2 楼
3 楼
4 楼
5 楼
It's easier said than done.
6 楼
class Result;
class ResultLoader{
Result Load(...);
然后,review人要求去掉class Result;代之以#include,说此处不可forward declare
class Result;
class ResultLoader{
Result Load(...);
然后,review人要求去掉class Result;代之以#include,说此处不可forward declare
8 楼
10 楼
you got it.
it is even very hard to be not said.
it is even very hard to be not said.
13 楼
【在 T*******y 的大作中提到】
: It's easier said than done.
: 释永信:我的态度就像昔日寒山(文殊菩萨化身)问拾得(普贤菩萨化身):世间谤我、欺
: 我、辱我、笑我、轻我、贱我、恶我、骗我,如何处治乎?拾得曰:只是忍他、让他、
: 由他、避他、耐他、敬他、不要理他,再待几年你且看他。
: http://www.mitbbs.com/news_wenzhang/SportsNews/31198903.html
【在 T*******y 的大作中提到】
: It's easier said than done.
: 释永信:我的态度就像昔日寒山(文殊菩萨化身)问拾得(普贤菩萨化身):世间谤我、欺
: 我、辱我、笑我、轻我、贱我、恶我、骗我,如何处治乎?拾得曰:只是忍他、让他、
: 由他、避他、耐他、敬他、不要理他,再待几年你且看他。
: http://www.mitbbs.com/news_wenzhang/SportsNews/31198903.html
17 楼
(1) ResultLoader.h中一定有class ResultLoader的定义,所以一定有关于class
(2)你这个forward declare本身也没有意义。
后面"Result Load(..)"需要class的definition才能编译通过。
如果是"Result* Load(..)",那么forward declare才有意义。
【在 b***i 的大作中提到】
: 今天同事写了下述代码
: ResultLoader.h
: class Result;
: class ResultLoader{
: ...
: Result Load(...);
: };
: 然后,review人要求去掉class Result;代之以#include,说此处不可forward declare
: 但是我查了可以啊。大家说怎么回事?
(1) ResultLoader.h中一定有class ResultLoader的定义,所以一定有关于class
(2)你这个forward declare本身也没有意义。
后面"Result Load(..)"需要class的definition才能编译通过。
如果是"Result* Load(..)",那么forward declare才有意义。
【在 b***i 的大作中提到】
: 今天同事写了下述代码
: ResultLoader.h
: class Result;
: class ResultLoader{
: ...
: Result Load(...);
: };
: 然后,review人要求去掉class Result;代之以#include,说此处不可forward declare
: 但是我查了可以啊。大家说怎么回事?
18 楼
What is about the second and the third?
19 楼
It's both needed. I will check myself to see where I am, whether I want to
change, or what I want to change.
However, no matter what I am, there are going to be people who like me and
dislike me, and that's their issues, not mine. I will still be me.
【在 l*****a 的大作中提到】
: 我是觉得应该做个吾日三省吾身,先检查一下为什么“世间谤我、欺我、辱我、笑我、
: 轻我、贱我、恶我、骗我”
change, or what I want to change.
However, no matter what I am, there are going to be people who like me and
dislike me, and that's their issues, not mine. I will still be me.
【在 l*****a 的大作中提到】
: 我是觉得应该做个吾日三省吾身,先检查一下为什么“世间谤我、欺我、辱我、笑我、
: 轻我、贱我、恶我、骗我”
23 楼
Result Load(..); 是声明.不需要result class 的 definition.
有些include ResultLoader.h 的 cpp file 需要 Result.h (比如ResultLoader.cpp)
那就在这个cpp file 里直接include Result.h 就好了。 有些include ResultLoader.
h 的 cpp file 不需要 Result.h, 用forward declaration就避免了这个麻烦, 节省
【在 h*****e 的大作中提到】
: 我认为这里有2个原因
: (1) ResultLoader.h中一定有class ResultLoader的定义,所以一定有关于class
: Result的declare或定义。
: (2)你这个forward declare本身也没有意义。
: 后面"Result Load(..)"需要class的definition才能编译通过。
: 如果是"Result* Load(..)",那么forward declare才有意义。
: declare
有些include ResultLoader.h 的 cpp file 需要 Result.h (比如ResultLoader.cpp)
那就在这个cpp file 里直接include Result.h 就好了。 有些include ResultLoader.
h 的 cpp file 不需要 Result.h, 用forward declaration就避免了这个麻烦, 节省
【在 h*****e 的大作中提到】
: 我认为这里有2个原因
: (1) ResultLoader.h中一定有class ResultLoader的定义,所以一定有关于class
: Result的declare或定义。
: (2)你这个forward declare本身也没有意义。
: 后面"Result Load(..)"需要class的definition才能编译通过。
: 如果是"Result* Load(..)",那么forward declare才有意义。
: declare
25 楼
I don't know what is 我见,我执 ah.
I want to say that there's really no one, not even Buddha, who can please
everyone. Pleasing sometimes does not satisfy the other person, and then the
one pleases often feels resentment when his/her pleasing (or sacrificing)
didn't give him/her the result s/he wants, and nobody benefits from it.
It's better to be simple to be oneself, to express one's opinions, either
the other person agrees or not, that's fine.
【在 b**d 的大作中提到】
: 你这个是不是我见,我执呀?
I want to say that there's really no one, not even Buddha, who can please
everyone. Pleasing sometimes does not satisfy the other person, and then the
one pleases often feels resentment when his/her pleasing (or sacrificing)
didn't give him/her the result s/he wants, and nobody benefits from it.
It's better to be simple to be oneself, to express one's opinions, either
the other person agrees or not, that's fine.
【在 b**d 的大作中提到】
: 你这个是不是我见,我执呀?
26 楼
Load(...) 返回的不是Result的指针或者引用是不能用incomplete type的,这代码按
28 楼
这句话释永信说出来感觉很滑稽。释永信以发扬广大少林寺和佛教为名, 这些年干了
些什么大家都知道, 为了商业利益的扩大花, 戒律清规荡然无存,佛教乃至少林都成
了笑话。 尽管现在这件事(绯闻)多半是假的, 但是无风不起浪, 今天他受到了一
点不公正, 就拿出寒山的话来当挡箭牌, 这和寒山的本意已经不是一回事了。。他如
果真的能像寒山一样, 又何必去和记者说这些, 乃至让天下人都知道他的操守境界之
高。。这哪里是在忍, 是在避, 是在不要理。。 是另一次宣传自己的戏罢了。。
另外, 寒山拾得的对话是有背景的。 自禅宗出世以来, 提出了顿教法门, 这在正宗
佛教内部在各个时期都不被承认, 而备受打击。。在禅宗的历史上, 经常有人专门提
场子, 坛经中就有"师见诸宗难问。咸起恶心。多集座下。"这样的记录, 在后来的
历史中有很多, 走到哪里, 也都是一样。。禅宗的很多大德, 今天我们看他们很潇
洒,其实当年的传法环境很糟糕。。人身的攻击, 乃至性命都会有危险。。这是个背
景, 是在讲因为法而受到的不公待遇。。
, 到也也是可以。 然而一切都是有条件的,如果人人在任何情况下都是这样的心态,
也未必就是正确的, 比如说当外敌入侵的时候, 我们是不是也去忍、让,由,避,
【在 T*******y 的大作中提到】
: It's easier said than done.
: 释永信:我的态度就像昔日寒山(文殊菩萨化身)问拾得(普贤菩萨化身):世间谤我、欺
: 我、辱我、笑我、轻我、贱我、恶我、骗我,如何处治乎?拾得曰:只是忍他、让他、
: 由他、避他、耐他、敬他、不要理他,再待几年你且看他。
: http://www.mitbbs.com/news_wenzhang/SportsNews/31198903.html
些什么大家都知道, 为了商业利益的扩大花, 戒律清规荡然无存,佛教乃至少林都成
了笑话。 尽管现在这件事(绯闻)多半是假的, 但是无风不起浪, 今天他受到了一
点不公正, 就拿出寒山的话来当挡箭牌, 这和寒山的本意已经不是一回事了。。他如
果真的能像寒山一样, 又何必去和记者说这些, 乃至让天下人都知道他的操守境界之
高。。这哪里是在忍, 是在避, 是在不要理。。 是另一次宣传自己的戏罢了。。
另外, 寒山拾得的对话是有背景的。 自禅宗出世以来, 提出了顿教法门, 这在正宗
佛教内部在各个时期都不被承认, 而备受打击。。在禅宗的历史上, 经常有人专门提
场子, 坛经中就有"师见诸宗难问。咸起恶心。多集座下。"这样的记录, 在后来的
历史中有很多, 走到哪里, 也都是一样。。禅宗的很多大德, 今天我们看他们很潇
洒,其实当年的传法环境很糟糕。。人身的攻击, 乃至性命都会有危险。。这是个背
景, 是在讲因为法而受到的不公待遇。。
, 到也也是可以。 然而一切都是有条件的,如果人人在任何情况下都是这样的心态,
也未必就是正确的, 比如说当外敌入侵的时候, 我们是不是也去忍、让,由,避,
【在 T*******y 的大作中提到】
: It's easier said than done.
: 释永信:我的态度就像昔日寒山(文殊菩萨化身)问拾得(普贤菩萨化身):世间谤我、欺
: 我、辱我、笑我、轻我、贱我、恶我、骗我,如何处治乎?拾得曰:只是忍他、让他、
: 由他、避他、耐他、敬他、不要理他,再待几年你且看他。
: http://www.mitbbs.com/news_wenzhang/SportsNews/31198903.html
31 楼
I see. I didn't follow the news much. It's good to know.
