Could you recommend some Chinese food Restaurants and groceries in St. Louis ?
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各位大哥大姐: 小弟遇到一个非常紧急的事情. 小弟的H1b签证今年七月一日过期, 博士后老板也没钱了,找了几个月,直到今天才有另 外一个单位的老板想雇佣我. 我的H1b既需要transfer,又需要同时延期(第一次延期). 新单位的HR规定需要3个月准备申请材料(真是太磨机了),然后递交给USCIS. 如果从五 月一日算起, 七月底才能递交材料.这样我签证到期时间和新的h1b递交时间有一个月的 gap,所以HR不给办transfer,除非我的H1b能够在旧单位延期到七月底,或者出境签证再 回来. 我的移民律师说这一个月的Gap,可以用递交别的签证申请连接起来, 我太太是OPT, 所 以我可以递交F2申请. 请问用这样的方式把这个gap填起来后,是否可以说服HR帮我file H1b? 如果不行,还有什么别的方法解决? HR的原文回复如下: "I talked to UF Immigration Compliance about the transfer of Minghui Wu. UF cannot process any H1B less than 3+ months minimum. The H1B must be extended by the current institution to port the H1B to UF and the foreign national cannot have a gap between employers (USCIS ruling). Otherwise, he would have to depart the US and reenter with a valid H1B visa, once UF receives the H1B approval per our filing; this is referred to as a consular filing". 请大哥大姐尽快回复,小弟非常焦急.