彭博社:中贡国建孔子学院前提是无敏感词zz# WaterWorld - 未名水世界
When a Beijing organization with close ties to China’s government offered
Stanford University $4 million to host a Confucius Institute on Chinese
language and culture and endow a professorship, it attached one caveat: The
professor couldn’t discuss delicate issues like Tibet.
“They said they didn’t want to be embarrassed,” said Richard Saller, dean
of Stanford’s school of humanities and sciences. Stanford refused, citing
academic freedom, and Chinese officials backed down, Saller said. The
university plans to use the money for a professorship in classical Chinese
poetry, far removed from the Tibet dispute.
China is expanding its presence on U.S. campuses, seeking to promote its
culture and history and meet a growing global demand to learn its language.
Hanban, a government-affiliated group under the Chinese education ministry,
has spent at least $500 million since 2004 establishing 350 Confucius
Institutes worldwide and about 75 in the U.S., four times the number in any
other country, according to its annual reports and website.
Once confined to teaching Mandarin and traditional arts such as calligraphy
at state university campuses, China-funded Confucius Institutes are making
inroads into elite higher education by contributing millions of dollars for
research, sparking faculty concerns about muting criticism of China’s
government. The Association for Asian Studies, a leading group of China
scholars with 8,000 members worldwide, decided in March it wouldn’t seek or
accept Hanban support, due to the lack of a firewall separating China’s
government from funding decisions.
No Tibet Talk
“By peddling a product we want, namely Chinese language study, the
Confucius Institutes bring the Chinese government into the American academy
in powerful ways,” said Jonathan Lipman, a professor of Chinese history at
Mount Holyoke College in South Hadley, Massachusetts. He also sits on the
China and Inner Asia Council of the Association for Asian Studies.
“The general pattern is very clear,” Lipman said. “They can say, ‘We’ll
give you this money, you’ll have a Chinese program, and nobody will talk
about Tibet.’ In this economy, turning them down has real costs.”
China is following the example of countries such as France, Germany and
Great Britain, which also have organizations popularizing their languages
and cultures abroad. Gifts to U.S. universities from countries such as
Taiwan, South Korea and Turkey have prompted similar debates about the
effect on academic freedom. During the Cold War, the U.S. government began
sponsoring libraries, lectures and cultural exhibits in foreign countries as
well as programs such as the Peace Corps to project a positive image and
counter anti-American sentiment.
Financial Ties
The proliferation of Confucius Institutes illustrates the growing impact of
-- and appetite for -- China’s wealth at American universities. Almost 40,
000 Chinese undergraduates, most of them paying full tuition, attended U.S.
colleges in 2009-2010, four times as many as in 2005-2006. Duke University
and New York University are planning branch campuses in China, subsidized by
authorities there. China’s banning of 13 American professors who wrote a
2004 book about Xinjiang province, home to a Muslim group seeking self-rule,
met little pushback from U.S. universities with growing financial ties to
China, Bloomberg News reported Aug. 11.
Stanford University, University of Chicago and Columbia University are among
about 20 U.S. colleges that opened Confucius Institutes in 2009 and 2010,
and the University of Pennsylvania is reconsidering an earlier rejection. At
Harvard University, “maybe there was discussion as a broad possibility but
nothing serious,” said William Kirby, director of Harvard’s Fairbank
Center for Chinese Studies.
Soft Power
Public universities such as Texas A&M in College Station, and University of
Utah in Salt Lake City, received $100,000 apiece from Hanban to start
institutes, according to contracts obtained by Bloomberg News under public-
records requests. Hanban supplies books, audiovisual and multimedia
materials, salaries and airfare for instructors, and continuing funding. It
also funds Confucius Classrooms at U.S. elementary and secondary schools.
The Confucius Institutes reflect President Hu Jintao’s strategy to “
enhance culture as part of the soft power of our country,” as he described
it in a 2007 speech to the national congress of China’s Communist Party.
Soft power, or gaining influence through persuasion rather than force, is a
“factor of growing significance in the competition in overall national
strength,” Hu said. In January, he visited a Confucius Institute in Chicago.
Ideology Avoided
“At what point does soft power become a harder power, where something
concrete is asked for?” said Matthew Sommer, an associate professor of
Chinese history at Stanford.