【在 Y**u 的大作中提到】
: 这句话释永信说出来感觉很滑稽。释永信以发扬广大少林寺和佛教为名, 这些年干了
: 些什么大家都知道, 为了商业利益的扩大花, 戒律清规荡然无存,佛教乃至少林都成
: 了笑话。 尽管现在这件事(绯闻)多半是假的, 但是无风不起浪, 今天他受到了一
: 点不公正, 就拿出寒山的话来当挡箭牌, 这和寒山的本意已经不是一回事了。。他如
: 果真的能像寒山一样, 又何必去和记者说这些, 乃至让天下人都知道他的操守境界之
: 高。。这哪里是在忍, 是在避, 是在不要理。。 是另一次宣传自己的戏罢了。。
: 另外, 寒山拾得的对话是有背景的。 自禅宗出世以来, 提出了顿教法门, 这在正宗
: 佛教内部在各个时期都不被承认, 而备受打击。。在禅宗的历史上, 经常有人专门提
: 场子, 坛经中就有"师见诸宗难问。咸起恶心。多集座下。"这样的记录, 在后来的
: 历史中有很多, 走到哪里, 也都是一样。。禅宗的很多大德, 今天我们看他们很潇
【在 Y**u 的大作中提到】
: 这句话释永信说出来感觉很滑稽。释永信以发扬广大少林寺和佛教为名, 这些年干了
: 些什么大家都知道, 为了商业利益的扩大花, 戒律清规荡然无存,佛教乃至少林都成
: 了笑话。 尽管现在这件事(绯闻)多半是假的, 但是无风不起浪, 今天他受到了一
: 点不公正, 就拿出寒山的话来当挡箭牌, 这和寒山的本意已经不是一回事了。。他如
: 果真的能像寒山一样, 又何必去和记者说这些, 乃至让天下人都知道他的操守境界之
: 高。。这哪里是在忍, 是在避, 是在不要理。。 是另一次宣传自己的戏罢了。。
: 另外, 寒山拾得的对话是有背景的。 自禅宗出世以来, 提出了顿教法门, 这在正宗
: 佛教内部在各个时期都不被承认, 而备受打击。。在禅宗的历史上, 经常有人专门提
: 场子, 坛经中就有"师见诸宗难问。咸起恶心。多集座下。"这样的记录, 在后来的
: 历史中有很多, 走到哪里, 也都是一样。。禅宗的很多大德, 今天我们看他们很潇
32 楼
如果需要用的话在cpp文件include Result.h
关键在于包含ResultLoader.h的cpp文件不一定需要用Load, 你把Result.h加到
ResultLoader.h里面了, 那么所有包含ResultLoader.h的cpp文件不论需不需要用Load
【在 d***j 的大作中提到】
: Load(...) 返回的不是Result的指针或者引用是不能用incomplete type的,这代码按
: 理应该编译不过啊。
如果需要用的话在cpp文件include Result.h
关键在于包含ResultLoader.h的cpp文件不一定需要用Load, 你把Result.h加到
ResultLoader.h里面了, 那么所有包含ResultLoader.h的cpp文件不论需不需要用Load
【在 d***j 的大作中提到】
: Load(...) 返回的不是Result的指针或者引用是不能用incomplete type的,这代码按
: 理应该编译不过啊。
33 楼
35 楼
这样做不是good practice。假设出现这样的情况,1) cpp文件在包含ResultLoader.h
之前包含了另一个.h文件,2) 那个.h文件也declare了Result,3) 编程员忘记了要包
【在 h**l 的大作中提到】
: 包含ResultLoader.h的cpp文件不用Load就可以编译通过了。
: 如果需要用的话在cpp文件include Result.h
: 关键在于包含ResultLoader.h的cpp文件不一定需要用Load, 你把Result.h加到
: ResultLoader.h里面了, 那么所有包含ResultLoader.h的cpp文件不论需不需要用Load
: 都要编译Result.h.
: 当然可能reviwer觉得这样太麻烦,也节省不了什么时间。
: 这也是c++程序的一个很大问题,很多做法是相对更合理的,但是不那么好理解,于是
: 不那么好维护,于是就不用了。。。
之前包含了另一个.h文件,2) 那个.h文件也declare了Result,3) 编程员忘记了要包
【在 h**l 的大作中提到】
: 包含ResultLoader.h的cpp文件不用Load就可以编译通过了。
: 如果需要用的话在cpp文件include Result.h
: 关键在于包含ResultLoader.h的cpp文件不一定需要用Load, 你把Result.h加到
: ResultLoader.h里面了, 那么所有包含ResultLoader.h的cpp文件不论需不需要用Load
: 都要编译Result.h.
: 当然可能reviwer觉得这样太麻烦,也节省不了什么时间。
: 这也是c++程序的一个很大问题,很多做法是相对更合理的,但是不那么好理解,于是
: 不那么好维护,于是就不用了。。。
38 楼
2) 那个.h文件也declare了Result
如果这个Result class是和ResultLoader用到的Result class (declared in Result.
h) 是在同一个namespace的话,这个写程序的人应该更好的学习一下命名规则。 :)
当然我完全同意 forward declaration用来缩短编译时间并不是那么关键。我维护的项
【在 d***a 的大作中提到】
: 这样做不是good practice。假设出现这样的情况,1) cpp文件在包含ResultLoader.h
: 之前包含了另一个.h文件,2) 那个.h文件也declare了Result,3) 编程员忘记了要包
: 含Result.h。那么,编译不会报错,但编译出的代码是错误的(因为代码生成时用了错
: 误的Result类声明)。
: 如果ResultLoader.h包含了Result.h,编译器能检测到重复定义的错误,让编程员有机
: 会更正。
: 所以说,在这种情况下,ResultLoader.h是必须要包含Result.h的,这样才能保证使用
: 了正确的Result类声明。
: Load
如果这个Result class是和ResultLoader用到的Result class (declared in Result.
h) 是在同一个namespace的话,这个写程序的人应该更好的学习一下命名规则。 :)
当然我完全同意 forward declaration用来缩短编译时间并不是那么关键。我维护的项
【在 d***a 的大作中提到】
: 这样做不是good practice。假设出现这样的情况,1) cpp文件在包含ResultLoader.h
: 之前包含了另一个.h文件,2) 那个.h文件也declare了Result,3) 编程员忘记了要包
: 含Result.h。那么,编译不会报错,但编译出的代码是错误的(因为代码生成时用了错
: 误的Result类声明)。
: 如果ResultLoader.h包含了Result.h,编译器能检测到重复定义的错误,让编程员有机
: 会更正。
: 所以说,在这种情况下,ResultLoader.h是必须要包含Result.h的,这样才能保证使用
: 了正确的Result类声明。
: Load
39 楼
41 楼
43 楼
刚去少林看了一下, 赫然发现这个活动年年都有。。下面是今年2011的题, 出的都极
没水平, 一看出题的人自己就还在妄想呢, 第一个题出的就有问题,达摩的原话是 "
没水平, 一看出题的人自己就还在妄想呢, 第一个题出的就有问题,达摩的原话是 "
46 楼
People say that every expertise may take at least 5 years (10000 hours) to
polish it into shape. I feel that you have been studying Buddhism for many
years. How did you begin?
For an outsider like me, I don't know their questions are problematic or not
either way. I feel the same way when I read the debate between runsun and
waichi, as I just don't know who is right. I guess that there are perhaps
many people like me.
Who is clean in 少林 nowadays then? Last time I met 德建禅师 from 禅武医,
but his talk was kinda short and we couldn't talk much afterwards.
【在 Y**u 的大作中提到】
: 刚去少林看了一下, 赫然发现这个活动年年都有。。下面是今年2011的题, 出的都极
: 没水平, 一看出题的人自己就还在妄想呢, 第一个题出的就有问题,达摩的原话是 "
: 廓然无圣",
: 1、达摩祖师云:“廓然无相”,指什么?
: 2、梦里为何有六趣,觉后反而无大千?
: 3、父母未生前,如何是我本来面目?
: 4、雪印心珠,何为心珠?
: 5、达摩为何只履西归?
: 6、一叶障目,不见灵山,若见自性时,还见灵山否?
polish it into shape. I feel that you have been studying Buddhism for many
years. How did you begin?
For an outsider like me, I don't know their questions are problematic or not
either way. I feel the same way when I read the debate between runsun and
waichi, as I just don't know who is right. I guess that there are perhaps
many people like me.
Who is clean in 少林 nowadays then? Last time I met 德建禅师 from 禅武医,
but his talk was kinda short and we couldn't talk much afterwards.
【在 Y**u 的大作中提到】
: 刚去少林看了一下, 赫然发现这个活动年年都有。。下面是今年2011的题, 出的都极
: 没水平, 一看出题的人自己就还在妄想呢, 第一个题出的就有问题,达摩的原话是 "
: 廓然无圣",
: 1、达摩祖师云:“廓然无相”,指什么?
: 2、梦里为何有六趣,觉后反而无大千?
: 3、父母未生前,如何是我本来面目?
: 4、雪印心珠,何为心珠?
: 5、达摩为何只履西归?
: 6、一叶障目,不见灵山,若见自性时,还见灵山否?
49 楼
【在 T*******y 的大作中提到】
: It's both needed. I will check myself to see where I am, whether I want to
: change, or what I want to change.
: However, no matter what I am, there are going to be people who like me and
: dislike me, and that's their issues, not mine. I will still be me.
【在 T*******y 的大作中提到】
: It's both needed. I will check myself to see where I am, whether I want to
: change, or what I want to change.
: However, no matter what I am, there are going to be people who like me and
: dislike me, and that's their issues, not mine. I will still be me.
