The Untold History of the United States (Oliver Stone)
The Untold History of the United States (Oliver Stone)# TVChinese - 中文电视
现在正在准备材料申请发考题,写完了一份research statement,想了几个实实在在的
idea. 给老板看,他说要加上reference,但是我看往年其他人写的,都没有加。请问
孩子旅行证过期了。 不知道是否和当初办理旅行证一样准备的文件。
******** 正文
。就像奥运会上的花样游泳组合,又像the Rockettes at Radio City Music Hall,4
只有一个小问题 -- 我们可以克服的小问题 -- 水星会在大三角形成的那天(3月12号
新刺激。如果你不能做实际的旅行,那就让你的大脑旅行吧,比如去上课 或参加一些
9宫还掌管信息,不管你是吸收它 (如果你是学生的话)还是传播它 (如果你是老师
大三角的第二个部分会让生活非常有趣 -- 那就是你的掌管创造力和真爱的5宫。你的
攫取木星的好运并将之放大。这一天会是创造性 或/和 爱情取得巨大成功的日子!
这个月你最浪漫的日子是3月1号到16号 -- 所有的日子的都不寻常。
,冥王星会跟太阳角度不好,所以如果你需要跟你的房东或co-op board在那天商谈的
******** 总结
******** 重要日子
左派眼中的美国,对喜欢纪录片,历史,政治,oliver stone的人都可以看。
Capricorn Horoscope for March 2012
By Susan Miller
March should be one of the most divine months of the year for your personal
life, dear Capricorn. You are ambitious and often do not allow yourself time
to relax and enjoy life, but early March will be so enchanting that you may
be simply powerless to resist. Indeed, early to mid-March rates as one of
my top two favorite times of the year, for what is happening is simply
extraordinary. Like synchronized swimmers in the Olympics, or the Rockettes
at Radio City Music Hall, four friendly planets will line up in military
precision, forming a magnificent, twinkling triangle in the heavens.
That triangular formation is what astrologers call a "grand trine." This is
the very best configuration you could ever hope to see, and it will help you
in ways you would not expect. This grand trine is different from most we
see, for all the planets - four in all - will be in perfect mathematical
alignment, and fortunately for you, all will be in fellow earth signs. That
means these planets can help you in bigger ways. When each of the planets
arrives in their respective places in the heavens on March 12 and 13, they
will start to shower you with possibilities.
There is one little problem - one that we can overcome - Mercury will
retrograde on the very same day as the grand trine is due to appear, March
12. Fortunately, the full moon will appear four days earlier on March 8, and
it will package all the good energy in the air at the time and make it
accessible to you. New moons and full moons have the power to do that, so in
astrology we learn to think of the concept of time a little differently
than most people do, not always forward, as we are accustomed to see time,
but in terms of plus or minus tolerances of time, as would be used in bell
A full moon always has an area of influence of plus or minus four days, so
the full moon will make visible the gifts that the golden triangle of
planets contain before it arrives. The bottom line is this: I want you to
aim to finish all talks and projects by the full moon, with a tighter area
of influence, from March 7 to 11.
Let's start with the full moon, March 8, which will occur in your solar
ninth house, which rules, among many other things, exciting, long distance
travel. Early March would be a perfect time to take a vacation, for Mars is
also there, in the same part of your chart, not too far from that full moon.
This full moon will increase your desire to spread your wings and to see
more of the world. You are eager to learn new things, to have some new
experiences, and to veer off the track of the same old routine. When you
feel a little bored, or a little too pounded down by routine, it means that
your mind's thermostat is crying out for new stimulation. If you cannot take
a physical journey, take a journey of the mind by signing up for classes or
attending a series of book signings or museum openings.
If you regularly work with people abroad, you will likely see a project come
to fruition at this time, or be given the green light to begin one. If you
write for a living, this could be a great full moon, when you get approval
on beginning a new project for a new client, such as a magazine seen in a
foreign country, and all your work translated.
