2 楼
0. 启动经费
2. 房补
3. 个人的公积金
4. 岗位津贴
5. 一次性安家费
6. 住房货币化补贴
7. 过渡房
9. 回国报到旅费
10. 行李费
0. 启动经费
2. 房补
3. 个人的公积金
4. 岗位津贴
5. 一次性安家费
6. 住房货币化补贴
7. 过渡房
9. 回国报到旅费
10. 行李费
3 楼
Some of my suggestions:
Salary is in most cases standard, no room for negotiation.
Startup in most cases is also a fixed number, maybe negotiable.
Lab space is extremely important, you really need to be serious about it and
present your case why you need
the space you are asking for.
Spouse issue if you are married and your spouse is interested in working for
the same school.
【在 E****h 的大作中提到】
: 最近要回南京到一211高校面试,
: 给正教授职称,
: 具体待遇面谈,
: 请问谈判的时候须注意哪些方面?
: 除了工资,启动经费,还有哪些?
Salary is in most cases standard, no room for negotiation.
Startup in most cases is also a fixed number, maybe negotiable.
Lab space is extremely important, you really need to be serious about it and
present your case why you need
the space you are asking for.
Spouse issue if you are married and your spouse is interested in working for
the same school.
【在 E****h 的大作中提到】
: 最近要回南京到一211高校面试,
: 给正教授职称,
: 具体待遇面谈,
: 请问谈判的时候须注意哪些方面?
: 除了工资,启动经费,还有哪些?
5 楼
【在 t********n 的大作中提到】
: Some of my suggestions:
: Salary is in most cases standard, no room for negotiation.
: Startup in most cases is also a fixed number, maybe negotiable.
: Lab space is extremely important, you really need to be serious about it and
: present your case why you need
: the space you are asking for.
: Spouse issue if you are married and your spouse is interested in working for
: the same school.
【在 t********n 的大作中提到】
: Some of my suggestions:
: Salary is in most cases standard, no room for negotiation.
: Startup in most cases is also a fixed number, maybe negotiable.
: Lab space is extremely important, you really need to be serious about it and
: present your case why you need
: the space you are asking for.
: Spouse issue if you are married and your spouse is interested in working for
: the same school.
回国随笔(ZT)中国准备和美国分道扬镳了 (转载)把黄皮猴子虐死判个自杀,绝对符合法律程序。板上的听说过这个澳大利亚籍华人的事么?吴植辉Re: 川普应该搞一搞共产国家的移民了 (转载)在国内,养老金的确不是问题大赞, Trump关闭圣战移民的通道了很多书呆子锁男在社会里不会察言观色,人家拳头枪子儿 (转载)现在网上很多五毛,想海归的小心别被忽悠食物链:白人歧视黑墨三华,黑墨歧视华,华歧视三 (转载)中国还是少赚点辛苦钱 (转载)“神韵”一场挂羊头卖狗肉的低级秀看见一些人回国还在扯工资国内电视剧是个人就叫总2017年第二届同济大学国际青年学者论坛—生命医学分论坛会议 第二轮通知现在海归是49年入国民党家教多次强奸17岁女学生 首师大附中一教师被开除 (转载)自己搭设的VPN,能大洋狗又翻墙过来转载了美国人作为灾民的悲惨生活 (转载)