Question about latex.# TeX - TeX电子排版系统
I store my tex files for each chapter in different subdirectories,
and use \input to include all the chapters. Each chapter also use
\input to include several sections within each subdirectories.
But somehow it seems that latex always assume the current directory
is the one containing the topest module. Is there any macro to set
up the directory so that I can work with the files in a hierarchical
way? Thanks!
The search path for the \input command can be controlled by the
TEXINPUTS environment variable. If you say something like the
following (Linux/UNIX csh/tcsh syntax):
setenv TEXINPUTS './/:'
then LaTeX will search the current directory and all subdirectories
for the input file. If some of the files in different subdirectories
have the same name, you WILL run into problems.
You can also try putting the following code after \documentclass
but before \begin{document} (and don't mess around wit

【在 a*********e 的大作中提到】
: I store my tex files for each chapter in different subdirectories,
: and use \input to include all the chapters. Each chapter also use
: \input to include several sections within each subdirectories.
: But somehow it seems that latex always assume the current directory
: is the one containing the topest module. Is there any macro to set
: up the directory so that I can work with the files in a hierarchical
: way? Thanks!

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