Buckethead的经典combo# Rock - 摇滚音乐
Narrated by Ronald L. Witherspoon
Bucketheadland Historian
Well every once in a while people ask me about Buckethead. Why does he wear
a mask and bucket. What happened to his parents. Is he part robot, will he h
urt us, is he really Colonel Sanders son, on and on and on. Well I can't tel
l you everything about Bucket but I can tell you something.
First of all you gotta understand Buckethead grew up real lonely on that far
m. He figured no one understood him. The only thing they understood about hi
m was how to treat him bad. To this very day, believe it or not, Buckethead
does not like to be shocked with a cattle prod.
It wasn't all bad, though, on the farm. As soon as he moved into the chicken
coop he started to make new friends. The chickens took real good care of hi
m, and they liked him so much they scratched his face off. Now he could wear
a mask every day, just like Halloween! He was the luckiest boy he knew. He
didn't know many other boys though, except those kids who lit him on fire th
at time.
One good way to forget the smell of burning cartilage was watching movies. D
own the hill from the coop, and through a knothole in the fence, was the dri
ve-in theater. Every night at dusk the boy could watch great movies like GIA
NT ROBOT or THE TEXAS CHAIN SAW MASSACRE. The speakers wouldn't reach to the
coop though so he didn't even know what the movies sounded like. All he hea
rd was chickens when Leatherface would slam the big metal door shut.
So when he got to be about THIS tall Buckethead started playing his little g
uitar. He would sit and watch the movies and his fingers couldn't stop movin
g and now all the sudden there was music. And Giant Robot would shoot rocket
s out of his fingers and who knows what would happen.
Buckethead practiced so much he started to get real good. But the people on
the farm still made fun of him and smashed his family's eggs. One night, aft
er he got to be this tall, somebody threw a bucket of fried chicken into the
coop. Try as he might, Buckethead couldn't put the chicken back together ag
ain. So he put the bucket on his head, picked up his guitar and ran to the c
Buckethead was real sad but it seemed like he played guitar better than ever
. All the grey people and angels in the cemetery listened to the music and i
t was so beautiful they just stood still and speechless. He figured the spir
its of all the fried chickens he ever knew were channeling into him through
the bucket, and he played until he collapsed.
Well it prob'ly won't surprise you to hear that eventually the sun came up a
nd the rooster crowed. And some folks say Buckethead had chicken grease and
barbecue sauce smeared around the mouth hole on his mask. Whatever happened
that night, the bucket stayed on his head, and in the morning it was filled
full of chicken bones.
The Skyway Was Temporarily Removed From The Anti-Matterhorn In 1994 When Buc
kethead Tried To Set It Up In The New Skyway--Less Disneyland
When they found him curled up in a grave like that the people on the farm fe
lt real bad, so they tried to be kinda nice to him for a while. They brought
him water in the morning and let him have their scraps. For Christmas he ev
en got an old shovel so he could look for more friends in the cemetery. But
the best thing of all was when the farmhand showed him how to sneak into Dis
neyland disguised as a Pirate of the Carribean or a Haunted Mansion ghost.
For the first time in his life, Buckethead knew what he had to do. Disneylan
d was the greatest city he'd ever been to. Everybody was nice, they talked t
o him and sang songs, and they moved more realistically than his friends in
the cemetery. So he burned down his coop and headed for Main Street where he
started playing his guitar for E-Tickets. He learned all the songs and move
ments but every time he tried to get a job as an animatronic, they pulled hi
m through a trapdoor.
Well if he couldn't live in Disneyland he had to live somewhere. He knew tha
t if he built a park like Mr. Disney did, people all around the world would
come visit him. Or even if they didn't, the park would be full of his audio-
animatronic friends. He'd allow chickens inside, and he'd build a huge cemet
ery in the middle with the statues and tombstones specially lined up to crea
te the best acoustics.
When Bucketheadland opened quietly in 1989 most people couldn't even tell it
was a park. Its humble rides were made mostly out of rusty tractor parts an
d a bunch of sticks and animal bones tied together with spider silk. Bucketh
ead knew he had to start working for money if he wanted to maintain the park
, and they didn't make E-Tickets anymore anyway. He started cutting meat in
a delicatessen, where he met Maximum Bob and formed his first band, Deli Cre
For the next 13 years, Buckethead travelled around the world playing guitar,
recording records, making friends, and learning the secrets of embalming, t
heme park engineering and martial arts. He recorded many albums with himself
or his friends or in bands like Praxis, Giant Robot, Giant Robot 2, El Stew
, Thanatopsis, and Cobrastrike. He felt bad that he didn't have time to play
music for the drive-in, so he recorded some film scores with Michael Kamen,
George S. Clinton and John Carpenter. All of these adventures strengthened
Buckethead's imagination and helped the Bucketheadland park grow into the wo
rld of dreams and nightmares that we all love.