If you applied for a passport, green card, or visa, this March 8 full moon
will help you see it materialize. This would be the very best point of the
year to get it. Fingers crossed, dear Capricorn! If you have a legal case
pending, you may be able to forge a settlement with the other side, or if
not, then the jury would likely come back with the verdict at this same
point in early March.
This same part of your chart, your ninth house, rules information - whether
you take it in, as you would if you were a student - or disburse it, if you
were a teacher, writer, or TV producer. There are so many ways this full
moon may work out for you, but since the aspects are positive, you are
likely to be pleased with what goes on! You may decide on a college or
graduate school you want to attend, or if you have to take a qualification
exam, you would do well. You may see a big broadcasting or publishing
project finish up now, and if so, you will rightly be proud of the work you
turned in. This house will form one of the three points of the golden
triangle, so it is one of the very fortunate areas of life for you.
The second part of the triangle is what will make life very interesting - it
's your fifth house of creativity, and it rules true love. Of the work you
may have done such as writing, say for college, or production, for TV or
other work, you may be doing it in an international arena. Your ability to
come up with highly imaginative, original work has never been stronger. If
you are involved with any type of creative work, you must promise me you
will give your project your full attention in the week leading to the full
moon, March 8.
Now let's turn to the subject of love. The fifth house is the area of the
chart we look to see from where the first spark of love will emanate! Venus
will conjoin with Jupiter in Taurus in this house, delivering so much of the
promise that 2012 would be the year of love for you. Venus is the planet of
love, and with Jupiter in Taurus exactly aligned with Venus in the house of
grace, beauty, and love, never have you had a better chance to find the
love you deserve. This aspect will reach exact mathematical conjunction on
March 13, but the whole period of March 7 to 15 is within the realm of
feeling the energy.
There is more! On March 12, Jupiter in Taurus will contact Pluto in
Capricorn, considered one of the most important features of 2012, for
together these two planets spell outstanding success. Jupiter expands
everything it touches, and Pluto takes Jupiter's good fortune and blows it
out bigger. This is a day for outstanding success in creativity or for love
- or both.
Here you have evidence of the layer upon layer that the universe is bringing
you in March, so extra special if you hope to find love. You have to do
your part, though, by being open to new people and circulating as much as
possible in early to mid-March.
Just having Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, in your love sector would
be enough to start a full-blown romance, but this month, the universe is
applying several layers of good fortune to help you gain confidence and to
see that this time really is different. You need do nothing more - your
natural charms will be more than enough to magnetize love to you.
Your most romantic dates this month will fall from March 1 to 16 - all of
those days will be outstanding.
If you are attached and hope to have a baby, this month brings a rare,
brilliant, bright, but narrow window of time to try for conception. Your
best chance will occur from the very start of March through March 15. The
new moon of last month, February 21, was the fertile new moon you needed,
and it is the first new moon of three that you can use to make your wish for
a child a reality. (The second most fertile new moon will arrive April 21
in Taurus, and the third, not quite as special as the other two, will arrive
on July 19, in Cancer. This one is not as special because Jupiter will have
departed from Taurus in June, so he can't help you in this regard as much.)
Your magical period for romance will wind down by the new moon in Aires,
March 22. Brace for some sudden changes in your residential or family life,
as this new moon will come accompanied by Uranus, the planet of unexpected
developments. You have the kind of chart where changes could be quite
exciting, such as being told by your boss that you're being relocated to
London next month. Or, you may begin a very creative phase in regard to your
living space and work on making some massive changes.
Still, not all changes in regard to one's home are always welcome, and I
understand that. Pluto will be in hard angle to the Sun only a few days
later, March 29, so if you have to speak to your landlord or tenants' co-op
board on that day, things won't go your way. Avoid having any key meetings
that revolve around your home or other property on March 29.
Mercury will go retrograde in your home sector from March 12 to April 4, so
it could be that you thought you had a buyer for your house, or that a bid
you put in on an apartment condo you wanted would be accepted, only to see
plans fall through unexpectedly. Things like that are maddening examples of
what Mercury retrograde is capable of bringing on, so try to be
philosophical if something like that should occur. I realize your income (
governed by your solar second house and Uranus) is tied to property, so any
changes regarding a piece of property would have a direct impact on your
financial resources and sense of security. If it is at all possible, try to
have a backup plan should things go wrong.
