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$18 max before earning. Then depends on how good is the earning.
If the earning is good, conference call is very positive, it could be $20.
BAC size is big. 30% gain is not easy. Anyhow, it is a good stock to buy and
hold. It should be able reach $25 in 3 years.
If the earning is good, conference call is very positive, it could be $20.
BAC size is big. 30% gain is not easy. Anyhow, it is a good stock to buy and
hold. It should be able reach $25 in 3 years.
中概今天怎么玩??日本准备对付日元升值油老大版主,好博板斧,必将盛世空前!!明天这两种更可能些 (转载)Ok, let's review danius' predictions为啥老美喜欢吃牛排?难道MM天生喜欢做空?提问:Groupon的ipo有什么标志性意义没有一叶知秋, 妞妞小心请投锅一票,献梨花诗一首就等10:00的两个重量级消息明天买入DUGI have been shorting the market since Oct 6大跌要开始了,牛牛套利把MLGB 下错单了古板又来了不少青蛙YHOO 这样的已老徐娘怎么这么得老油欢心啊?有妹妹在湖畔阿再放第四炮谁干的?aapl今天能到390