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Twitter don’t use Storm anymore.
At Twitter, Storm has been decommissioned and Heron is now the de-facto
streaming system. It has been in production for several months and runs
hundreds of development and production topologies in multiple data centers.
These topologies process several tens of terabytes of data, generating
billions of output tuples…. results from an empirical evaluation of Heron
demonstrate large reductions in CPU resources when using Heron, while
delivering 6-14X improvements in throughput, and 5-10X reductions in tuple
At Twitter, Storm has been decommissioned and Heron is now the de-facto
streaming system. It has been in production for several months and runs
hundreds of development and production topologies in multiple data centers.
These topologies process several tens of terabytes of data, generating
billions of output tuples…. results from an empirical evaluation of Heron
demonstrate large reductions in CPU resources when using Heron, while
delivering 6-14X improvements in throughput, and 5-10X reductions in tuple
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