4 楼
不能这么算,sequester definitely 影响巴马的预算,上个Q GDP是负的就是因为
goverment spending cut 了8%。现在sequester 就是这个 -8% 会一直延续下去。所以
GDP 可能会一直在低位盘旋。
那个QE 放松银根,实际是给私人低息借贷,当然巴马可以少付些国债利息
goverment spending cut 了8%。现在sequester 就是这个 -8% 会一直延续下去。所以
GDP 可能会一直在低位盘旋。
那个QE 放松银根,实际是给私人低息借贷,当然巴马可以少付些国债利息
5 楼
The wave of house recovering will help a lot to all government funding. More
property tax will be collected by local states/cities. Fed doesn't need to
give more money to all local government.
property tax will be collected by local states/cities. Fed doesn't need to
give more money to all local government.
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