2 楼
小将 should 回中国去爱(国)(actually it is to love CCP, a bunch of lier,
murders and rapists), why do you guys bother what old 将 say?
If you love CCP dog shits, just go home and eat it up. When the old 将say "
be careful, it smells bad", because that is what THEY feel. If you feel
differently, such as you feel it tastes wonderful, you just go ahead swallow
it, then let us know "wow, it tastes so good...I cannot have enough of it".
Trust me, nobody will fight with you for that.
All yours.
【在 v***0 的大作中提到】
: 小将呆在美国你让小将回中国去爱国
: 小将要回国你们又在这儿煽风点火的说中国没希望
: 你们是药吃多了还是今天没吃药?
murders and rapists), why do you guys bother what old 将 say?
If you love CCP dog shits, just go home and eat it up. When the old 将say "
be careful, it smells bad", because that is what THEY feel. If you feel
differently, such as you feel it tastes wonderful, you just go ahead swallow
it, then let us know "wow, it tastes so good...I cannot have enough of it".
Trust me, nobody will fight with you for that.
All yours.
【在 v***0 的大作中提到】
: 小将呆在美国你让小将回中国去爱国
: 小将要回国你们又在这儿煽风点火的说中国没希望
: 你们是药吃多了还是今天没吃药?
都说10年存50万,双职工到底有多少呢?鸡肋似的海归, 我该回吗?[xssd(想上十大)]台湾香港日本韩国的同学们海龟的时候房子更贵怎么办?中国国家财富状态接近于红楼中的贾府 (转载)也说美国中国生活七十年太久北京无房100万就等于美国9万?海归的一个问题河南一农民8个月偷逃过路费368万 被判无期今天的开销,小刺猬,在国内怎么上bbs阿?中国绿卡更值钱,比美国绿卡难得到。美国有没有可能打内战?test我该回国吗?Delta 的里程, 15000 左右, 快过期了, 怎么办? (转载)大家好吗?我从国内翻墙过来啦。太激动啦!一年没有上mitbbs联想控股的投资部投资经理待遇如何?三峡工程贪污5个亿,只是冰山一角 戴晴非常诚恳的请求意见,归还是不归?