend the
rest of this post looking at common approaches to bounded and unbounded data
processing, using both batch and streaming systems.
Event time vs. processing time
To speak cogently about unbounded data processing requires a clear
understanding of the domains of time involved. Within any data processing
system, there are typically two domains of time we care about:
Event time, which is the time at which events actually occurred.
Processing time, which is the time at which events are observed in the
Not all use cases care about event times (and if yours doesn’t, hooray! —
your life is easier), but many do. Examples include characterizing user
behavior over time, most billing applications, and many types of anomaly
detection, to name a few.
In an ideal world, event time and processing time would always be equal,
with events being processed immediately as they occur. Reality is not so
kind, however, and the skew between event time and processing time is not
only non-zero, but often a highly variable function of the characteristics
of the underlying input sources, execution engine, and hardware. Things that
can affect the level of skew include:
Shared resource limitations, such as network congestion, network partitions,
or shared CPU in a non-dedicated environment.
Software causes, such as distributed system logic, contention, etc.
Features of the data themselves, including key distribution, variance in
throughput, or variance in disorder (e.g., a plane full of people taking
their phones out of airplane mode after having used them offline for the
entire flight).
As a result, if you plot the progress of event time and processing time in
any real-world system, you typically end up with something that looks a bit
like the red line in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Example time domain mapping. The X-axis represents event time
completeness in the system, i.e. the time X in event time up to which all
data with event times less than X have been observed. The Y-axis represents
the progress of processing time, i.e. normal clock time as observed by the
data processing system as it executes. Image: Tyler Akidau.
The black dashed line with a slope of one represents the ideal, where
processing time and event time are exactly equal; the red line represents
reality. In this example, the system lags a bit at the beginning of
processing time, veers closer toward the ideal in the middle, then lags
again a bit toward the end. The horizontal distance between the ideal and
the red line is the skew between processing time and event time. That skew
is essentially the latency introduced by the processing pipeline.
Since the mapping between event time and processing time is not static, this
means you cannot analyze your data solely within the context of when they
are observed in your pipeline if you care about their event times (i.e.,
when the events actually occurred). Unfortunately, this is the way most
existing systems designed for unbounded data operate. To cope with the
infinite nature of unbounded data sets, these systems typically provide some
notion of windowing the incoming data. We’ll discuss windowing in great
depth below, but it essentially means chopping up a data set into finite
pieces along temporal boundaries.
If you care about correctness and are interested in analyzing your data in
the context of their event times, you cannot define those temporal
boundaries using processing time (i.e., processing time windowing), as most
existing systems do; with no consistent correlation between processing time
and event time, some of your event time data are going to end up in the
wrong processing time windows (due to the inherent lag in distributed
systems, the online/offline nature of many types of input sources, etc.),
throwing correctness out the window, as it were. We’ll look at this problem
in more detail in a number of examples below as well as in the next post.
Unfortunately, the picture isn’t exactly rosy when windowing by event time,
either. In the context of unbounded data, disorder and variable skew induce
a completeness problem for event time windows: lacking a predictable
mapping between processing time and event time, how can you determine when
you’ve observed all the data for a given event time X? For many real-world
data sources, you simply can’t. The vast majority of data processing
systems in use today rely on some notion of completeness, which puts them at
a severe disadvantage when applied to unbounded data sets.
I propose that instead of attempting to groom unbounded data into finite
batches of information that eventually become complete, we should be
designing tools that allow us to live in the world of uncertainty imposed by
these complex data sets. New data will arrive, old data may be retracted or
updated, and any system we build should be able to cope with these facts on
its own, with notions of completeness being a convenient optimization
rather than a semantic necessity.
Before diving into how we’ve tried to build such a system with the Dataflow
Model used in Cloud Dataflow, let’s finish up one more useful piece of
background: common data processing patterns.
Data processing patterns
At this point in time, we have enough background established that we can
start looking at the core types of usage patterns common across bounded and
unbounded data processing today. We’ll look at both types of processing,
and where relevant, within the context of the two main types of engines we
care about (batch and streaming, where in this context, I’m essentially
lumping micro-batch in with streaming since the differences between the two
aren’t terribly important at this level).
Bounded data
Processing bounded data is quite straightforward, and likely familiar to
everyone. In the diagram below, we start out on the left with a data set
full of entropy. We run it through some data processing engine (typically
batch, though a well-designed streaming engine would work just as well),
such as MapReduce, and on the right end up with a new structured data set
with greater inherent value:
Figure 2: Bounded data processing with a classic batch engine. A finite pool
of unstructured data on the left is run through a data processing engine,
resulting in corresponding structured data on the right. Image: Tyler Akidau.