China Daily, the state-owned English-language newspaper, touted Confucius
Institutes in a two-page advertisement in the Oct. 30 New York Times for
going “all out in meeting the demands of foreign learners and contributing
to the development of multiculturalism.” While “some foreign critics have
fretted” about interference with academic freedom, the institute “focuses
its programming on culture and communication and avoids ideological content,
” the Daily said.
Confucius Institute funding is “unconditional,” said Junbo Chen, Vancouver
-based North America representative for Hanban. Formally named the Office of
Chinese Language Council International, Hanban is composed of members of 12
state ministries and commissions, according to its website.
Following the Law
Supporting research at elite universities is an outgrowth of Hanban’s
mission of language education, Chen said. “Many people just think language
is how to speak, they don’t have the idea how to explore the language
itself,” he said.
Confucius Institutes have “the obligation to accept both supervision from
and assessments made” by Hanban, according to their bylaws. Hanban, which
supplies Chinese teachers to Confucius Institutes worldwide, requires them
to have “no record of participation in Falun Gong and other illegal
organizations,” according to its website.
Members of Falun Gong, a Buddhist sect banned in China, are excluded because
Confucius Institutes must follow Chinese as well as U.S. law, Chen said.
Confucius Institutes are adjusting to the values of American academia and
becoming less heavy-handed in their demands, said Michael Nylan, professor
of Chinese history at the University of California at Berkeley. They’ve
learned from “early missteps,” such as insisting that universities adopt a
policy that Taiwan is part of China, she said.
Dalai Lama Disinvited
When Nylan took an informal survey this year of faculty and administrators
at 15 universities with Confucius Institutes, two respondents reported that
institutes had exerted pressure to block guest speakers, she said. Both
events went ahead anyway, said Nylan, who declined to identify the
The Confucius Institute at North Carolina State University made its feelings
known after the Dalai Lama accepted an invitation to speak in 2009 on the
Raleigh campus. China’s military took over Tibet in 1959, exiling the
spiritual leader considered a traitor in China for advocating Tibetan self-
Confucius Institute director Bailian Li told North Carolina State provost
Warwick Arden that a visit by the Lama could disrupt “some of the strong
relationships we were developing with China,” Arden said. Besides the
institute, joint programs include student exchanges, summer research and
faculty collaboration.
Lack of Prep Time
The college canceled the event. While the main reason was a shortage of “
time and resources,” concern about a backlash from China also played a role
, Arden said. “I don’t want to say we didn’t think about whether there
were implications,” he said. “Of course you do. China is a major trading
partner for North Carolina.”
A Confucius Institute presents an “opportunity for subtle pressure and
conflict,” he said.
The about-face had nothing to do with the university’s relationship with
China, said Jim Woodward, then North Carolina State’s interim chancellor.
Brought in to defuse a political and fiscal crisis, Woodward didn’t have
time to “appropriately put on an event for a man of that stature,” he said.
Li said his conversation with Arden occurred after the university rescinded
the invitation, and was about developing a strategy for the future. Li said
he made the comments in his role as vice provost for international affairs,
not institute director. Li is also a forestry professor.
‘Very Silent’
The Dalai Lama spoke at Stanford in October 2010. He also lectured last year
at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, which has had a Confucius Institute
since 2007. The institute didn’t protest, said David Keitges, Miami
director of international education.
“Their strategy, because it could have been a delicate situation, was, ‘We
’re going to be very silent about it,’” Keitges said. “The day after, we
’ll act like it never happened.”
Confucius Institute directors said Hanban gives them broad latitude. At the
University of Oregon, the Confucius Institute submits an annual budget
proposal to Hanban, much as other centers on campus apply for U.S.
Department of Education funding, said institute director Bryna Goodman, a
professor of modern Chinese history. Hanban has approved almost all of the
institute’s suggested projects, including a conference in April on an “
edgy topic,” China’s role in regulating the global information economy,
Goodman said.
“Hanban hasn’t raised any political objections, not at all,” she said.
‘No Chinese Fingerprints’
Chao Fen Sun, professor of East Asian Languages and Cultures at Stanford,
helped bring a Confucius Institute there. A Chinese education representative
invited Sun around 2005 to apply for a grant to study Chinese language,
spurring “several years of conversations” about a research-oriented
institute, he said.
