海外猎头,国内工作,让签Mutual Understanding?
海外猎头,国内工作,让签Mutual Understanding?# Returnee - 海归
过一些猎头,让签Mutual Understanding的这还是第一家。
以下是Mutual Understanding的主要部分,大家有时间的话麻烦也帮忙看看,谢谢各位
1) Rules of Engagement :
- With no obligation, (COMPANY) can introduce to (CANDIDATE) one, or several
, potential Employer(s) or Company(ies) who may, or may not, give CANDIDATE
an offer.
- After receiving details on the job specifications required by the Client,
(COMPANY) and (CANDIDATE) shall cooperate in good faith from the early
stages of the hiring process to understand the intention of both (CANDIDATE)
and the introduced potential employer(s) with a view to achieving a common
ground between (CANDIDATE) and any employer and lead to an effective offer
letter or employment proposal to (CANDIDATE).
- With no obligation of number of potential employers or of any time
deadlines, (COMPANY) may introduce one or several potential employers to (
- Once a potential employer expresses an interest in meeting or talking to (
CANDIDATE), (COMPANY) shall introduce that potential employer to (CANDIDATE)
and a first common interview shall take place, with (COMPANY) attending the
- The ensuing communications, discussions, salary and compensation
negotiations between (CANDIDATE) and any potential employer shall be
exclusively made through the (COMPANY) channel ((COMPANY) in between): (
COMPANY) will communicate back and forth between (CANDIDATE) and any
employer until an offer letter and/or final employment/Services agreement (
if any, with no obligation) is reached.
2) Limited Liability :
With no limitation in time, (COMPANY) :
- does not guarantee that it will introduce any potential employers to (
CANDIDATE) and has no obligation to do so,
- does not guarantee that any hiring process started will eventually lead
to an actual agreement, as it could be suspended or stopped temporarily or
forever, or delayed.
- does not guarantee that (CANDIDATE) will be offered the level of
compensation or the type of conditions/benefi(CANDIDATE) that (CANDIDATE)
may be looking for.
- is not responsible for any of the actual employment conditions, losses,
changes in contract or conditions, failure to respect an employment or
service agreement conditions, or any other problem or disappointment
arising before or after (CANDIDATE) has accepted to be work or be employed
by one of the companies introduced to him by (COMPANY).
Although (COMPANY) endeavors to ensure the suitability of any company/
employer to (CANDIDATE), (CANDIDATE) hereby acknowledges that any decision
to be hired is made in (CANDIDATE)’s sole discretion and with no obligation
(COMPANY) makes no representation or guarantee as to the accuracy of any job
description or job content or any other work condition or compensation
related to any of the introduced companies to (CANDIDATE).
(CANDIDATE) is solely responsible for the choice of accepting an employment
offer and of being hired by any company introduced by (COMPANY), and (
COMPANY) shall not be liable by anybody for any damage, loss of any type,
reputation problem or internal problem of any type arising from the
employing company or (CANDIDATE) before or after (CANDIDATE) is hired or
commences to work.
(COMPANY) is not liable in any way if :
- an Employer offers en employment contract but eventually fails to start
such employment or fails to pay any of the agreed salaries, fees,
compensation or benefits, at any point in time, including beyond the end of
the term of this agreement, with no limitation in time.
- En Employer decides to stop an ongoing signed employment agreement
after CANDIDATE has commenced work for the Employer.
3) Confidentiality
- The identity of all potential employers shall be held confidential from
all parties not directly involved in the hiring process, until the candidate
actually starts working for the Client.
- Any company, or Client/Customer name introduced by (COMPANY) to (CANDIDATE
) will remain strictly confidential and (CANDIDATE) will not divulge or
inform any other party, person or company about it.
- Neither party hereto shall disclose, leak or divulge to any third party
the information or any other material obtained from the other party in the
course of this Agreement. This confidentiality provision shall survive the
termination hereof.
I, (CANDIDATE) , the undersigned, hereby authorize (COMPANY)., a
recruitment firm, to represent my employment search on my behalf, without
any exclusivity, without any obligation of result from (COMPANY), and in
compliance to the conditions mentioned above which I fully accept.
I understand (COMPANY) to be a recruiting service provider paid by employers
, working on a contingency basis/success based.
If I am to meet a potential Employer without (COMPANY), I agree to notify (
COMPANY) regarding the contents of any communication with any prospective
employer introduced by (COMPANY).
- I hereby accept that (COMPANY) submits my CV/Resume to potential
- I hereby accept that (COMPANY) submits my CV/Resume to other non-(
COMPANY) Agents/Recruiting Companies who may have potential employers
- I understand this may include submitting my Name and Personal data to
potential employers and to other non-(COMPANY) Agents/Recruiting Companies
who may have potential employers