Uranus rules electricity, so make sure your sockets are not overloaded by
month's end when your focus on your home or a family member will be very
strong. An engineer can easily check to make sure your electrical wiring is
proper and safe and poses no danger. While you are in safety mode, tell
family members never to leave a candle burning unattended, and to keep
walkways clear of clutter, especially at night.
Your physical space may not be the area that draws your attention, but
rather, it may be a family member, most likely your father or mother. You
may be needed to assist one of your parents, and if so, the news that you'll
be needed will come suddenly. It might be wise to keep your schedule
flexible, as this is the way the new moon may assert its message.
Concerning your career, I have really good news! The conjunction between
Jupiter and Venus is likely to bring you a wonderful opportunity or lucky
break, and it would happen in mid-March. Venus is the natural ruler of your
solar tenth house of fame, and with Saturn, your ruler, still moving through
this area of your chart over the past three years, your career has required
many adjustments and could have brought a number of difficult obstacles and
challenges. You seem to have been forced to reinvent yourself and to show
grace under pressure as industry conditions shifted.
You now have one of the best possible career aspects due on March 13-14,
when Venus will conjunct Jupiter, an aspect so powerful you need to be ready
to roll when the call comes in. Happy, professional news may arrive earlier
, near the full moon, March 8 plus four days. Whatever comes up could offset
any possible financial problems you might suffer from a buyer backing out
of buying your house, for example. If the news comes after Mercury goes
retrograde, it may come from a former boss or someone else you knew and
enjoyed working with in the past. This person could be your guardian angel
You will show off your skills in communication, either as writer, editor,
marketing expert, or PR specialist at the full moon, March 8, and be lauded
for your talents. If you are finishing up a document or a TV segment, it
rightly will be a proud moment. Travel will also be possible at this time,
and if you are able to go, you may be covering quite a bit of ground far
from home. Go for love, or go to present an imaginative idea - either
purpose would bring the right results and have you humming a happy tune.
Can love really rule the universe, as the song goes? That just may be so,
and this month you are about to find out in the days that span March 8 to 14
, a time you'll see the year's most stellar moments. In past years, life has
not been entirely kind to Capricorn, but this week may just put your faith
back in the transforming power of love.
Your home situation has been somewhat volatile, and this trend continues now
. Thinking positively, this month you may get a surprise chance to find a
solution. You may be considering a move to a new residence, possibly to find
better professional opportunities in a new city, or to attend graduate
school. Restless and independent, you are ready to turn life inside out if
necessary to get a leg up on the competition, and all your instincts are
right. Hard times call for hard choices, but you seem to have a steady
finger on the pulse of the economy and your place in it. If you want to stay
put, you will want to renovate or redecorate to make your space feel fresh
and new.
Still, Uranus can bring all sorts of news, including the kind of reversals
we all dread, like when a buyer backs out for any number of reasons, leaving
you shocked and wondering why you have to start the bidding process all
over again. This kind of reversal (among other possible examples) is
possible because Mercury will retrograde in this very same area of your
It looks like you may need to conquer a home or family-related obstacle that
will surface late in the month near March 29. Keep working through the
problem, but do not announce a final decision just yet. Mercury will be
retrograde from March 12 to April 4, and on top of that, Mars, the ruler of
your home sector, will be retrograde all through March until April 13. No
sensible answer can be found until these planets regulate their obits next
month. Keep your eye on late April - by then you'll see all your best
Dates to Note for Capricorn:
Most romantic dates: March 1-16 are all very special.
You may travel far and wide at the full moon, March 8, plus or minus four
Venus in Taurus will be a blessing, as it moves through your true love
sector, March 5 to April 3.
