U.S. public to demand an apology from Fang ZZ,counterfeiting (转载)
U.S. public to demand an apology from Fang ZZ,counterfeiting (转载)# Returnee - 海归
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发信人: smokinggun (硝烟), 信区: Military
标 题: U.S. public to demand an apology from Fang ZZ,counterfeiting exper
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Aug 11 11:48:35 2011, 美东)
U.S. public to demand an apology counterfeiting expert, Professor Fang
denied plagiarism
Posted:August 9,2011 Views:2 Bookmark and Share
Huang Zhiwei each from Beijing by Reporters
Fang counterfeiting experts have repeatedly been his 'plagiarism' and
questioned last week, Michigan State University biology professor Robert
Bernstein published an open letter addressed Fang, so this event is heating
up again.
In the open letter, Professor Bernstein accused Fang <>
citations copy of his <> a text
about the content, and asked Fang to apologize on the matter.
Yesterday (August 8, Fang received for this <> interview, denied
the allegations of plagiarism, had stated that the quoted source of
information, not plagiarism.
Fang said the original author has been misled
In March of this year, Fang caught plagiarism controversy. Accusers said he
<> a text book is largely about content Bernstein Chinese
translation, not only a large number of references relevant content, and
many of the arguments of structure and related content are remarkably
consistent with Bernstein's original, but did not indicate the source and
the source of the article, such acts are plagiarism
For this fall into the plagiarism controversy, Fang, responded that his
writings have been published indicate the contents of the source, while at
the time, Bernstein did not count as plagiarism Fang's behavior to identify,
but to the last week, he published an open letter, the behavior is
determined Fang plagiarism.
In the open letter, Bernstein claimed that in the United States, if not the
copyright owner's consent, even if properly attributed to people from
cognate piece with the text still does not exceed 250 words in Chinese
authors can not refer to more than 3% of the content , and if copying more
than 25 percent, will be deprived of degree. In addition, even pointing out
the original source, but if there are involved in the arguments and examples
of unique and occupy a large part of the work when suspected, may be
regarded as plagiarism.
According to the published article related content Fang, Fang of the article
and he thinks his book with a discussion of the same structure, follow the
same logical sequence and use the same example, so he found a copy of his
book Fang , apologized and asked Fang.
This Fang said the allegations against him is completely distorted the
results of malicious people, they will own the articles that are not in the
actual translation and distortion caused by the wrong Bernstein guide. Fang
explained that he was written in 1995, <> a text, and
quoted Bernstein's argument, as part of the network works, he did not state
the content of the source, but not this view into his own, but that This is
the consensus of the scientific community.
Since then the two sides have successively published anthology, this article
have been included which, while clearly indicate the contents of the
article cited in Bernstein's book. Fang expressed particular, Bernstein has
noted his open letter was published for Professor Fang and his mentor Burton
's personal attacks increase, for which he intends to recover the
identification of plagiarism, but for the most favorable evidence, Fang said
Bernstein did not get permission, they inconvenience the public(Finance
Fang mentor behind the United States
Fang also said that even if Professor Bernstein's accusations are true, this
allegation is not really plagiarism, but should be attributed to the scope
of infringement, an economic disputes.
This copyright law expert, said lawyers youyunting, plagiarism can not say
that it is completely legal concept. He did not quite understand the laws of
the United States, but in China there is no clear legal provisions cited
more than 3% of the content constitutes copyright infringement. reference
does not indicate the source in China is very clearly a violation of
copyright practice, and if the source belongs to the relevant state
standards, a reasonable reference, in China's legal does not constitute
copyright infringement.
Fang while still in its official blog and microblogging released on his own
mentor, Professor Burton's open letter as evidence.
Professor Burton behind in an open letter Fang, Fang and praised the
academic standards, said the party in the laboratory to complete a high-
quality paper, and <> published a high-
quality papers, but also to withstand live test of time. Burton said the
allegations did not see that Bernstein has a rational point, and Fang have
been carried out reasonable and prudent response.
这是直接用google translate翻译的吧?简直没有一句通顺的。