51 楼
不好意思, 我在这里不算是什么懂佛法的。。很难说是怎么开始的。 我一开始是学道
家的。。灵宝毕法是最爱。。。喜欢道家天人合一的理念, 和清静无为, 廓然自由的
境界。。后来机缘引领下, 由善知识带进了禅宗。
大概就是这样的。。至于你说的谁对谁错的问题。。我是这么看的, 任何一种道路,
如果不能导向戒定慧, 就是错的, 否则就是对的。 这首先是对自己而言。
戒就是没有妄想, 常常觉察自己没有妄想就是定, 定的时候又没有我在定的想法就是
所有的办法都是为了灭苦, 禅宗只是选择了一条重满荆棘的近路。。
【在 T*******y 的大作中提到】
: People say that every expertise may take at least 5 years (10000 hours) to
: polish it into shape. I feel that you have been studying Buddhism for many
: years. How did you begin?
: For an outsider like me, I don't know their questions are problematic or not
: either way. I feel the same way when I read the debate between runsun and
: waichi, as I just don't know who is right. I guess that there are perhaps
: many people like me.
: Who is clean in 少林 nowadays then? Last time I met 德建禅师 from 禅武医,
: but his talk was kinda short and we couldn't talk much afterwards.
家的。。灵宝毕法是最爱。。。喜欢道家天人合一的理念, 和清静无为, 廓然自由的
境界。。后来机缘引领下, 由善知识带进了禅宗。
大概就是这样的。。至于你说的谁对谁错的问题。。我是这么看的, 任何一种道路,
如果不能导向戒定慧, 就是错的, 否则就是对的。 这首先是对自己而言。
戒就是没有妄想, 常常觉察自己没有妄想就是定, 定的时候又没有我在定的想法就是
所有的办法都是为了灭苦, 禅宗只是选择了一条重满荆棘的近路。。
【在 T*******y 的大作中提到】
: People say that every expertise may take at least 5 years (10000 hours) to
: polish it into shape. I feel that you have been studying Buddhism for many
: years. How did you begin?
: For an outsider like me, I don't know their questions are problematic or not
: either way. I feel the same way when I read the debate between runsun and
: waichi, as I just don't know who is right. I guess that there are perhaps
: many people like me.
: Who is clean in 少林 nowadays then? Last time I met 德建禅师 from 禅武医,
: but his talk was kinda short and we couldn't talk much afterwards.
52 楼
Reviewer大体是这样一个思路,他说,Reference, Pointer是可以forward declare的,
但是Return by Value不行。
比如,Application.cpp用了ResultLoader::Load,然后呢,当然要include Result.h
。如果ResultLoader返回Result.Reference, 那么,Application.cpp里面如果要用,
auto r = ResultLoader::Load(...);
这里,application.cpp还是要include Result.h。要不然如何调用act()呢?
唯一的区别是,如果不调用act()等任何函数,就不需要include Result.h了。
【在 d***a 的大作中提到】
: 这样做不是good practice。假设出现这样的情况,1) cpp文件在包含ResultLoader.h
: 之前包含了另一个.h文件,2) 那个.h文件也declare了Result,3) 编程员忘记了要包
: 含Result.h。那么,编译不会报错,但编译出的代码是错误的(因为代码生成时用了错
: 误的Result类声明)。
: 如果ResultLoader.h包含了Result.h,编译器能检测到重复定义的错误,让编程员有机
: 会更正。
: 所以说,在这种情况下,ResultLoader.h是必须要包含Result.h的,这样才能保证使用
: 了正确的Result类声明。
: Load
但是Return by Value不行。
比如,Application.cpp用了ResultLoader::Load,然后呢,当然要include Result.h
。如果ResultLoader返回Result.Reference, 那么,Application.cpp里面如果要用,
auto r = ResultLoader::Load(...);
这里,application.cpp还是要include Result.h。要不然如何调用act()呢?
唯一的区别是,如果不调用act()等任何函数,就不需要include Result.h了。
【在 d***a 的大作中提到】
: 这样做不是good practice。假设出现这样的情况,1) cpp文件在包含ResultLoader.h
: 之前包含了另一个.h文件,2) 那个.h文件也declare了Result,3) 编程员忘记了要包
: 含Result.h。那么,编译不会报错,但编译出的代码是错误的(因为代码生成时用了错
: 误的Result类声明)。
: 如果ResultLoader.h包含了Result.h,编译器能检测到重复定义的错误,让编程员有机
: 会更正。
: 所以说,在这种情况下,ResultLoader.h是必须要包含Result.h的,这样才能保证使用
: 了正确的Result类声明。
: Load
54 楼
即使不调用act(), 也要include Result.h, 因为调用Load了。
【在 b***i 的大作中提到】
: Reviewer大体是这样一个思路,他说,Reference, Pointer是可以forward declare的,
: 但是Return by Value不行。
: 问题是,你说的这些要么都有问题,要么都可以。
: 比如,Application.cpp用了ResultLoader::Load,然后呢,当然要include Result.h
: 。如果ResultLoader返回Result.Reference, 那么,Application.cpp里面如果要用,
: 这样用
: auto r = ResultLoader::Load(...);
: r.act();
: 这里,application.cpp还是要include Result.h。要不然如何调用act()呢?
: 唯一的区别是,如果不调用act()等任何函数,就不需要include Result.h了。
【在 b***i 的大作中提到】
: Reviewer大体是这样一个思路,他说,Reference, Pointer是可以forward declare的,
: 但是Return by Value不行。
: 问题是,你说的这些要么都有问题,要么都可以。
: 比如,Application.cpp用了ResultLoader::Load,然后呢,当然要include Result.h
: 。如果ResultLoader返回Result.Reference, 那么,Application.cpp里面如果要用,
: 这样用
: auto r = ResultLoader::Load(...);
: r.act();
: 这里,application.cpp还是要include Result.h。要不然如何调用act()呢?
: 唯一的区别是,如果不调用act()等任何函数,就不需要include Result.h了。
56 楼
了header2.h和ResultLoader.h, 没有包含Result.h, 那么编译器就会生成错误代码了
如果是reference或pointer, 编译器会生成正确的代码。
【在 b***i 的大作中提到】
: Reviewer大体是这样一个思路,他说,Reference, Pointer是可以forward declare的,
: 但是Return by Value不行。
: 问题是,你说的这些要么都有问题,要么都可以。
: 比如,Application.cpp用了ResultLoader::Load,然后呢,当然要include Result.h
: 。如果ResultLoader返回Result.Reference, 那么,Application.cpp里面如果要用,
: 这样用
: auto r = ResultLoader::Load(...);
: r.act();
: 这里,application.cpp还是要include Result.h。要不然如何调用act()呢?
: 唯一的区别是,如果不调用act()等任何函数,就不需要include Result.h了。
了header2.h和ResultLoader.h, 没有包含Result.h, 那么编译器就会生成错误代码了
如果是reference或pointer, 编译器会生成正确的代码。
【在 b***i 的大作中提到】
: Reviewer大体是这样一个思路,他说,Reference, Pointer是可以forward declare的,
: 但是Return by Value不行。
: 问题是,你说的这些要么都有问题,要么都可以。
: 比如,Application.cpp用了ResultLoader::Load,然后呢,当然要include Result.h
: 。如果ResultLoader返回Result.Reference, 那么,Application.cpp里面如果要用,
: 这样用
: auto r = ResultLoader::Load(...);
: r.act();
: 这里,application.cpp还是要include Result.h。要不然如何调用act()呢?
: 唯一的区别是,如果不调用act()等任何函数,就不需要include Result.h了。
58 楼
我觉得bihai公司的reviewer可能并没有考虑到这种情况。 :)
他想的可能是ResultLoader class包含了一个成员变量,它的类型可能是Result, 或者
Result*, 或者Result&. 第一种情况必须要include Result.h。后两种不需要因为后两
。 但如果是出现在成员函数的声明,任何类型都是可以的,只要compiler知道这是个
类型就可以了。这里用forward declare和模板中用的typename起到差不多的作用。
【在 d***a 的大作中提到】
: 你的理解有一点偏差。我说的是这种情况,另一个程序员在header2.h里定义了Result
: 类,或者某个库的header2.h定义了Result类。第三个程序员写的Application.app包含
: 了header2.h和ResultLoader.h, 没有包含Result.h, 那么编译器就会生成错误代码了
: 。这种情况本来不应该出现,但在大项目大团队开发中,应该假设,有可能出现这种情
: 况。
: 如果是reference或pointer, 编译器会生成正确的代码。
: h
他想的可能是ResultLoader class包含了一个成员变量,它的类型可能是Result, 或者
Result*, 或者Result&. 第一种情况必须要include Result.h。后两种不需要因为后两
。 但如果是出现在成员函数的声明,任何类型都是可以的,只要compiler知道这是个
类型就可以了。这里用forward declare和模板中用的typename起到差不多的作用。
【在 d***a 的大作中提到】
: 你的理解有一点偏差。我说的是这种情况,另一个程序员在header2.h里定义了Result
: 类,或者某个库的header2.h定义了Result类。第三个程序员写的Application.app包含
: 了header2.h和ResultLoader.h, 没有包含Result.h, 那么编译器就会生成错误代码了
: 。这种情况本来不应该出现,但在大项目大团队开发中,应该假设,有可能出现这种情
: 况。
: 如果是reference或pointer, 编译器会生成正确的代码。
: h
60 楼
Reviewer说,Application.cpp用到Load时需要include Result.h, Application2.cpp
也是一样。既然所有用到Load的cpp都要include Result.h,那么为什么不在
【在 h**l 的大作中提到】
: 我觉得bihai公司的reviewer可能并没有考虑到这种情况。 :)
: 他想的可能是ResultLoader class包含了一个成员变量,它的类型可能是Result, 或者
: Result*, 或者Result&. 第一种情况必须要include Result.h。后两种不需要因为后两
: 类变量的大小都是一个word第一种情况下的变量大小一定要看到Result类的定义才知道
: 。 但如果是出现在成员函数的声明,任何类型都是可以的,只要compiler知道这是个
: 类型就可以了。这里用forward declare和模板中用的typename起到差不多的作用。
: Result
也是一样。既然所有用到Load的cpp都要include Result.h,那么为什么不在
【在 h**l 的大作中提到】
: 我觉得bihai公司的reviewer可能并没有考虑到这种情况。 :)
: 他想的可能是ResultLoader class包含了一个成员变量,它的类型可能是Result, 或者
: Result*, 或者Result&. 第一种情况必须要include Result.h。后两种不需要因为后两
: 类变量的大小都是一个word第一种情况下的变量大小一定要看到Result类的定义才知道
: 。 但如果是出现在成员函数的声明,任何类型都是可以的,只要compiler知道这是个
: 类型就可以了。这里用forward declare和模板中用的typename起到差不多的作用。
: Result
62 楼
I googled a bit on 灵宝毕法, it reads very nice.