Though there are, of course, infinite variations on what you can actually
calculate as part of this scheme, the overall model is quite simple. Much
more interesting is the task of processing an unbounded data set. Let’s now
look at the various ways unbounded data are typically processed, starting
with the approaches used with traditional batch engines, and then ending up
with the approaches one can take with a system designed for unbounded data,
such as most streaming or micro-batch engines.
Unbounded data — batch
Batch engines, though not explicitly designed with unbounded data in mind,
have been used to process unbounded data sets since batch systems were first
conceived. As one might expect, such approaches revolve around slicing up
the unbounded data into a collection of bounded data sets appropriate for
batch processing.
Fixed windows
The most common way to process an unbounded data set using repeated runs of
a batch engine is by windowing the input data into fixed-sized windows, then
processing each of those windows as a separate, bounded data source.
Particularly for input sources like logs, where events can be written into
directory and file hierarchies whose names encode the window they correspond
to, this sort of thing appears quite straightforward at first blush since
you’ve essentially performed the time-based shuffle to get data into the
appropriate event time windows ahead of time.
In reality, however, most systems still have a completeness problem to deal
with: what if some of your events are delayed en route to the logs due to a
network partition? What if your events are collected globally and must be
transferred to a common location before processing? What if your events come
from mobile devices? This means some sort of mitigation may be necessary (e
.g., delaying processing until you’re sure all events have been collected,
or re-processing the entire batch for a given window whenever data arrive
Figure 3: Unbounded data processing via ad hoc fixed windows with a classic
batch engine. An unbounded data set is collected up front into finite, fixed
-size windows of bounded data that are then processed via successive runs a
of classic batch engine. Image: Tyler Akidau.
This approach breaks down even more when you try to use a batch engine to
process unbounded data into more sophisticated windowing strategies, like
sessions. Sessions are typically defined as periods of activity (e.g., for a
specific user) terminated by a gap of inactivity. When calculating sessions
using a typical batch engine, you often end up with sessions that are split
across batches, as indicated by the red marks in the diagram below. The
number of splits can be reduced by increasing batch sizes, but at the cost
of increased latency. Another option is to add additional logic to stitch up
sessions from previous runs, but at the cost of further complexity.
Figure 4: Unbounded data processing into sessions via ad hoc fixed windows
with a classic batch engine. An unbounded data set is collected up front
into finite, fixed-size windows of bounded data that are then subdivided
into dynamic session windows via successive runs a of classic batch engine.
Image: Tyler Akidau.
Either way, using a classic batch engine to calculate sessions is less than
ideal. A nicer way would be to build up sessions in a streaming manner,
which we’ll look at later on.
Unbounded data — streaming
Contrary to the ad hoc nature of most batch-based unbounded data processing
approaches, streaming systems are built for unbounded data. As I noted
earlier, for many real-world, distributed input sources, you not only find
yourself dealing with unbounded data, but also data that are:
Highly unordered with respect to event times, meaning you need some sort of
time-based shuffle in your pipeline if you want to analyze the data in the
context in which they occurred.
Of varying event time skew, meaning you can’t just assume you’ll always
see most of the data for a given event time X within some constant epsilon
of time Y.
There are a handful of approaches one can take when dealing with data that
have these characteristics. I generally categorize these approaches into
four groups:
Windowing by processing time
Windowing by event time
We’ll now spend a little bit of time looking at each of these approaches.
Time-agnostic processing is used in cases where time is essentially
irrelevant — i.e., all relevant logic is data driven. Since everything
about such use cases is dictated by the arrival of more data, there’s
really nothing special a streaming engine has to support other than basic
data delivery. As a result, essentially all streaming systems in existence
support time-agnostic use cases out of the box (modulo system-to-system
variances in consistency guarantees, of course, for those of you that care
about correctness). Batch systems are also well suited for time-agnostic
processing of unbounded data sources, by simply chopping the unbounded
source into an arbitrary sequence of bounded data sets and processing those
data sets independently. We’ll look at a couple of concrete examples in
this section, but given the straightforwardness of handling time-agnostic
processing, won’t spend much more time on it beyond that.
A very basic form of time-agnostic processing is filtering. Imagine you’re
processing Web traffic logs, and you want to filter out all traffic that
didn’t originate from a specific domain. You would look at each record as
it arrived, see if it belonged to the domain of interest, and drop it if not
. Since this sort of thing depends only on a single element at any time, the
fact that the data source is unbounded, unordered, and of varying event
time skew is irrelevant.