Jupiter, in your love sector, will reach out to Pluto in Capricorn on March
12. Such a heavenly day! Give this day five stars! It'll be as rare as it is
Another sensational pair of days: March 13-14 thanks to a rare golden
triangle in the sky. You'll find mid-March magical for love, matters related
to pregnancy and children, and for furthering creativity, too. Again, you
are likely to feel the fortunate vibrations near the full moon March 8.
Mercury will retrograde March 12 to April 4.
Home-related matters and those pertaining to family issues will bring
unexpected news at the new moon March 22, plus two weeks. It could be very
positive news, or not so happy. Be flexible.
A career breakthrough could bring exciting news March 12-14, but could also
come earlier, near the full moon, March 8.

【在 s**********g 的大作中提到】
: 左派眼中的美国,对喜欢纪录片,历史,政治,oliver stone的人都可以看。
: 一共十集,youku上都有,有兴趣的可以看看。贴第一集链接。

research statement肯定是需要加上reference的吧,不过我估计不占页数限制
这个要的吧 idea也不能空想啊 怎么得有个参考借鉴啊
I only cited my own publications to make a story of my research line.

【在 w*********r 的大作中提到】
: 现在正在准备材料申请发考题,写完了一份research statement,想了几个实实在在的
: idea. 给老板看,他说要加上reference,但是我看往年其他人写的,都没有加。请问
: 这个重要么?

******** 正文
。就像奥运会上的花样游泳组合,又像the Rockettes at Radio City Music Hall,4
只有一个小问题 -- 我们可以克服的小问题 -- 水星会在大三角形成的那天(3月12号
新刺激。如果你不能做实际的旅行,那就让你的大脑旅行吧,比如去上课 或参加一些
9宫还掌管信息,不管你是吸收它 (如果你是学生的话)还是传播它 (如果你是老师
大三角的第二个部分会让生活非常有趣 -- 那就是你的掌管创造力和真爱的5宫。你的
攫取木星的好运并将之放大。这一天会是创造性 或/和 爱情取得巨大成功的日子!
这个月你最浪漫的日子是3月1号到16号 -- 所有的日子的都不寻常。
,冥王星会跟太阳角度不好,所以如果你需要跟你的房东或co-op board在那天商谈的
******** 总结
3月8号满月之际,你将炫耀你的沟通技巧,不管你是做作家 编辑 营销专家或者公关专员,都会因你的天才而获得掌声。如果你在完成一个文件或电视片段,这将是个令人骄傲的时刻。这时候你也可能旅行,如果你能旅行,你将离开家去很远的地方。为了爱情,或者为了发表一个有想象力的观点,不管哪种目的都会带来好结果,让你哼起快乐的小曲儿。
看起来你需要克服有关家宅或家庭的阻碍,它将在月底3月29号附近浮出水面。继续努力解决问题,但是不要急于宣布最后的决定。水星会在3月12号到4月4号逆行,除此之外,火星(你的家宅宫的守护者)会在整个3月逆行直到4月13号。在下个月这些星球回复顺行之前,你是得不到什么有意义的答案的。放眼4月底 -- 那时候你会看到所有对你有利的选项。
******** 重要日子
另外很轰动的两天是3月13-14号,这要归功于天空中的黄金大三角。你会发现3月中旬对于爱情 怀孕和小孩 挖掘创造力都充满了魔力。你可能会在满月3月8号左右感受到幸运的震动。
you can also put cited your almost publications one Review article (of
course, the
author/s of the review should be out of those big names of your PhD academic
tree), if there was one before.

【在 a********u 的大作中提到】
: I only cited my own publications to make a story of my research line.
Capricorn Horoscope for March 2012
By Susan Miller
March should be one of the most divine months of the year for your personal
life, dear Capricorn. You are ambitious and often do not allow yourself time
to relax and enjoy life, but early March will be so enchanting that you may
be simply powerless to resist. Indeed, early to mid-March rates as one of
my top two favorite times of the year, for what is happening is simply
extraordinary. Like synchronized swimmers in the Olympics, or the Rockettes
at Radio City Music Hall, four friendly planets will line up in military
precision, forming a magnificent, twinkling triangle in the heavens.