So, you are more in 禅宗, could you tell me more about what is 禅宗?
especially why "禅宗只是选择了一条重满荆棘的近路。。"?
"戒就是没有妄想, 常常觉察自己没有妄想就是定, 定的时候又没有我在定的想法就
是慧。。" I like this explanation a lot, as this is something I can
understand to some extent. :-)
"所有的办法都是为了灭苦" eh, very good. My current understanding is still
that the Truth is universal, general, and simple.
道家的。。灵宝毕法是最爱。。。喜欢道家天人合一的理念, 和清静无为, 廓然自由
的境界。。后来机缘引领下, 由善知识带进了禅宗。
,如果不能导向戒定慧, 就是错的, 否则就是对的。 这首先是对自己而言。
【在 Y**u 的大作中提到】
: 不好意思, 我在这里不算是什么懂佛法的。。很难说是怎么开始的。 我一开始是学道
: 家的。。灵宝毕法是最爱。。。喜欢道家天人合一的理念, 和清静无为, 廓然自由的
: 境界。。后来机缘引领下, 由善知识带进了禅宗。
: 大概就是这样的。。至于你说的谁对谁错的问题。。我是这么看的, 任何一种道路,
: 如果不能导向戒定慧, 就是错的, 否则就是对的。 这首先是对自己而言。
: 戒就是没有妄想, 常常觉察自己没有妄想就是定, 定的时候又没有我在定的想法就是
: 慧。。
: 所有的办法都是为了灭苦, 禅宗只是选择了一条重满荆棘的近路。。
: not
So, you are more in 禅宗, could you tell me more about what is 禅宗?
especially why "禅宗只是选择了一条重满荆棘的近路。。"?
"戒就是没有妄想, 常常觉察自己没有妄想就是定, 定的时候又没有我在定的想法就
是慧。。" I like this explanation a lot, as this is something I can
understand to some extent. :-)
"所有的办法都是为了灭苦" eh, very good. My current understanding is still
that the Truth is universal, general, and simple.
道家的。。灵宝毕法是最爱。。。喜欢道家天人合一的理念, 和清静无为, 廓然自由
的境界。。后来机缘引领下, 由善知识带进了禅宗。
,如果不能导向戒定慧, 就是错的, 否则就是对的。 这首先是对自己而言。
【在 Y**u 的大作中提到】
: 不好意思, 我在这里不算是什么懂佛法的。。很难说是怎么开始的。 我一开始是学道
: 家的。。灵宝毕法是最爱。。。喜欢道家天人合一的理念, 和清静无为, 廓然自由的
: 境界。。后来机缘引领下, 由善知识带进了禅宗。
: 大概就是这样的。。至于你说的谁对谁错的问题。。我是这么看的, 任何一种道路,
: 如果不能导向戒定慧, 就是错的, 否则就是对的。 这首先是对自己而言。
: 戒就是没有妄想, 常常觉察自己没有妄想就是定, 定的时候又没有我在定的想法就是
: 慧。。
: 所有的办法都是为了灭苦, 禅宗只是选择了一条重满荆棘的近路。。
: not
63 楼
As a human being we can not avoid defilements when "bad" things or persons
are coming.
The right way is to be very open and compassionate and with acceptance, we
just see them mindfully, and this seeing mind has equanimity.
Defilements will lose their power.
We can not change others either simply by 只是忍他、让他、由他、避他、耐他、
敬他、不要理他, but we can treat others with more loving-kindness.
【在 T*******y 的大作中提到】
: It's easier said than done.
: 释永信:我的态度就像昔日寒山(文殊菩萨化身)问拾得(普贤菩萨化身):世间谤我、欺
: 我、辱我、笑我、轻我、贱我、恶我、骗我,如何处治乎?拾得曰:只是忍他、让他、
: 由他、避他、耐他、敬他、不要理他,再待几年你且看他。
: http://www.mitbbs.com/news_wenzhang/SportsNews/31198903.html
are coming.
The right way is to be very open and compassionate and with acceptance, we
just see them mindfully, and this seeing mind has equanimity.
Defilements will lose their power.
We can not change others either simply by 只是忍他、让他、由他、避他、耐他、
敬他、不要理他, but we can treat others with more loving-kindness.
【在 T*******y 的大作中提到】
: It's easier said than done.
: 释永信:我的态度就像昔日寒山(文殊菩萨化身)问拾得(普贤菩萨化身):世间谤我、欺
: 我、辱我、笑我、轻我、贱我、恶我、骗我,如何处治乎?拾得曰:只是忍他、让他、
: 由他、避他、耐他、敬他、不要理他,再待几年你且看他。
: http://www.mitbbs.com/news_wenzhang/SportsNews/31198903.html
65 楼
"戒就是没有妄想, 常常觉察自己没有妄想就是定, 定的时候又没有我在定的想法就
This is not right.
There is strict definition of 戒定慧 (八正道)in Buddhism.
【在 T*******y 的大作中提到】
: I googled a bit on 灵宝毕法, it reads very nice.
: So, you are more in 禅宗, could you tell me more about what is 禅宗?
: especially why "禅宗只是选择了一条重满荆棘的近路。。"?
: "戒就是没有妄想, 常常觉察自己没有妄想就是定, 定的时候又没有我在定的想法就
: 是慧。。" I like this explanation a lot, as this is something I can
: understand to some extent. :-)
: "所有的办法都是为了灭苦" eh, very good. My current understanding is still
: that the Truth is universal, general, and simple.
: 道家的。。灵宝毕法是最爱。。。喜欢道家天人合一的理念, 和清静无为, 廓然自由
This is not right.
There is strict definition of 戒定慧 (八正道)in Buddhism.
【在 T*******y 的大作中提到】
: I googled a bit on 灵宝毕法, it reads very nice.
: So, you are more in 禅宗, could you tell me more about what is 禅宗?
: especially why "禅宗只是选择了一条重满荆棘的近路。。"?
: "戒就是没有妄想, 常常觉察自己没有妄想就是定, 定的时候又没有我在定的想法就
: 是慧。。" I like this explanation a lot, as this is something I can
: understand to some extent. :-)
: "所有的办法都是为了灭苦" eh, very good. My current understanding is still
: that the Truth is universal, general, and simple.
: 道家的。。灵宝毕法是最爱。。。喜欢道家天人合一的理念, 和清静无为, 廓然自由
67 楼
In principle, Buddha can please everyone if he wanted.:p
【在 T*******y 的大作中提到】
: I don't know what is 我见,我执 ah.
: I want to say that there's really no one, not even Buddha, who can please
: everyone. Pleasing sometimes does not satisfy the other person, and then the
: one pleases often feels resentment when his/her pleasing (or sacrificing)
: didn't give him/her the result s/he wants, and nobody benefits from it.
: It's better to be simple to be oneself, to express one's opinions, either
: the other person agrees or not, that's fine.
【在 T*******y 的大作中提到】
: I don't know what is 我见,我执 ah.
: I want to say that there's really no one, not even Buddha, who can please
: everyone. Pleasing sometimes does not satisfy the other person, and then the
: one pleases often feels resentment when his/her pleasing (or sacrificing)
: didn't give him/her the result s/he wants, and nobody benefits from it.
: It's better to be simple to be oneself, to express one's opinions, either
: the other person agrees or not, that's fine.
68 楼
I see that it's a very touchy issue ah. There are indeed many examples as
what you have said.
Perhaps complete honesty towards oneself and towards others is the key to
help one always feel the peace, and then no matter what happens, s/he knows
that the truth will come out given enough time.
Is Tom Hanks a nice family man? He projects that impression, and he has
tried to be very honest when he was interviewed. Well, his current long-
lasting and loving marriage started from an affair, which he admitted that
he was not proud of. He seems to be accepted now, with his mistakes and all.
Was Ellen DeGeneres boycotted miserably when she came out as gay? She couldn
't do much then. Well, given time, she regained her popularity, with both
her own honesty, and more social acceptance.
【在 d********d 的大作中提到】
: 你这个提议毫无现实意义。
: 被众人谤欺辱笑轻贱恶骗的,绝对做不到
: 忍让由避耐敬不理。反之
: 能忍让由避耐敬不理,不可能被
: 众人谤欺辱笑轻贱恶骗。
: what
: self-
what you have said.
Perhaps complete honesty towards oneself and towards others is the key to
help one always feel the peace, and then no matter what happens, s/he knows
that the truth will come out given enough time.