Nowa days you can still see Buckethead wandering around the park at night, o
r peeking through a crack on the other side of a wall you don't remember bei
ng there before. Don't be afraid, he's a nice kid, and he wants to be your f
riend. In Bucketheadland he never gets lonely.
But if you see him on stage somewhere or playing with his dolls, for crying
out loud don't make fun of the boy. He's had a tough life and he's worked ha
rd getting where he is. So what if he looks confused up there. You would too
if you'd been through all that. He just wants us to accept him. Don't stare
at him or overcompensate and be too nice. Come on people lets use some comm
on sense here, we don't want to set him off. Thanks.
Ronald L. Witherspoon lives in Colma, California with five dogs and a snake.
His writings have appeared in Amusement Journal, Carnival Scholar Quarterly
and Atlantic Dark Ride Monitor. He has been a leading expert on Bucketheadl
and since 1992.
不时有人向我打听起Buckethead, 为什么他戴着面具, 顶着个桶? 他的父母怎么了? 他
是半人半机器吗? 他会伤人吗? 他真的是个科洛尔山德斯(译者注: 肯德基的创始人)迷
吗? 等等. 我无法告诉你们关于他所有的一切, 只能说一些而已.
首先你们得知道Buckethead在那家农场里确实是非常孤独地长大的. 他找不到可以理解
他的人. 关于他, 别人唯一知道去做的便是如何欺负他. 不管你们是否相信, 直到今天
, Buckethead也不会对一根赶牛的刺棒感到毛骨悚然,他已经见惯不惊了。
不过在农场里这并非糟糕透顶。他一搬进鸡舍就开始结交新朋友了, 小鸡仔们把他照顾
得非常好, 而且它们太喜欢他, 以至于把他的脸都抓没了. 所以他每天都得戴着面具,
就像过万圣节一样! 他是他所认识的孩子中最幸运的. 尽管他并不认识多少其他的孩子
, 除了那时候拿火烧他的那些.
有一个好办法可以忘掉软骨烧着时的气味. 鸡舍在一座山上, 山下有有一片篱笆, 透过
篱笆上的一个木节孔可以看到外面的露天电影院. 于是每天晚上这小孩便在暮色里看那
些精彩的电影, 像《巨人罗伯特》或《德州链锯杀人狂》等. 扬声器传出的声音到不了
鸡舍, 所以他甚至不知道那些电影的声音是什么样的. 当Leatherface砰然关上巨大的金
属门里他所能听见的就只有小鸡的声音. 当差不多长到现在这般高的时候Buckethead便
开始弹他的小吉他了. 他会坐那儿眼瞅着电影而手指在吉他上动个不停, 渐渐的, 他也
能偶尔弄点音乐出来了. 而《巨人罗伯特》刺激着他的指头的速度, 没有人知道会发生
Buckethead勤奋地练琴, 他开始弹得很好了. 但农场的人依然取笑他, 把他们家的鸡蛋
打得稀烂. 一天夜里, 那时他已经长得这么高个儿了, 有人把一桶炸鸡扔进了鸡舍. Bu
ckethead试了又试还是不能把鸡肉拼回到一起, 所以他只好把桶顶在了头上, 拿起吉他
, 跑进了墓地.
Buckethead真的很悲伤, 但他的吉他却似乎比以前任何时候都弹得好了. 墓地里灰色的
人和天使们都在聆听他的音乐, 太美妙了, 他们停住了脚步, 忘记了言语. 通过他头上
的桶, 所有那些他曾经认识的被炸了的小鸡们都在与他沟通, 他弹出了它们所有的灵魂
, 他弹啊弹啊, 直到虚脱为止.
故事讲到太阳终于出来, 公鸡打鸣. 有些Buckethead老家的人说他把小鸡的油脂和烧烤
调味酱抹在面具上嘴巴的孔四周. 不管那天夜里发生了什么, 那个桶就那样呆在他头上
了, 到了早上里面装满了鸡骨头.