That triangular formation is what astrologers call a "grand trine." This is
the very best configuration you could ever hope to see, and it will help you
in ways you would not expect. This grand trine is different from most we
see, for all the planets - four in all - will be in perfect mathematical
alignment, and fortunately for you, all will be in fellow earth signs. That
means these planets can help you in bigger ways. When each of the planets
arrives in their respective places in the heavens on March 12 and 13, they
will start to shower you with possibilities.
There is one little problem - one that we can overcome - Mercury will
retrograde on the very same day as the grand trine is due to appear, March
12. Fortunately, the full moon will appear four days earlier on March 8, and
it will package all the good energy in the air at the time and make it
accessible to you. New moons and full moons have the power to do that, so in
astrology we learn to think of the concept of time a little differently
than most people do, not always forward, as we are accustomed to see time,
but in terms of plus or minus tolerances of time, as would be used in bell
A full moon always has an area of influence of plus or minus four days, so
the full moon will make visible the gifts that the golden triangle of
planets contain before it arrives. The bottom line is this: I want you to
aim to finish all talks and projects by the full moon, with a tighter area
of influence, from March 7 to 11.
Let's start with the full moon, March 8, which will occur in your solar
ninth house, which rules, among many other things, exciting, long distance
travel. Early March would be a perfect time to take a vacation, for Mars is
also there, in the same part of your chart, not too far from that full moon.
This full moon will increase your desire to spread your wings and to see
more of the world. You are eager to learn new things, to have some new
experiences, and to veer off the track of the same old routine. When you
feel a little bored, or a little too pounded down by routine, it means that
your mind's thermostat is crying out for new stimulation. If you cannot take
a physical journey, take a journey of the mind by signing up for classes or
attending a series of book signings or museum openings.
If you regularly work with people abroad, you will likely see a project come
to fruition at this time, or be given the green light to begin one. If you
write for a living, this could be a great full moon, when you get approval
on beginning a new project for a new client, such as a magazine seen in a
foreign country, and all your work translated.
If you applied for a passport, green card, or visa, this March 8 full moon
will help you see it materialize. This would be the very best point of the
year to get it. Fingers crossed, dear Capricorn! If you have a legal case
pending, you may be able to forge a settlement with the other side, or if
not, then the jury would likely come back with the verdict at this same
point in early March.
This same part of your chart, your ninth house, rules information - whether
you take it in, as you would if you were a student - or disburse it, if you
were a teacher, writer, or TV producer. There are so many ways this full
moon may work out for you, but since the aspects are positive, you are
likely to be pleased with what goes on! You may decide on a college or
graduate school you want to attend, or if you have to take a qualification
exam, you would do well. You may see a big broadcasting or publishing
project finish up now, and if so, you will rightly be proud of the work you
turned in. This house will form one of the three points of the golden
triangle, so it is one of the very fortunate areas of life for you.
The second part of the triangle is what will make life very interesting - it
's your fifth house of creativity, and it rules true love. Of the work you
may have done such as writing, say for college, or production, for TV or
other work, you may be doing it in an international arena. Your ability to
come up with highly imaginative, original work has never been stronger. If
you are involved with any type of creative work, you must promise me you
will give your project your full attention in the week leading to the full
moon, March 8.
Now let's turn to the subject of love. The fifth house is the area of the
chart we look to see from where the first spark of love will emanate! Venus
will conjoin with Jupiter in Taurus in this house, delivering so much of the
promise that 2012 would be the year of love for you. Venus is the planet of
love, and with Jupiter in Taurus exactly aligned with Venus in the house of
grace, beauty, and love, never have you had a better chance to find the
love you deserve. This aspect will reach exact mathematical conjunction on
March 13, but the whole period of March 7 to 15 is within the realm of
feeling the energy.
There is more! On March 12, Jupiter in Taurus will contact Pluto in
Capricorn, considered one of the most important features of 2012, for
together these two planets spell outstanding success. Jupiter expands
everything it touches, and Pluto takes Jupiter's good fortune and blows it
out bigger. This is a day for outstanding success in creativity or for love
- or both.
