Re: 英国群众的观点# Reader - 书香世家

How can you make such judgement if you don't read those big books? :)
No, no, no.
It is the novel of DUNE that is a novel of an era. I'd bet that
it is far more important to the history of SF novels than to the
history of games.
There's a blockbuster movie based on this book recently. Usually
a blockbuster movie can drastically promote the original book.
Why do you say no one is reading this book now? :)

en, sometimes we simply make the judgement by guessing. :ppp
In fact I think Jean Christopher is the same great as those old
novels in Russia - this worth considering furthermore, however.
But still the books I've seen in the list from Waterstone's, I mean
what I've read and thought I've understood really lacks SOMETHING
comparing with the old novels
- I can't tell what's that, nor can I tell whether it's
GOOD or NOT. But something is lost and something was given birth.
Anyway, I'm lucky to liv

【在 c**c 的大作中提到】
: How can you make such judgement if you don't read those big books? :)
: No, no, no.
: It is the novel of DUNE that is a novel of an era. I'd bet that
: it is far more important to the history of SF novels than to the
: history of games.
: There's a blockbuster movie based on this book recently. Usually
: a blockbuster movie can drastically promote the original book.
: Why do you say no one is reading this book now? :)

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