Is Tom Hanks a nice family man? He projects that impression, and he has
tried to be very honest when he was interviewed. Well, his current long-
lasting and loving marriage started from an affair, which he admitted that
he was not proud of. He seems to be accepted now, with his mistakes and all.
Was Ellen DeGeneres boycotted miserably when she came out as gay? She couldn
't do much then. Well, given time, she regained her popularity, with both
her own honesty, and more social acceptance.
【在 d********d 的大作中提到】
: 你这个提议毫无现实意义。
: 被众人谤欺辱笑轻贱恶骗的,绝对做不到
: 忍让由避耐敬不理。反之
: 能忍让由避耐敬不理,不可能被
: 众人谤欺辱笑轻贱恶骗。
: what
: self-
70 楼
With honesty and being mindful, the truth will come out immediately. :p
【在 T*******y 的大作中提到】
: I see that it's a very touchy issue ah. There are indeed many examples as
: what you have said.
: Perhaps complete honesty towards oneself and towards others is the key to
: help one always feel the peace, and then no matter what happens, s/he knows
: that the truth will come out given enough time.
: 能忍让由避耐敬不理,不可能被众人谤欺辱笑轻贱恶骗。
: Is Tom Hanks a nice family man? He projects that impression, and he has
: tried to be very honest when he was interviewed. Well, his current long-
: lasting and loving marriage started from an affair, which he admitted that
: he was not proud of. He seems to be accepted now, with his mistakes and all.
【在 T*******y 的大作中提到】
: I see that it's a very touchy issue ah. There are indeed many examples as
: what you have said.
: Perhaps complete honesty towards oneself and towards others is the key to
: help one always feel the peace, and then no matter what happens, s/he knows
: that the truth will come out given enough time.
: 能忍让由避耐敬不理,不可能被众人谤欺辱笑轻贱恶骗。
: Is Tom Hanks a nice family man? He projects that impression, and he has
: tried to be very honest when he was interviewed. Well, his current long-
: lasting and loving marriage started from an affair, which he admitted that
: he was not proud of. He seems to be accepted now, with his mistakes and all.
74 楼
The pleasing I mentioned earlier was one kind of manipulation, perhaps not
the satisfying/loving/understanding ability of Buddha for anyone that you
I remember seeing somewhere that Buddha was misunderstood by his pupils when
he accepted some food from a country woman, and he just let it go. He didn'
t make them stay or understand him. Given time, his way was understood by
【在 J******s 的大作中提到】
: In principle, Buddha can please everyone if he wanted.:p
: the
the satisfying/loving/understanding ability of Buddha for anyone that you
I remember seeing somewhere that Buddha was misunderstood by his pupils when
he accepted some food from a country woman, and he just let it go. He didn'
t make them stay or understand him. Given time, his way was understood by
【在 J******s 的大作中提到】
: In principle, Buddha can please everyone if he wanted.:p
: the
75 楼
En :-)
【在 T*******y 的大作中提到】
: The pleasing I mentioned earlier was one kind of manipulation, perhaps not
: the satisfying/loving/understanding ability of Buddha for anyone that you
: mentioned.
: I remember seeing somewhere that Buddha was misunderstood by his pupils when
: he accepted some food from a country woman, and he just let it go. He didn'
: t make them stay or understand him. Given time, his way was understood by
: others.
【在 T*******y 的大作中提到】
: The pleasing I mentioned earlier was one kind of manipulation, perhaps not
: the satisfying/loving/understanding ability of Buddha for anyone that you
: mentioned.
: I remember seeing somewhere that Buddha was misunderstood by his pupils when
: he accepted some food from a country woman, and he just let it go. He didn'
: t make them stay or understand him. Given time, his way was understood by
: others.
78 楼
嗯, 恐怕要先了解一些禅宗的经典, 否则三言两语可能也是说不清的。禅宗的经典说
永嘉证道歌,信心铭,息心铭 等, 但是如果是最初的了解, 我个人觉的六祖坛经比
较好,我在俱乐部曾经有过一个读坛经的活动, 有兴趣您可以去看一下。。
【在 T*******y 的大作中提到】
: I googled a bit on 灵宝毕法, it reads very nice.
: So, you are more in 禅宗, could you tell me more about what is 禅宗?
: especially why "禅宗只是选择了一条重满荆棘的近路。。"?
: "戒就是没有妄想, 常常觉察自己没有妄想就是定, 定的时候又没有我在定的想法就
: 是慧。。" I like this explanation a lot, as this is something I can
: understand to some extent. :-)
: "所有的办法都是为了灭苦" eh, very good. My current understanding is still
: that the Truth is universal, general, and simple.
: 道家的。。灵宝毕法是最爱。。。喜欢道家天人合一的理念, 和清静无为, 廓然自由
79 楼
Thank you so much!
In your post, taipingnan mentioned that "语言之所以可以用来交流,是因为大家
I agree with this very much. Even when I read the same book, what I
understand now is different from what I did one year ago. It's the same
words that I am reading, but I understand them differently given more of my
experiences. However, if I were to describe my experiences, I can't think of
some better words, despite them sounding like dogma or cliche.
There are things that can't be described by words and very personal. Analogy
is possible, but not accurate.
【在 Y**u 的大作中提到】
: 嗯, 恐怕要先了解一些禅宗的经典, 否则三言两语可能也是说不清的。禅宗的经典说
: 来还不少,比如说有:
: 首楞严经,愣枷经,大般涅磐经,金刚经,六祖坛经,心经,圆觉经,维摩诘所说经,
: 永嘉证道歌,信心铭,息心铭 等, 但是如果是最初的了解, 我个人觉的六祖坛经比
: 较好,我在俱乐部曾经有过一个读坛经的活动, 有兴趣您可以去看一下。。
: http://www.mitbbs.com/clubarticle_t/ChanDaoPractice/31010895.ht
In your post, taipingnan mentioned that "语言之所以可以用来交流,是因为大家
I agree with this very much. Even when I read the same book, what I
understand now is different from what I did one year ago. It's the same
words that I am reading, but I understand them differently given more of my
experiences. However, if I were to describe my experiences, I can't think of
some better words, despite them sounding like dogma or cliche.
There are things that can't be described by words and very personal. Analogy
is possible, but not accurate.
【在 Y**u 的大作中提到】
: 嗯, 恐怕要先了解一些禅宗的经典, 否则三言两语可能也是说不清的。禅宗的经典说
: 来还不少,比如说有:
: 首楞严经,愣枷经,大般涅磐经,金刚经,六祖坛经,心经,圆觉经,维摩诘所说经,
: 永嘉证道歌,信心铭,息心铭 等, 但是如果是最初的了解, 我个人觉的六祖坛经比
: 较好,我在俱乐部曾经有过一个读坛经的活动, 有兴趣您可以去看一下。。
: http://www.mitbbs.com/clubarticle_t/ChanDaoPractice/31010895.ht
80 楼
En...You are very welcome. Another aspect of Chan Zong is that it tries to free a person from the language itself by the use of Language. It believes that the different understanding of the language are attachment too, and there is no right
understanding but the right insight since an undersatnding is also just an
self illusion. Even if one can undesrand the words correctly, he is still
not the truth behind the words. Simply put, be the moon, other than the
finger pointing to the moon. It tried to help a person to reach a state
where language can't describe and a totally new insight shows up there. CHan
Zhong is one teaching which negates everything, including itself if that
could help to get there.
【在 T*******y 的大作中提到】
: Thank you so much!
: In your post, taipingnan mentioned that "语言之所以可以用来交流,是因为大家
: 有共同的经历,有共识,比如说“桌子”,大家都知道那是啥,都用过见过嘛。但佛教
: 上的许多名词是没有共识的,佛教强调个人自己的修行和体悟,具体实修到了什么状态
: ,只有自己才最清楚,用名词说出来后,别人都会有自己的理解,至于这个理解到底有
: 几分和原说者的意思相应,那就要看个人自己的修行情况和悟性了。"
: I agree with this very much. Even when I read the same book, what I
: understand now is different from what I did one year ago. It's the same
: words that I am reading, but I understand them differently given more of my
: experiences. However, if I were to describe my experiences, I can't think of
understanding but the right insight since an undersatnding is also just an
self illusion. Even if one can undesrand the words correctly, he is still
not the truth behind the words. Simply put, be the moon, other than the
finger pointing to the moon. It tried to help a person to reach a state
where language can't describe and a totally new insight shows up there. CHan
Zhong is one teaching which negates everything, including itself if that
could help to get there.
【在 T*******y 的大作中提到】
: Thank you so much!
: In your post, taipingnan mentioned that "语言之所以可以用来交流,是因为大家
: 有共同的经历,有共识,比如说“桌子”,大家都知道那是啥,都用过见过嘛。但佛教
: 上的许多名词是没有共识的,佛教强调个人自己的修行和体悟,具体实修到了什么状态
: ,只有自己才最清楚,用名词说出来后,别人都会有自己的理解,至于这个理解到底有
: 几分和原说者的意思相应,那就要看个人自己的修行情况和悟性了。"
: I agree with this very much. Even when I read the same book, what I
: understand now is different from what I did one year ago. It's the same
: words that I am reading, but I understand them differently given more of my
: experiences. However, if I were to describe my experiences, I can't think of
81 楼
This speaks to me a lot. Thank you!
Let's take a simple example on what you say: if a person has never tasted
some food, no matter how much others can describe the taste, texture,
ingredients, or smell to this person, he can't experience it or fully
understand it. However, once he tastes it, he knows.
The same applies to other experiences, such as the peace to accept all that'
s happening and the trust to feel that all is well, unconditional self-love,
the most passionate romantic love, parental love, freedom from false
thoughts, or simply the joy.
free a person from the language itself by the use of Language.