Here you have evidence of the layer upon layer that the universe is bringing
you in March, so extra special if you hope to find love. You have to do
your part, though, by being open to new people and circulating as much as
possible in early to mid-March.
Just having Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, in your love sector would
be enough to start a full-blown romance, but this month, the universe is
applying several layers of good fortune to help you gain confidence and to
see that this time really is different. You need do nothing more - your
natural charms will be more than enough to magnetize love to you.
Your most romantic dates this month will fall from March 1 to 16 - all of
those days will be outstanding.
If you are attached and hope to have a baby, this month brings a rare,
brilliant, bright, but narrow window of time to try for conception. Your
best chance will occur from the very start of March through March 15. The
new moon of last month, February 21, was the fertile new moon you needed,
and it is the first new moon of three that you can use to make your wish for
a child a reality. (The second most fertile new moon will arrive April 21
in Taurus, and the third, not quite as special as the other two, will arrive
on July 19, in Cancer. This one is not as special because Jupiter will have
departed from Taurus in June, so he can't help you in this regard as much.)
Your magical period for romance will wind down by the new moon in Aires,
March 22. Brace for some sudden changes in your residential or family life,
as this new moon will come accompanied by Uranus, the planet of unexpected
developments. You have the kind of chart where changes could be quite
exciting, such as being told by your boss that you're being relocated to
London next month. Or, you may begin a very creative phase in regard to your
living space and work on making some massive changes.
Still, not all changes in regard to one's home are always welcome, and I
understand that. Pluto will be in hard angle to the Sun only a few days
later, March 29, so if you have to speak to your landlord or tenants' co-op
board on that day, things won't go your way. Avoid having any key meetings
that revolve around your home or other property on March 29.
Mercury will go retrograde in your home sector from March 12 to April 4, so
it could be that you thought you had a buyer for your house, or that a bid
you put in on an apartment condo you wanted would be accepted, only to see
plans fall through unexpectedly. Things like that are maddening examples of
what Mercury retrograde is capable of bringing on, so try to be
philosophical if something like that should occur. I realize your income (
governed by your solar second house and Uranus) is tied to property, so any
changes regarding a piece of property would have a direct impact on your
financial resources and sense of security. If it is at all possible, try to
have a backup plan should things go wrong.
Uranus rules electricity, so make sure your sockets are not overloaded by
month's end when your focus on your home or a family member will be very
strong. An engineer can easily check to make sure your electrical wiring is
proper and safe and poses no danger. While you are in safety mode, tell
family members never to leave a candle burning unattended, and to keep
walkways clear of clutter, especially at night.
Your physical space may not be the area that draws your attention, but
rather, it may be a family member, most likely your father or mother. You
may be needed to assist one of your parents, and if so, the news that you'll
be needed will come suddenly. It might be wise to keep your schedule
flexible, as this is the way the new moon may assert its message.
Concerning your career, I have really good news! The conjunction between
Jupiter and Venus is likely to bring you a wonderful opportunity or lucky
break, and it would happen in mid-March. Venus is the natural ruler of your
solar tenth house of fame, and with Saturn, your ruler, still moving through
this area of your chart over the past three years, your career has required
many adjustments and could have brought a number of difficult obstacles and
challenges. You seem to have been forced to reinvent yourself and to show
grace under pressure as industry conditions shifted.
You now have one of the best possible career aspects due on March 13-14,
when Venus will conjunct Jupiter, an aspect so powerful you need to be ready
to roll when the call comes in. Happy, professional news may arrive earlier
, near the full moon, March 8 plus four days. Whatever comes up could offset
any possible financial problems you might suffer from a buyer backing out
of buying your house, for example. If the news comes after Mercury goes
retrograde, it may come from a former boss or someone else you knew and
enjoyed working with in the past. This person could be your guardian angel
You will show off your skills in communication, either as writer, editor,
marketing expert, or PR specialist at the full moon, March 8, and be lauded
for your talents. If you are finishing up a document or a TV segment, it
rightly will be a proud moment. Travel will also be possible at this time,
and if you are able to go, you may be covering quite a bit of ground far
from home. Go for love, or go to present an imaginative idea - either
purpose would bring the right results and have you humming a happy tune.
