苏州纳米所招聘信息 (转载)
苏州纳米所招聘信息 (转载)# Returnee - 海归
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发信人: raisword (starsailor), 信区: NanoST
标 题: 苏州纳米所招聘信息 (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Jun 29 14:29:21 2011, 美东)
发信人: raisword (starsailor), 信区: Chemistry
标 题: 苏州纳米所招聘信息
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Jun 29 14:28:06 2011, 美东)
Suzhou Institute of Nanotechnology and Nanobionics
Faculty Positions, Division of Nanomaterials Science and Technology
Suzhou Institute of Nanotechnology and Nano-bionics, jointly founded by
Chinese Academy of Science (CAS), the government of Jiangsu Province and the
government of Suzhou city, is located in Dushu Lake Education District with
elegant environment and greenery scenery, and also in Suzhou Industrial
Park. The mission and motivation of the institute is to carry out the
fundamental, strategic and prospective research in the areas of nanoscale
science and technology, generating new knowledge and technology for modern
manufacturing industry and high technological industry.
The institute is growing rapidly, which is home to more than 300 faculties
and staff and more than 300 graduate students. It has now been equipped with
many first-class nanofabrication and characterization facilities, providing
a good public platform for cutting-edge research in nanoscience and
technology. The institute has established five divisions: 1) Division of
Nanodevices and Materials, 2) Nano-bio-med Division, 3) Nanobionic Research
Division, 4) Nanosafety Division and 5) Division of System integration.
During the past three-year development, the institute has generated exciting
science and technology and greatly contributed the economical growth of
local regions.
Recently the institute inaugurated its phase-two growth. A new division,
Division of Nanomaterials Science and Technology will be set up, inspired by
the rapid growth of global market in nanomaterials. The mission of the
division is to develop novel nanomaterials technology and enhance their
engineering and technology transfer. We are currently seeking a number of
motivated and outstanding applicants for team-leader positions in the broad
area with particular emphasis on:
1) Nanotechnogy-enabled energy technology, including energy generation,
storage and efficiency. Examples include but not limited to photovoltaics,
batteries, supercapacitors, solid state lighting, thermoelectrics.
2) Nanomaterials and processings for display,heat management,environmental
protection, functional coatings.
3) Nanomaterials enhanced structural and smart materials.
The successful applicants should have an excellent track record in relevant
fields of nanomaterials science and technology. Candidates should exhibit
the strong ability to develop exciting research programs, to mentor graduate
students and postdoctors, to collaborate actively within the Institute and
with industry. The positions require at least three-year research experience
in oversea university and institutes although exception can be made for
outstanding candidates. Applicants must have a PhD degree in Materials
Science and Engineering, Physics, Chemistry, Electrical engineering, or
related fields.
Please submit applications to j******[email protected] and q******[email protected]
cn. Candidates should submit their curriculum Vitae, a list of publications,
research plans, and the names of three references. Selection will begin in
March, 2011, and will continue until the positions are filled. For
additional information, please contact: Professor Yi Cui and Dr. Qingwen Li,
email: q******[email protected] , phone: 0086-512-62872577.