Figure 5: Filtering unbounded data. A collection of data (flowing left to
right) of varying types is filtered into a homogeneous collection containing
a single type. Image: Tyler Akidau.
Another time-agnostic example is an inner-join (or hash-join). When joining
two unbounded data sources, if you only care about the results of a join
when an element from both sources arrive, there’s no temporal element to
the logic. Upon seeing a value from one source, you can simply buffer it up
in persistent state; you only need to emit the joined record once the second
value from the other source arrives. (In truth, you’d likely want some
sort of garbage collection policy for unemitted partial joins, which would
likely be time based. But for a use case with little or no uncompleted joins
, such a thing might not be an issue.)
Figure 6: Performing an inner join on unbounded data. Joins are produced
when matching elements from both sources are observed. Image: Tyler Akidau.
Switching semantics to some sort of outer join introduces the data
completeness problem we’ve talked about: once you’ve seen one side of the
join, how do you know whether the other side is ever going to arrive or not?
Truth be told, you don’t, so you have to introduce some notion of a
timeout, which introduces an element of time. That element of time is
essentially a form of windowing, which we’ll look at more closely in a
Approximation algorithms
Figure 7: Computing approximations on unbounded data. Data are run through a
complex algorithm, yielding output data that look more or less like the
desired result on the other side. Image: Tyler Akidau.
The second major category of approaches is approximation algorithms, such as
approximate Top-N, streaming K-means, etc. They take an unbounded source of
input and provide output data that, if you squint at them, look more or
less like what you were hoping to get. The upside of approximation
algorithms is that, by design, they are low overhead and designed for
unbounded data. The downsides are that a limited set of them exist, the
algorithms themselves are often complicated (which makes it difficult to
conjure up new ones), and their approximate nature limits their utility.
It’s worth noting: these algorithms typically do have some element of time
in their design (e.g., some sort of built-in decay). And since they process
elements as they arrive, that element of time is usually processing-time
based. This is particularly important for algorithms that provide some sort
of provable error bounds on their approximations. If those error bounds are
predicated on data arriving in order, they mean essentially nothing when you
feed the algorithm unordered data with varying event-time skew. Something
to keep in mind.
Approximation algorithms themselves are a fascinating subject, but as they
are essentially another example of time-agnostic processing (modulo the
temporal features of the algorithms themselves), they’re quite
straightforward to use, and thus not worth further attention given our
current focus.
The remaining two approaches for unbounded data processing are both
variations of windowing. Before diving into the differences between them, I
should make it clear exactly what I mean by windowing since I’ve only
touched on it briefly. Windowing is simply the notion of taking a data
source (either unbounded or bounded), and chopping it up along temporal
boundaries into finite chunks for processing. The following diagram shows
three different windowing patterns:
Figure 8: Example windowing strategies. Each example is shown for three
different keys, highlighting the difference between aligned windows (which
apply across all the data) and unaligned windows (which apply across a
subset of the data). Image: Tyler Akidau.
Fixed windows: Fixed windows slice up time into segments with a fixed-size
temporal length. Typically (as in Figure 8), the segments for fixed windows
are applied uniformly across the entire data set, which is an example of
aligned windows. In some cases, it’s desirable to phase-shift the windows
for different subsets of the data (e.g., per key) to spread window
completion load more evenly over time, which instead is an example of
unaligned windows since they vary across the data.
Sliding windows: A generalization of fixed windows, sliding windows are
defined by a fixed length and a fixed period. If the period is less than the
length, then the windows overlap. If the period equals the length, you have
fixed windows. And if the period is greater than the length, you have a
weird sort of sampling window that only looks at subsets of the data over
time. As with fixed windows, sliding windows are typically aligned, though
may be unaligned as a performance optimization in certain use cases. Note
that the sliding windows in the Figure 8 are drawn as they are to give a
sense of sliding motion; in reality, all five windows would apply across the
entire data set.
Sessions: An example of dynamic windows, sessions are composed of sequences
of events terminated by a gap of inactivity greater than some timeout.
Sessions are commonly used for analyzing user behavior over time, by
grouping together a series of temporally-related events (e.g., a sequence of
videos viewed in one sitting). Sessions are interesting because their
lengths cannot be defined a priori; they are dependent upon the actual data
involved. They’re also the canonical example of unaligned windows since
sessions are practically never identical across different subsets of data (e
.g., different users).
The two domains of time discussed — processing time and event time — are
essentially the two we care about2. Windowing makes sense in both domains,
so we’ll look at each in detail and see how they differ. Since processing
time windowing is vastly more common in existing systems, I’ll start there.
