2 楼
You can try the following; however, making the superscribed 1 in the chapter
heading look better will take a bit more work. To understand why \protect is
needed, read up on "fragile commands" and "moving arguments" in a good LaTeX
\chapter{Introduction\protect\footnote{The footnote.}}
The text.
【在 z*****n 的大作中提到】
: rt. \footnote doesnt work.
heading look better will take a bit more work. To understand why \protect is
needed, read up on "fragile commands" and "moving arguments" in a good LaTeX
\chapter{Introduction\protect\footnote{The footnote.}}
The text.
【在 z*****n 的大作中提到】
: rt. \footnote doesnt work.
3 楼
Thanks, it works.
But the number on the title also appears in the table of contents...:(
【在 T*******n 的大作中提到】
: You can try the following; however, making the superscribed 1 in the chapter
: heading look better will take a bit more work. To understand why \protect is
: needed, read up on "fragile commands" and "moving arguments" in a good LaTeX
: book.
: \documentclass{report}
: \begin{document}
: \chapter{Introduction\protect\footnote{The footnote.}}
: The text.
: \end{document}
5 楼
Try repeating the heading text as an optional argument. If an optional
argument is given, it is used to set the TOC and running headers on
pages; the text in the last argument is then used only to set the
actual chapter heading.
\chapter[Introduction]{Introduction\protect\footnote{The footnote.}}
【在 z*****n 的大作中提到】
: and the footnote also appears in the table of content page.
argument is given, it is used to set the TOC and running headers on
pages; the text in the last argument is then used only to set the
actual chapter heading.
\chapter[Introduction]{Introduction\protect\footnote{The footnote.}}
【在 z*****n 的大作中提到】
: and the footnote also appears in the table of content page.
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