【在 Y**u 的大作中提到】
: En...You are very welcome. Another aspect of Chan Zong is that it tries to free a person from the language itself by the use of Language. It believes that the different understanding of the language are attachment too, and there is no right
: understanding but the right insight since an undersatnding is also just an
: self illusion. Even if one can undesrand the words correctly, he is still
: not the truth behind the words. Simply put, be the moon, other than the
: finger pointing to the moon. It tried to help a person to reach a state
: where language can't describe and a totally new insight shows up there. CHan
: Zhong is one teaching which negates everything, including itself if that
: could help to get there.
: my
Let's take a simple example on what you say: if a person has never tasted
some food, no matter how much others can describe the taste, texture,
ingredients, or smell to this person, he can't experience it or fully
understand it. However, once he tastes it, he knows.
The same applies to other experiences, such as the peace to accept all that'
s happening and the trust to feel that all is well, unconditional self-love,
the most passionate romantic love, parental love, freedom from false
thoughts, or simply the joy.
free a person from the language itself by the use of Language.
【在 Y**u 的大作中提到】
: En...You are very welcome. Another aspect of Chan Zong is that it tries to free a person from the language itself by the use of Language. It believes that the different understanding of the language are attachment too, and there is no right
: understanding but the right insight since an undersatnding is also just an
: self illusion. Even if one can undesrand the words correctly, he is still
: not the truth behind the words. Simply put, be the moon, other than the
: finger pointing to the moon. It tried to help a person to reach a state
: where language can't describe and a totally new insight shows up there. CHan
: Zhong is one teaching which negates everything, including itself if that
: could help to get there.
: my
82 楼
Agree. With this good example, Chan Zhong probably can go to another level..
.That's even if one have bite the apple, known the feeling, tasting of the
apple, but he still might not really know the apple.. To know the appple,
one needs to BE the apple itself. And In order to do that, one needs to
negate whatever he had learned about the apple and be free from the touching
, feeling, teates and thinking of it..be the apple so to experience what the
apple has expeienced, then one can say yes, I know the apple now, because I
am. Simply put, in Chan ZHong, the ultimate goal is not to know the truth,
but to experience the truth as itself. All the boundraies between we and the
truth must be removed, no matter what it is, good or bad, holly or
【在 T*******y 的大作中提到】
: This speaks to me a lot. Thank you!
: Let's take a simple example on what you say: if a person has never tasted
: some food, no matter how much others can describe the taste, texture,
: ingredients, or smell to this person, he can't experience it or fully
: understand it. However, once he tastes it, he knows.
: The same applies to other experiences, such as the peace to accept all that'
: s happening and the trust to feel that all is well, unconditional self-love,
: the most passionate romantic love, parental love, freedom from false
: thoughts, or simply the joy.
.That's even if one have bite the apple, known the feeling, tasting of the
apple, but he still might not really know the apple.. To know the appple,
one needs to BE the apple itself. And In order to do that, one needs to
negate whatever he had learned about the apple and be free from the touching
, feeling, teates and thinking of it..be the apple so to experience what the
apple has expeienced, then one can say yes, I know the apple now, because I
am. Simply put, in Chan ZHong, the ultimate goal is not to know the truth,
but to experience the truth as itself. All the boundraies between we and the
truth must be removed, no matter what it is, good or bad, holly or
【在 T*******y 的大作中提到】
: This speaks to me a lot. Thank you!
: Let's take a simple example on what you say: if a person has never tasted
: some food, no matter how much others can describe the taste, texture,
: ingredients, or smell to this person, he can't experience it or fully
: understand it. However, once he tastes it, he knows.
: The same applies to other experiences, such as the peace to accept all that'
: s happening and the trust to feel that all is well, unconditional self-love,
: the most passionate romantic love, parental love, freedom from false
: thoughts, or simply the joy.
83 楼
I see. This explains it very well to me. Thank you!
At a mundane level for the interaction between people, that's the compassion
, total forgiving, total acceptance, and freedom.
.That's even if one have bite the apple, known the feeling, tasting of the
apple, but he still might not really know the apple.. To know the apple, one
needs to BE the apple itself. And In order to do that, one needs to negate
whatever he had learned about the apple and be free from the touching,
feeling, tastes and thinking of it..be the apple so to experience what the
apple has experienced, then one can say yes, I know the apple now, because I
am. Simply put, in Chan ZHong, the ultimate goal is not to know the truth,
but to experience the truth as itself. All the boundaries between we and the
truth must be removed, no matter what it is, good or bad, holly or
【在 Y**u 的大作中提到】
: Agree. With this good example, Chan Zhong probably can go to another level..
: .That's even if one have bite the apple, known the feeling, tasting of the
: apple, but he still might not really know the apple.. To know the appple,
: one needs to BE the apple itself. And In order to do that, one needs to
: negate whatever he had learned about the apple and be free from the touching
: , feeling, teates and thinking of it..be the apple so to experience what the
: apple has expeienced, then one can say yes, I know the apple now, because I
: am. Simply put, in Chan ZHong, the ultimate goal is not to know the truth,
: but to experience the truth as itself. All the boundraies between we and the
: truth must be removed, no matter what it is, good or bad, holly or
At a mundane level for the interaction between people, that's the compassion
, total forgiving, total acceptance, and freedom.
.That's even if one have bite the apple, known the feeling, tasting of the
apple, but he still might not really know the apple.. To know the apple, one
needs to BE the apple itself. And In order to do that, one needs to negate
whatever he had learned about the apple and be free from the touching,
feeling, tastes and thinking of it..be the apple so to experience what the
apple has experienced, then one can say yes, I know the apple now, because I
am. Simply put, in Chan ZHong, the ultimate goal is not to know the truth,
but to experience the truth as itself. All the boundaries between we and the
truth must be removed, no matter what it is, good or bad, holly or
【在 Y**u 的大作中提到】
: Agree. With this good example, Chan Zhong probably can go to another level..
: .That's even if one have bite the apple, known the feeling, tasting of the
: apple, but he still might not really know the apple.. To know the appple,
: one needs to BE the apple itself. And In order to do that, one needs to
: negate whatever he had learned about the apple and be free from the touching
: , feeling, teates and thinking of it..be the apple so to experience what the
: apple has expeienced, then one can say yes, I know the apple now, because I
: am. Simply put, in Chan ZHong, the ultimate goal is not to know the truth,
: but to experience the truth as itself. All the boundraies between we and the
: truth must be removed, no matter what it is, good or bad, holly or
84 楼
I believe that too. that's the true LOVE as I understand..
【在 T*******y 的大作中提到】
: I see. This explains it very well to me. Thank you!
: At a mundane level for the interaction between people, that's the compassion
: , total forgiving, total acceptance, and freedom.
: .That's even if one have bite the apple, known the feeling, tasting of the
: apple, but he still might not really know the apple.. To know the apple, one
: needs to BE the apple itself. And In order to do that, one needs to negate
: whatever he had learned about the apple and be free from the touching,
: feeling, tastes and thinking of it..be the apple so to experience what the
: apple has experienced, then one can say yes, I know the apple now, because I
86 楼
Although there is not enough consensus of the meaning of common terms among
different Buddhist schools today, this was not the case in early Buddhism,
which is a period up to 100 years after the passing away of the Buddha. The
schism that developed and expanded after that further confuses people about
what the Buddha taught. Abhidhamma tradition gives precise definitions for
each term the Buddha used, from the framework of each school, but this is
not popular among Chinese Buddhists. Nobody knows how to practice according
to Chinese abhidhamma now as far as I know. The Theravada abhidhamma is
still a living tradition of practice.
Lacking a precise language, let alone common one, Chinese Buddhism is more
or less anything goes. Your experience is as good as mine, since you can
explain the teaching of Buddha pretty much in any way you like, and say your
experience is/leads to enlightenment.
The Buddha, as a wise and great teacher, can't possibly leave his followers
confused or guessing what he meant, since he was able to help people become
enlightened many times.
This is not to discount the importance of personal experience. Rather, the
inability to distinguish the nature of diverse personal experiences is not
good. The Buddha and his noble disciples have distilled and described the
essential characteristics of liberation based on personal experience of
numerous people, and this is a valuable gift to us. I appreciate this
heritage very much.
【在 T*******y 的大作中提到】
: Thank you so much!
: In your post, taipingnan mentioned that "语言之所以可以用来交流,是因为大家
: 有共同的经历,有共识,比如说“桌子”,大家都知道那是啥,都用过见过嘛。但佛教
: 上的许多名词是没有共识的,佛教强调个人自己的修行和体悟,具体实修到了什么状态
: ,只有自己才最清楚,用名词说出来后,别人都会有自己的理解,至于这个理解到底有
: 几分和原说者的意思相应,那就要看个人自己的修行情况和悟性了。"
: I agree with this very much. Even when I read the same book, what I
: understand now is different from what I did one year ago. It's the same
: words that I am reading, but I understand them differently given more of my
: experiences. However, if I were to describe my experiences, I can't think of
different Buddhist schools today, this was not the case in early Buddhism,
which is a period up to 100 years after the passing away of the Buddha. The
schism that developed and expanded after that further confuses people about
what the Buddha taught. Abhidhamma tradition gives precise definitions for
each term the Buddha used, from the framework of each school, but this is
not popular among Chinese Buddhists. Nobody knows how to practice according
to Chinese abhidhamma now as far as I know. The Theravada abhidhamma is
still a living tradition of practice.
Lacking a precise language, let alone common one, Chinese Buddhism is more
or less anything goes. Your experience is as good as mine, since you can
explain the teaching of Buddha pretty much in any way you like, and say your
experience is/leads to enlightenment.