Windowing by processing time
Figure 9: Windowing into fixed windows by processing time. Data are
collected into windows based on the order they arrive in the pipeline. Image
When windowing by processing time, the system essentially buffers up
incoming data into windows until some amount of processing time has passed.
For example, in the case of five-minute fixed windows, the system would
buffer up data for five minutes of processing time, after which it would
treat all the data it had observed in those five minutes as a window and
send them downstream for processing.
There are a few nice properties of processing time windowing:
It’s simple. The implementation is extremely straightforward since you
never worry about shuffling data within time. You just buffer things up as
they arrive and send them downstream when the window closes.
Judging window completeness is straightforward. Since the system has perfect
knowledge of whether all inputs for a window have been seen or not, it can
make perfect decisions about whether a given window is complete or not. This
means there is no need to be able to deal with “late” data in any way
when windowing by processing time.
If you’re wanting to infer information about the source as it is observed,
processing time windowing is exactly what you want. Many monitoring
scenarios fall into this category. Imagine tracking the number of requests
per second sent to a global-scale Web service. Calculating a rate of these
requests for the purpose of detecting outages is a perfect use of processing
time windowing.
Good points aside, there is one very big downside to processing time
windowing: if the data in question have event times associated with them,
those data must arrive in event time order if the processing time windows
are to reflect the reality of when those events actually happened.
Unfortunately, event-time ordered data are uncommon in many real-world,
distributed input sources.
As a simple example, imagine any mobile app that gathers usage statistics
for later processing. In cases where a given mobile device goes offline for
any amount of time (brief loss of connectivity, airplane mode while flying
across the country, etc.), the data recorded during that period won’t be
uploaded until the device comes online again. That means data might arrive
with an event time skew of minutes, hours, days, weeks, or more. It’s
essentially impossible to draw any sort of useful inferences from such a
data set when windowed by processing time.
As another example, many distributed input sources may seem to provide event
-time ordered (or very nearly so) data when the overall system is healthy.
Unfortunately, the fact that event-time skew is low for the input source
when healthy does not mean it will always stay that way. Consider a global
service that processes data collected on multiple continents. If network
issues across a bandwidth-constrained transcontinental line (which, sadly,
are surprisingly common) further decrease bandwidth and/or increase latency,
suddenly a portion of your input data may start arriving with much greater
skew than before. If you are windowing that data by processing time, your
windows are no longer representative of the data that actually occurred
within them; instead, they represent the windows of time as the events
arrived at the processing pipeline, which is some arbitrary mix of old and
current data.
What we really want in both of those cases is to window data by their event
times in a way that is robust to the order of arrival of events. What we
really want is event time windowing.
Windowing by event time
Event time windowing is what you use when you need to observe a data source
in finite chunks that reflect the times at which those events actually
happened. It’s the gold standard of windowing. Sadly, most data processing
systems in use today lack native support for it (though any system with a
decent consistency model, like Hadoop or Spark Streaming, could act as a
reasonable substrate for building such a windowing system).
This diagram shows an example of windowing an unbounded source into one-hour
fixed windows:
Figure 10: Windowing into fixed windows by event time. Data are collected
into windows based on the times they occurred. The white arrows call out
example data that arrived in processing time windows that differed from the
event time windows to which they belonged. Image: Tyler Akidau.
The solid white lines in the diagram call out two particular data of
interest. Those two data both arrived in processing time windows that did
not match the event time windows to which they belonged. As such, if these
data had been windowed into processing time windows for a use case that
cared about event times, the calculated results would have been incorrect.
As one would expect, event time correctness is one nice thing about using
event time windows.
Another nice thing about event time windowing over an unbounded data source
is that you can create dynamically sized windows, such as sessions, without
the arbitrary splits observed when generating sessions over fixed windows (
as we saw previously in the sessions example from the “Unbounded data —
batch” section):
Figure 11: Windowing into session windows by event time. Data are collected
into session windows capturing bursts of activity based on the times that
the corresponding events occurred. The white arrows again call out the
temporal shuffle necessary to put the data into their correct event-time
locations. Image: Tyler Akidau.
Of course, powerful semantics rarely come for free, and event time windows
are no exception. Event time windows have two notable drawbacks due to the
fact that windows must often live longer (in processing time) than the
actual length of the window itself:
Buffering: Due to extended window lifetimes, more buffering of data is
required. Thankfully, persistent storage is generally the cheapest of the
resource types most data processing systems depend on (the others being
primarily CPU, network bandwidth, and RAM). As such, this problem is
typically much less of a concern than one might think when using any well-
designed data-processing system with strongly consistent persistent state
and a decent in-memory caching layer. Also, many useful aggregations do not
require the entire input set to be buffered (e.g., sum, or average), but
instead can be performed incrementally, with a much smaller, intermediate
aggregate stored in persistent state.
