南京大学模式动物研究所招聘教授、副教授 (转载)
南京大学模式动物研究所招聘教授、副教授 (转载)# Returnee - 海归
【 以下文字转载自 Biology 讨论区 】
发信人: flyabovesea (flying), 信区: Biology
标 题: 南京大学模式动物研究所招聘教授、副教授
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Apr 1 13:21:06 2012, 美东)
Full-time Associate Professor or Full Professor
The Model Animal Research Center (MARC) of Nanjing University invites
applications for* full-time faculty positions, at academic ranks of
Associate or Full Professor.* Individuals with demonstrated accomplishments
in, but not limited to, the following areas are encouraged to apply –
neurobiology, immunology, development biology, metabolic disease and cancer
biology. Highly competitive research support will be provided in an
interactive and nurturing environment. Individuals will have an opportunity
to establish a state-of-the art independent research program in newly
renovated space and to interact with a strong group of affiliated scientists
. For more information and to apply visit website:
Our institute’s research interests emphasize on programs in the studies on
human diseases using different model animal systems such as mouse, zebrafish
, fruit fly, and nematode worm. Now MARC has established an excellent
platform for functional analysis of transgenic and knockout mice, with
AAALAC accredited SPF animal facility with more than 50,000 mouse cages.
Interested individuals, regardless of their nationalities, should submit a
detailed letter of interest, curriculum vitae, PDFs of three of their best
publications, and three letters of recommendation to:* Ruimin Zhu,HR
supervisor of Model Animal Research Center, Nanjing University, 12 Xuefu
Road, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210061, China *or preferably electronically to *
s*****[email protected] or z***[email protected] *The positions are available
immediately. Applications will be evaluated by faculty search committee upon
receipt until the positions are filled.
Dr. Chen, one of our search committee members, will take a part in
international communication and recruitment activities both in USA and
Canada during April 4-13. You are welcome to have a talk in San Francisco,
Washington, Baltimore or. His email is c*******[email protected]/[email protected] and the phone number is 86-13675142005.