The Buddha, as a wise and great teacher, can't possibly leave his followers
confused or guessing what he meant, since he was able to help people become
enlightened many times.
This is not to discount the importance of personal experience. Rather, the
inability to distinguish the nature of diverse personal experiences is not
good. The Buddha and his noble disciples have distilled and described the
essential characteristics of liberation based on personal experience of
numerous people, and this is a valuable gift to us. I appreciate this
heritage very much.
【在 T*******y 的大作中提到】
: Thank you so much!
: In your post, taipingnan mentioned that "语言之所以可以用来交流,是因为大家
: 有共同的经历,有共识,比如说“桌子”,大家都知道那是啥,都用过见过嘛。但佛教
: 上的许多名词是没有共识的,佛教强调个人自己的修行和体悟,具体实修到了什么状态
: ,只有自己才最清楚,用名词说出来后,别人都会有自己的理解,至于这个理解到底有
: 几分和原说者的意思相应,那就要看个人自己的修行情况和悟性了。"
: I agree with this very much. Even when I read the same book, what I
: understand now is different from what I did one year ago. It's the same
: words that I am reading, but I understand them differently given more of my
: experiences. However, if I were to describe my experiences, I can't think of
87 楼
Hi, SeeU:
Was the early Buddhism teaching written in Pali or Sanskrit? Do you think
that only that is the original, unaltered, or authentic teaching? Which
translation or explanation of that is the best in Chinese or English, in
your opinion?
I understand that the translation is hard. Take 道德经 for example, there
are several versions of translation in English that people think as good,
but I can't understand everything in it either in Chinese or in English.
Somehow they may complement each other, but I assume that there must be my
own misinterpretations inserted in the blank.
【在 S**U 的大作中提到】
: Although there is not enough consensus of the meaning of common terms among
: different Buddhist schools today, this was not the case in early Buddhism,
: which is a period up to 100 years after the passing away of the Buddha. The
: schism that developed and expanded after that further confuses people about
: what the Buddha taught. Abhidhamma tradition gives precise definitions for
: each term the Buddha used, from the framework of each school, but this is
: not popular among Chinese Buddhists. Nobody knows how to practice according
: to Chinese abhidhamma now as far as I know. The Theravada abhidhamma is
: still a living tradition of practice.
: Lacking a precise language, let alone common one, Chinese Buddhism is more
Was the early Buddhism teaching written in Pali or Sanskrit? Do you think
that only that is the original, unaltered, or authentic teaching? Which
translation or explanation of that is the best in Chinese or English, in
your opinion?
I understand that the translation is hard. Take 道德经 for example, there
are several versions of translation in English that people think as good,
but I can't understand everything in it either in Chinese or in English.
Somehow they may complement each other, but I assume that there must be my
own misinterpretations inserted in the blank.
【在 S**U 的大作中提到】
: Although there is not enough consensus of the meaning of common terms among
: different Buddhist schools today, this was not the case in early Buddhism,
: which is a period up to 100 years after the passing away of the Buddha. The
: schism that developed and expanded after that further confuses people about
: what the Buddha taught. Abhidhamma tradition gives precise definitions for
: each term the Buddha used, from the framework of each school, but this is
: not popular among Chinese Buddhists. Nobody knows how to practice according
: to Chinese abhidhamma now as far as I know. The Theravada abhidhamma is
: still a living tradition of practice.
: Lacking a precise language, let alone common one, Chinese Buddhism is more
88 楼
The earliest Buddhist teaching was transmitted orally, and written down at a
much later date. The earliest written record extant of the Buddha's
teaching was in Pali, about 400 years after his passing away. The Chinese
Agama Sutras was in Sanskrit, and roughly corresponds to Theravada Pali
Nikaya. Although there are differences between them, they are similar enough
. Mahayana sutras, mostly in Sanskrit and appeared at a much later date,
differ more from Agama and Nikaya.
Since there are minor differences between Agama and Nikaya, we can't be
absolutely sure which one is completely authentic. However, the common ones(
there are hundreds, if not thousands of them) are quite credible, especially
if they are expounded/explained by old Commentaries (abhidhamma). The
authenticity of Buddha's teaching is compiled and accepted by a process
called Buddhist Council, which was held six times in Buddhism's 2500 year
history according to Theravada tradition, and the Chinese tradition
acknowledged the first three Buddhist Council as well.
I've written about this process and textual/historical basis of it before.
English translation of Pali Nikaya is best, IMO, for most people to start
with. Pali Nikaya also has extensive commentaries in Pali, though only a
small part of it has been translated into English. Bhikkhu Bodhi's
translation of Pali Nikaya is the best so far. For Chinese counterpart, I
as a start.
【在 T*******y 的大作中提到】
: Hi, SeeU:
: Was the early Buddhism teaching written in Pali or Sanskrit? Do you think
: that only that is the original, unaltered, or authentic teaching? Which
: translation or explanation of that is the best in Chinese or English, in
: your opinion?
: I understand that the translation is hard. Take 道德经 for example, there
: are several versions of translation in English that people think as good,
: but I can't understand everything in it either in Chinese or in English.
: Somehow they may complement each other, but I assume that there must be my
: own misinterpretations inserted in the blank.
much later date. The earliest written record extant of the Buddha's
teaching was in Pali, about 400 years after his passing away. The Chinese
Agama Sutras was in Sanskrit, and roughly corresponds to Theravada Pali
Nikaya. Although there are differences between them, they are similar enough
. Mahayana sutras, mostly in Sanskrit and appeared at a much later date,
differ more from Agama and Nikaya.
Since there are minor differences between Agama and Nikaya, we can't be
absolutely sure which one is completely authentic. However, the common ones(
there are hundreds, if not thousands of them) are quite credible, especially
if they are expounded/explained by old Commentaries (abhidhamma). The
authenticity of Buddha's teaching is compiled and accepted by a process
called Buddhist Council, which was held six times in Buddhism's 2500 year
history according to Theravada tradition, and the Chinese tradition
acknowledged the first three Buddhist Council as well.
I've written about this process and textual/historical basis of it before.
English translation of Pali Nikaya is best, IMO, for most people to start
with. Pali Nikaya also has extensive commentaries in Pali, though only a
small part of it has been translated into English. Bhikkhu Bodhi's
translation of Pali Nikaya is the best so far. For Chinese counterpart, I
as a start.
【在 T*******y 的大作中提到】
: Hi, SeeU:
: Was the early Buddhism teaching written in Pali or Sanskrit? Do you think
: that only that is the original, unaltered, or authentic teaching? Which
: translation or explanation of that is the best in Chinese or English, in
: your opinion?
: I understand that the translation is hard. Take 道德经 for example, there
: are several versions of translation in English that people think as good,
: but I can't understand everything in it either in Chinese or in English.
: Somehow they may complement each other, but I assume that there must be my
: own misinterpretations inserted in the blank.
89 楼
Thank you very much for such a detailed answer. I saved your earlier answer
as well: http://www.mitbbs.com/article/Wisdom/31531425_3.html
【在 S**U 的大作中提到】
: The earliest Buddhist teaching was transmitted orally, and written down at a
: much later date. The earliest written record extant of the Buddha's
: teaching was in Pali, about 400 years after his passing away. The Chinese
: Agama Sutras was in Sanskrit, and roughly corresponds to Theravada Pali
: Nikaya. Although there are differences between them, they are similar enough
: . Mahayana sutras, mostly in Sanskrit and appeared at a much later date,
: differ more from Agama and Nikaya.
: Since there are minor differences between Agama and Nikaya, we can't be
: absolutely sure which one is completely authentic. However, the common ones(
: there are hundreds, if not thousands of them) are quite credible, especially
as well: http://www.mitbbs.com/article/Wisdom/31531425_3.html
【在 S**U 的大作中提到】
: The earliest Buddhist teaching was transmitted orally, and written down at a
: much later date. The earliest written record extant of the Buddha's
: teaching was in Pali, about 400 years after his passing away. The Chinese
: Agama Sutras was in Sanskrit, and roughly corresponds to Theravada Pali
: Nikaya. Although there are differences between them, they are similar enough
: . Mahayana sutras, mostly in Sanskrit and appeared at a much later date,
: differ more from Agama and Nikaya.
