how to show my website on WWW style
how to show my website on WWW style# Unix - 噫吁兮,危乎高哉
Now i have serveral questions not clear:
1. I cannot telnet by using root, right? but how can a
system admin to set the machine outside. i have set myself
as system admin, but i cannot set the folder in root
2. I want to let my website posted on the website. now the
domain name is stable, i cannot change it. but i have
register a website name. ????.com. i want the machine tohost
this website as i wish. how can i implement it in Sun
3. i have tried several times, but not succe

Use a normal user account to login from remote, and su to root
for sysadmin.
For security reason, ssh is highly recommended. With ssh, you
can directly login as root.
Let you registed domain name pointing to your current IP or
original FQDN. Setting up DNS server. Setting up webserver.
Just configured sendmail for a fresh install of solaris 2.8
in i386.
The only thing I need to do is change the smart relay host.
Find the line in /etc/mail/, and begins with DS.
kill -1
【在 x**g 的大作中提到】
: Now i have serveral questions not clear:
: 1. I cannot telnet by using root, right? but how can a
: system admin to set the machine outside. i have set myself
: as system admin, but i cannot set the folder in root
: directory.
: 2. I want to let my website posted on the website. now the
: domain name is stable, i cannot change it. but i have
: register a website name. ????.com. i want the machine tohost
: this website as i wish. how can i implement it in Sun
: solaris.