当发现他蜷缩在一座坟墓上时, 人们真的觉得这很不好, 所以他们试着暂时地对他好一
点. 早上人们给他拿来了水, 把他们不要的小东小西给他. 圣诞节时他甚至得到了一把
旧铲子, 于是他能够在墓地里交更多的朋友了. 但最棒的事情却是农场的雇工向他演示
于是有生以来首次, Buckethead知道他得干什么事了. 迪斯尼乐园是他所到过的最棒的
城市. 每个人都很好, 他们跟他说话, 唱着歌, 他们的动作也比他在墓地里的那些朋友
们来得真实. 于是他烧掉了他的鸡舍前往小镇的主街, 在那里他为得到电子票(E-Ticke
ts)而弹吉他. 他学会了所有的歌曲和乐句, 但每次他想找一份制作电子动物的工作时,
人们却把他拽到了舞台上. 如果不能在迪斯尼乐园住下来, 他就得去别的地方了.
他知道如果他像迪斯尼先生那样建造一个公园的话, 全世界的人都会来造访他. 或者即
使他不能, 他的这个公园里也会满是他的声音电子动物朋友. 他得让小鸡们住进来, 得
在公园中间建一块大大的墓地, 让雕像和墓碑以特别的方式排列成行来制造最好的声学
当Buckethead在1989年无声无息地出现时, 人们根本不能辨认出那是个公园. 粗糙的环
境主要由生锈的拖拉机零件和一堆由蜘蛛丝捆起来的木棍和动物骨头组成. Buckethead
知道如果他想维持这个公园的话他就得去挣钱, 而且人们再也不会做电子票了. 他开始
在熟食店切肉, 而在店里他遇到了Maximum Bob并组了他的第一个乐队Deli Creeps.
在接下来的13年里, Buckethead弹着吉他周游了世界、录专辑、交朋友, 还学会了给尸
体上防腐剂的秘诀和主题公园的建设, 以及武术. 他独自或是与朋友们一起或是在乐队
——Praxis、Giant Robot、Giant Robot 2、ElStew、Thanatopsis和Cobrastrike——
里录了许多专辑. 对自己没有时间为露天电影院演奏音乐他觉得十分伤心, 所以他与Mi
chaelKamen、GeorgeS.Cliton和JohnCarpenter一起录了一些电影音乐. 所有这一切音乐
冒险增强了Buckethead的想像力, 帮助Buckethead公园成为了一个我们都喜欢的梦与梦
现在你依然可以看见Buckethead夜里在公园中游荡, 或是透在一条你从不记得去过那儿
的墙上的裂缝在另一边偷窥. 不要害怕, 他是个可爱的孩子, 他只想做你的朋友. 在Bu
但如果你在某处在舞台上看见他或是在玩他的洋娃娃的话, 你要大喊大叫就随便吧, 但
不要吓着这孩子. 他的人生充满艰辛, 他通过了努力的工作才得到了今天的一切. 所以
如果他看起来有些迷惑的话又有什么关系呢? 要是你也经历了同样的一切你可能也会这
样的. 他只想我们接纳他. 不要瞪着他或是过于担心, 也请态度好一点吧. 让我们在这
里使用点常识吧, 我们不想看见他离开. 谢谢.
作者简介: Ronald L. Witherspoon与五只狗和一条蛇一块儿住在加州的Colma. 他的作
. 自1992年以来他就是研究Buckethead的首席专家.


【在 r*********e 的大作中提到】
: Buckethead的独行侠形象让人印象超级深刻,不仅仅是头顶的这个炸鸡桶,丫的solo实在
: 是太cool,这个combo是他的一个经典,超喜欢.
: 这里有老外给他写的一段文章,很神奇的title,研究Buckethead的首席专家
: http://www.bucketheadland.com/story/index.html
: Narrated by Ronald L. Witherspoon
: Bucketheadland Historian
: Well every once in a while people ask me about Buckethead. Why does he wear
: a mask and bucket. What happened to his parents. Is he part robot, will he h
: urt us, is he really Colonel Sanders son, on and on and on. Well I can't tel
: l you everything about Bucket but I can tell you something.



【在 r*********e 的大作中提到】
: Buckethead的独行侠形象让人印象超级深刻,不仅仅是头顶的这个炸鸡桶,丫的solo实在
: 是太cool,这个combo是他的一个经典,超喜欢.
: 这里有老外给他写的一段文章,很神奇的title,研究Buckethead的首席专家
: http://www.bucketheadland.com/story/index.html
: Narrated by Ronald L. Witherspoon
: Bucketheadland Historian
: Well every once in a while people ask me about Buckethead. Why does he wear
: a mask and bucket. What happened to his parents. Is he part robot, will he h
: urt us, is he really Colonel Sanders son, on and on and on. Well I can't tel
: l you everything about Bucket but I can tell you something.

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