求教一个tex中插入eps图片的问题How to get a double-column abstract?add caption above floating table using floatflteps not shown in dvi如何修改文本和图表的间距?怎么实现这个插图?how to use latex rather than tex in Emacs?how to indent all lines in a paragraphhow to include equations in tgif/xfig figureseps编译不能显示 \subparagraph questionsection number interferes with fig label?关于scrltx.sty包的问题。Auto wrap in the TableLatex 引用的一个问题beamer's slide is too small请问在Linux底下用Latex,用Kile好, 还是Lyx好?Re: dvips: warning: no config file for `generic' (转载)I am beginner for this !A question about pstex