Completeness: Given that we often have no good way of knowing when we’ve
seen all the data for a given window, how do we know when the results for
the window are ready to materialize? In truth, we simply don’t. For many
types of inputs, the system can give a reasonably accurate heuristic
estimate of window completion via something like MillWheel’s watermarks (
which I’ll talk about more in Part 2). But in cases where absolute
correctness is paramount (again, think billing), the only real option is to
provide a way for the pipeline builder to express when they want results for
windows to be materialized, and how those results should be refined over
time. Dealing with window completeness (or lack, thereof), is a fascinating
topic, but one perhaps best explored in the context of concrete examples,
which we’ll look at next time.
Whew! That was a lot of information. To those of you that have made it this
far: you are to be commended! At this point we are roughly halfway through
the material I want to cover, so it’s probably reasonable to step back,
recap what I’ve covered so far, and let things settle a bit before diving
into Part 2. The upside of all this is that Part 1 is the boring post; Part
2 is where the fun really begins.
To summarize, in this post I’ve:
Clarified terminology, specifically narrowing the definition of “streaming
” to apply to execution engines only, while using more descriptive terms
like unbounded data and approximate/speculative results for distinct
concepts often categorized under the “streaming” umbrella.
Assessed the relative capabilities of well-designed batch and streaming
systems, positing that streaming is in fact a strict superset of batch, and
that notions like the Lambda Architecture, which are predicated on streaming
being inferior to batch, are destined for retirement as streaming systems
Proposed two high-level concepts necessary for streaming systems to both
catch up to and ultimately surpass batch, those being correctness and tools
for reasoning about time, respectively.
Established the important differences between event time and processing time
, characterized the difficulties those differences impose when analyzing
data in the context of when they occurred, and proposed a shift in approach
away from notions of completeness and toward simply adapting to changes in
data over time.
Looked at the major data processing approaches in common use today for
bounded and unbounded data, via both batch and streaming engines, roughly
categorizing the unbounded approaches into: time-agnostic, approximation,
windowing by processing time, and windowing by event time.
Next time
This post provides the context necessary for the concrete examples I’ll be
exploring in Part 2. That post will consist of roughly the following:
A conceptual look at how we’ve broken up the notion of data processing in
the Dataflow Model across four related axes: what, where, when, and how.
A detailed look at processing a simple, concrete example data set across
multiple scenarios, highlighting the plurality of use cases enabled by the
Dataflow Model, and the concrete APIs involved. These examples will help
drive home the notions of event time and processing time introduced in this
post, while additionally exploring new concepts, such as watermarks.
A comparison of existing data-processing systems across the important
characteristics covered in both posts, to better enable educated choice
amongst them, and to encourage improvement in areas that are lacking, with
my ultimate goal being the betterment of data processing systems in general,
and streaming systems in particular, across the entire big data community.
Should be a good time. See you then!
1 One which I propose is not an inherent limitation of streaming systems,
but simply a consequence of design choices made in most streaming systems
thus far. The efficiency delta between batch and streaming is largely the
result of the increased bundling and more efficient shuffle transports found
in batch systems. Modern batch systems go to great lengths to implement
sophisticated optimizations that allow for remarkable levels of throughput
using surprisingly modest compute resources. There’s no reason the types of
clever insights that make batch systems the efficiency heavyweights they
are today couldn’t be incorporated into a system designed for unbounded
data, providing users flexible choice between what we typically consider to
be high-latency, higher-efficiency “batch” processing and low-latency,
lower-efficiency “streaming” processing. This is effectively what we’ve
done with Cloud Dataflow by providing both batch and streaming runners under
the same unified model. In our case, we use separate runners because we
happen to have two independently designed systems optimized for their
specific use cases. Long-term, from an engineering perspective, I’d love to
see us merge the two into a single system which incorporates the best parts
of both, while still maintaining the flexibility of choosing an appropriate
efficiency level. But that’s not what we have today. And honestly, thanks
to the unified Dataflow Model, it’s not even strictly necessary; so it may
well never happen. (↵ Return to article)
2 If you poke around enough in the academic literature or SQL-based
streaming systems, you’ll also come across a third windowing time domain:
tuple-based windowing (i.e., windows whose sizes are counted in numbers of
elements). However, tuple-based windowing is essentially a form of
processing-time windowing where elements are assigned monotonically
increasing timestamps as they arrive at the system. As such, we won’t
discuss tuple-based windowing in detail here (though we will see an example
of it in Part 2)