: Since there are minor differences between Agama and Nikaya, we can't be
: absolutely sure which one is completely authentic. However, the common ones(
: there are hundreds, if not thousands of them) are quite credible, especially
90 楼
【在 Y**u 的大作中提到】
: 这句话释永信说出来感觉很滑稽。释永信以发扬广大少林寺和佛教为名, 这些年干了
: 些什么大家都知道, 为了商业利益的扩大花, 戒律清规荡然无存,佛教乃至少林都成
: 了笑话。 尽管现在这件事(绯闻)多半是假的, 但是无风不起浪, 今天他受到了一
: 点不公正, 就拿出寒山的话来当挡箭牌, 这和寒山的本意已经不是一回事了。。他如
: 果真的能像寒山一样, 又何必去和记者说这些, 乃至让天下人都知道他的操守境界之
: 高。。这哪里是在忍, 是在避, 是在不要理。。 是另一次宣传自己的戏罢了。。
: 另外, 寒山拾得的对话是有背景的。 自禅宗出世以来, 提出了顿教法门, 这在正宗
: 佛教内部在各个时期都不被承认, 而备受打击。。在禅宗的历史上, 经常有人专门提
: 场子, 坛经中就有"师见诸宗难问。咸起恶心。多集座下。"这样的记录, 在后来的
: 历史中有很多, 走到哪里, 也都是一样。。禅宗的很多大德, 今天我们看他们很潇
【在 Y**u 的大作中提到】
: 这句话释永信说出来感觉很滑稽。释永信以发扬广大少林寺和佛教为名, 这些年干了
: 些什么大家都知道, 为了商业利益的扩大花, 戒律清规荡然无存,佛教乃至少林都成
: 了笑话。 尽管现在这件事(绯闻)多半是假的, 但是无风不起浪, 今天他受到了一
: 点不公正, 就拿出寒山的话来当挡箭牌, 这和寒山的本意已经不是一回事了。。他如
: 果真的能像寒山一样, 又何必去和记者说这些, 乃至让天下人都知道他的操守境界之
: 高。。这哪里是在忍, 是在避, 是在不要理。。 是另一次宣传自己的戏罢了。。
: 另外, 寒山拾得的对话是有背景的。 自禅宗出世以来, 提出了顿教法门, 这在正宗
: 佛教内部在各个时期都不被承认, 而备受打击。。在禅宗的历史上, 经常有人专门提
: 场子, 坛经中就有"师见诸宗难问。咸起恶心。多集座下。"这样的记录, 在后来的
: 历史中有很多, 走到哪里, 也都是一样。。禅宗的很多大德, 今天我们看他们很潇
91 楼
Nobody knows how to practice according to Chinese abhidhamma now as far as I
【在 S**U 的大作中提到】
: Although there is not enough consensus of the meaning of common terms among
: different Buddhist schools today, this was not the case in early Buddhism,
: which is a period up to 100 years after the passing away of the Buddha. The
: schism that developed and expanded after that further confuses people about
: what the Buddha taught. Abhidhamma tradition gives precise definitions for
: each term the Buddha used, from the framework of each school, but this is
: not popular among Chinese Buddhists. Nobody knows how to practice according
: to Chinese abhidhamma now as far as I know. The Theravada abhidhamma is
: still a living tradition of practice.
: Lacking a precise language, let alone common one, Chinese Buddhism is more
Nobody knows how to practice according to Chinese abhidhamma now as far as I
【在 S**U 的大作中提到】
: Although there is not enough consensus of the meaning of common terms among
: different Buddhist schools today, this was not the case in early Buddhism,
: which is a period up to 100 years after the passing away of the Buddha. The
: schism that developed and expanded after that further confuses people about
: what the Buddha taught. Abhidhamma tradition gives precise definitions for
: each term the Buddha used, from the framework of each school, but this is
: not popular among Chinese Buddhists. Nobody knows how to practice according
: to Chinese abhidhamma now as far as I know. The Theravada abhidhamma is
: still a living tradition of practice.
: Lacking a precise language, let alone common one, Chinese Buddhism is more
92 楼
非常欣赏! 握个手。 对我的口味。
【在 T*******y 的大作中提到】
: I don't know what is 我见,我执 ah.
: I want to say that there's really no one, not even Buddha, who can please
: everyone. Pleasing sometimes does not satisfy the other person, and then the
: one pleases often feels resentment when his/her pleasing (or sacrificing)
: didn't give him/her the result s/he wants, and nobody benefits from it.
: It's better to be simple to be oneself, to express one's opinions, either
: the other person agrees or not, that's fine.
【在 T*******y 的大作中提到】
: I don't know what is 我见,我执 ah.
: I want to say that there's really no one, not even Buddha, who can please
: everyone. Pleasing sometimes does not satisfy the other person, and then the
: one pleases often feels resentment when his/her pleasing (or sacrificing)
: didn't give him/her the result s/he wants, and nobody benefits from it.
: It's better to be simple to be oneself, to express one's opinions, either
: the other person agrees or not, that's fine.
96 楼
Language is for communication. There are two kind of knowledges, rational
and intuitive.
Rational one belongs to the realm of intellect, and is thus a system of
abstract concepts and symbols, characterized by the linear, sequential
structure which is typical of our thinking and speaking.
The natural world is multidimensional, which contains infinite varieties
and complexities happening not in sequences but all together.Therefore, our
abstract system of conceptual thinking can never describe or understand this
reality completely. And it is even harder to describe and write exactly the
intuitive knowledge, which happens more often during meditation or
enlightenment with diverse personal experiences.
But this is quite different with what you stated in below.
Like any known scientific system, Buddhism firstly must be a rational
knowledge system, and we can try to understand it to some extent by
listening and thinking, quite similar as we learn everything. Next we go for
practicing, even on this step the written sutra or commentaries still can
give us some guidances.
【在 T*******y 的大作中提到】
: Thank you very much for such a detailed answer. I saved your earlier answer
: as well: http://www.mitbbs.com/article/Wisdom/31531425_3.html
and intuitive.
Rational one belongs to the realm of intellect, and is thus a system of
abstract concepts and symbols, characterized by the linear, sequential
structure which is typical of our thinking and speaking.
The natural world is multidimensional, which contains infinite varieties
and complexities happening not in sequences but all together.Therefore, our
abstract system of conceptual thinking can never describe or understand this
reality completely. And it is even harder to describe and write exactly the
intuitive knowledge, which happens more often during meditation or
enlightenment with diverse personal experiences.
But this is quite different with what you stated in below.
Like any known scientific system, Buddhism firstly must be a rational
knowledge system, and we can try to understand it to some extent by
listening and thinking, quite similar as we learn everything. Next we go for
practicing, even on this step the written sutra or commentaries still can
give us some guidances.
【在 T*******y 的大作中提到】
: Thank you very much for such a detailed answer. I saved your earlier answer
: as well: http://www.mitbbs.com/article/Wisdom/31531425_3.html
97 楼
【在 J******s 的大作中提到】
: Language is for communication. There are two kind of knowledges, rational
: and intuitive.
: Rational one belongs to the realm of intellect, and is thus a system of
: abstract concepts and symbols, characterized by the linear, sequential
: structure which is typical of our thinking and speaking.
: The natural world is multidimensional, which contains infinite varieties
: and complexities happening not in sequences but all together.Therefore, our
: abstract system of conceptual thinking can never describe or understand this
: reality completely. And it is even harder to describe and write exactly the
: intuitive knowledge, which happens more often during meditation or
【在 J******s 的大作中提到】
: Language is for communication. There are two kind of knowledges, rational
: and intuitive.
: Rational one belongs to the realm of intellect, and is thus a system of
: abstract concepts and symbols, characterized by the linear, sequential
: structure which is typical of our thinking and speaking.
: The natural world is multidimensional, which contains infinite varieties
: and complexities happening not in sequences but all together.Therefore, our
: abstract system of conceptual thinking can never describe or understand this
: reality completely. And it is even harder to describe and write exactly the
: intuitive knowledge, which happens more often during meditation or
98 楼
99 楼
1. 苦谛四相∶无常、苦、空、无我
2. 集谛四相∶因、集、缘、生
3. 灭谛四相∶灭、静、妙、离
4. 道谛四相∶道、如、行、出
However, this systematic exposition is good for explanation, and it should
be combined with sequence and guidelines for practice. In comparison,
Theravada's Abhidammasangaha & Visudhimagga complements each other, the
former giving a systematic exposition of the objects of meditation, and the
latter a sequence and practical guidelines when practicing insight
meditation. Theravada teachers can guide you in meditation according to
these books, backed by personal meditation and teaching experience. What
they learn in books is a living tradition of meditation.
This is not the case with Northern abhidharma.
【在 J******s 的大作中提到】
: details?
: :p
2. 集谛四相∶因、集、缘、生
3. 灭谛四相∶灭、静、妙、离
4. 道谛四相∶道、如、行、出
However, this systematic exposition is good for explanation, and it should
be combined with sequence and guidelines for practice. In comparison,
Theravada's Abhidammasangaha & Visudhimagga complements each other, the
former giving a systematic exposition of the objects of meditation, and the
latter a sequence and practical guidelines when practicing insight
meditation. Theravada teachers can guide you in meditation according to
these books, backed by personal meditation and teaching experience. What
they learn in books is a living tradition of meditation.
This is not the case with Northern abhidharma.
【在 J******s 的大作中提到】
: details?
: :p
101 楼
【在 S**U 的大作中提到】
: 1. 苦谛四相∶无常、苦、空、无我
: 2. 集谛四相∶因、集、缘、生
: 3. 灭谛四相∶灭、静、妙、离
: 4. 道谛四相∶道、如、行、出
: 法智是缘欲界四谛而成十六行相;类智缘上二界之四谛,也是成十六行相。所以称为十
: 六行相,是因四谛各有四种相之差别,所以是十六行相。亦即于苦谛之下,观非常、苦
: 、空、无我等四行相;集谛之下,观因、集、生、缘等四行相;灭谛之下,观灭、净、
: 妙、离等四行相;道谛之下,观道、如、行、出等四行相。
: 对于各各四相的解释也有种种说法。
: 苦谛的非常,是观吾人身心待缘而生,因缘而散灭,所以是无常;所谓苦,是
【在 S**U 的大作中提到】
: 1. 苦谛四相∶无常、苦、空、无我
: 2. 集谛四相∶因、集、缘、生
: 3. 灭谛四相∶灭、静、妙、离
: 4. 道谛四相∶道、如、行、出
: 法智是缘欲界四谛而成十六行相;类智缘上二界之四谛,也是成十六行相。所以称为十
: 六行相,是因四谛各有四种相之差别,所以是十六行相。亦即于苦谛之下,观非常、苦
: 、空、无我等四行相;集谛之下,观因、集、生、缘等四行相;灭谛之下,观灭、净、
: 妙、离等四行相;道谛之下,观道、如、行、出等四行相。
: 对于各各四相的解释也有种种说法。
: 苦谛的非常,是观吾人身心待缘而生,因缘而散灭,所以是无常;所谓苦,是
104 楼
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