2 楼
The first thing to clarify: the other two persons that you left are supposed
to die.
My answer to the original question: just ask yourself: whom I want to take?
You should take that one that you want to take, and after that you will not
regret your decision.
No one can decide this answer for you. You are the final judge.----Therefore
apprantely, different people could have different decisions.
to die.
My answer to the original question: just ask yourself: whom I want to take?
You should take that one that you want to take, and after that you will not
regret your decision.
No one can decide this answer for you. You are the final judge.----Therefore
apprantely, different people could have different decisions.
3 楼
This question could be a moral question, but not always be.
A moral question means dealing with what you SHOULD do or not do.
If this question is just a moral question, then it should ask what "People"
would do, but not "You" or "Me" would do under this situation. If you
ask me what I would do, then not only morality, but also many personal
elements should also be considered. So I don't think it is simply a
moral question.
A moral question means dealing with what you SHOULD do or not do.
If this question is just a moral question, then it should ask what "People"
would do, but not "You" or "Me" would do under this situation. If you
ask me what I would do, then not only morality, but also many personal
elements should also be considered. So I don't think it is simply a
moral question.
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