Can love really rule the universe, as the song goes? That just may be so,
and this month you are about to find out in the days that span March 8 to 14
, a time you'll see the year's most stellar moments. In past years, life has
not been entirely kind to Capricorn, but this week may just put your faith
back in the transforming power of love.
Your home situation has been somewhat volatile, and this trend continues now
. Thinking positively, this month you may get a surprise chance to find a
solution. You may be considering a move to a new residence, possibly to find
better professional opportunities in a new city, or to attend graduate
school. Restless and independent, you are ready to turn life inside out if
necessary to get a leg up on the competition, and all your instincts are
right. Hard times call for hard choices, but you seem to have a steady
finger on the pulse of the economy and your place in it. If you want to stay
put, you will want to renovate or redecorate to make your space feel fresh
and new.
Still, Uranus can bring all sorts of news, including the kind of reversals
we all dread, like when a buyer backs out for any number of reasons, leaving
you shocked and wondering why you have to start the bidding process all
over again. This kind of reversal (among other possible examples) is
possible because Mercury will retrograde in this very same area of your
It looks like you may need to conquer a home or family-related obstacle that
will surface late in the month near March 29. Keep working through the
problem, but do not announce a final decision just yet. Mercury will be
retrograde from March 12 to April 4, and on top of that, Mars, the ruler of
your home sector, will be retrograde all through March until April 13. No
sensible answer can be found until these planets regulate their obits next
month. Keep your eye on late April - by then you'll see all your best
Dates to Note for Capricorn:
Most romantic dates: March 1-16 are all very special.
You may travel far and wide at the full moon, March 8, plus or minus four
Venus in Taurus will be a blessing, as it moves through your true love
sector, March 5 to April 3.
Jupiter, in your love sector, will reach out to Pluto in Capricorn on March
12. Such a heavenly day! Give this day five stars! It'll be as rare as it is
Another sensational pair of days: March 13-14 thanks to a rare golden
triangle in the sky. You'll find mid-March magical for love, matters related
to pregnancy and children, and for furthering creativity, too. Again, you
are likely to feel the fortunate vibrations near the full moon March 8.
Mercury will retrograde March 12 to April 4.
Home-related matters and those pertaining to family issues will bring
unexpected news at the new moon March 22, plus two weeks. It could be very
positive news, or not so happy. Be flexible.
A career breakthrough could bring exciting news March 12-14, but could also
come earlier, near the full moon, March 8.
Er, it was an encouraging fairy tail.


【在 C******t 的大作中提到】
: 同问。
: 我发现魔羯天生不讨人喜欢,即使什么都没做。
: 比如我在现实中已经四面楚歌众叛亲离了,就连在bbs上灌水也不讨人喜欢,问了问题
: 没人答,有时候帖子还莫名其妙的被删了。我又不喜欢争辩,最后这种小事情都变成自
: 己的烦恼,没准哪一天就变成压死骆驼的最后一根稻草。


【在 i****n 的大作中提到】
: 3月12-14号可能会有事业上的突破;这个突破了,感情上毫无进展

【在 C******t 的大作中提到】
: 同问。
: 我发现魔羯天生不讨人喜欢,即使什么都没做。
: 比如我在现实中已经四面楚歌众叛亲离了,就连在bbs上灌水也不讨人喜欢,问了问题
: 没人答,有时候帖子还莫名其妙的被删了。我又不喜欢争辩,最后这种小事情都变成自
: 己的烦恼,没准哪一天就变成压死骆驼的最后一根稻草。



【在 X*****n 的大作中提到】
: 好歹你还准确的突破了,不要这么得陇望蜀嘛,你让我等没突破咋办。