Under the December 2009 agreement, Hanban donated $1 million for conferences
and other programs, $1 million for two graduate fellowships, and $2 million
for a Confucius Institute Professorship in Sinology. Stanford matched the
gifts, which fund an endowment for the institute, Saller said.
Stanford, near Palo Alto, California, chose to devote the professorship to
classical poetry because it needed a scholar in that field, said Saller, who
is also director of the school’s Confucius Institute. There “are
absolutely no Chinese fingerprints” on the search, now in its final stages,
to fill the chair, he said.
“It’s convenient for everyone concerned that the position ended up being
something that isn’t controversial in any contemporary political way,”
Sommer said.
Prized Relationship
Hanban prizes the Stanford relationship too much to jeopardize it by
interfering with academic freedom, Saller said. Hanban officials “are very
interested in getting a foothold at Stanford,” he said. “Many parties in
China would love the recipe for creating Stanford and Silicon Valley.”
Stanford President John Hennessy “has not been involved in that institute
or any of the negotiations related to it,” said Lisa Lapin, a university
spokeswoman. Hennessy declined to be interviewed.
Hanban pays the way for U.S. college administrators to attend its annual
conferences in China as well as cultural showcases. More than 300 university
presidents, and 2,000 directors and teachers at Confucius Institutes,
attended the 2010 Shanghai World Expo at Hanban’s expense, according to its
annual report.
Annual Trips
The trips accommodate the desire of higher-education officials to learn
about modern China and motivate them to support the institutes, Hanban’s
Chen said.
David Daniel, president of the University of Texas at Dallas, and Dennis
Kratz, dean of its school of arts and humanities, visited the 2010 Expo
courtesy of Hanban. Kratz spurred creation of a Confucius Institute at UT-
Dallas in 2007.
Daniel often visits Asia to speak about his work as a civil engineer, and
the inviting organization typically pays his way, said Susan Rogers, vice
president for communications.
Hanban, which provides a minimum of $100,000 a year for the UT-Dallas
institute, didn’t set conditions on programs, Kratz said. Institute
offerings have ranged from Mandarin classes for American families with
adopted Chinese children to a symposium on translating Chinese literature.
Asked if he would seek Hanban funding for a conference on Tibet, Kratz said,
“If I wanted to do a conference on something like that, I have multiple
places where I’d look for funding.”
Foreign Gifts
Organizations such as the Japan Foundation, Germany’s Goethe Institute and
France’s Alliance Francaise also promote their national cultures and
languages. The Korea Foundation has endowed two chairs in Korean Studies at
Stanford, the second with a $2 million gift in 2005. Hanban is unique in
mandating a physical location at each campus, Nylan said.
Foreign gifts to U.S. universities have stirred waves over the years. A
Taiwanese foundation offered Berkeley $3 million in 1996 for a center for
Chinese studies -- provided that it was named after Chiang Ching-kuo, who
served as director of Taiwan’s secret police before fostering free speech
as president. Berkeley balked, and funding was suspended.
The University of California at Los Angeles in 1997 declined a $1 million
gift from the Turkish government for a chair in Ottoman history after
Armenian scholars complained about a requirement that the new professor “
maintain close and cordial relations with academic circles in Turkey.”
Maryland, Michigan
The University of Maryland founded the first Confucius Institute in the U.S.
in November 2004, and other public schools soon followed. Each institute
has a partner university in China, which typically provides the institute’s
assistant director and teachers and is represented on its board. Stanford’
s partner is Peking University, considered one of China’s best.
The University of Michigan in Ann Arbor has one of the most lucrative deals
among public universities for its Confucius Institute specializing in
performing arts. Hanban agreed to give $250,000 annually from 2009 to 2014,
along with traditional Chinese musical instruments and artifacts, and
funding for two staff members to organize arts programs.
The institute sponsored an October 2010 lecture on Uyghur popular music and
minority nationalism in China, said director Joseph Lam, a music professor.
“We have autonomy,” he said. “We run the institute as a UM academic and
artistic unit.”
‘Ambiguous Initiative’
When the University of Chicago created a Confucius Institute in 2009-2010,
more than 170 faculty members signed a petition objecting to it as an “
academically and politically ambiguous initiative” established without the
faculty Senate’s consent.
“I was a member of the Executive Committee of the Center for East Asian
Studies and only found out about this institute on the day it opened,” said
Bruce Cumings, a professor of modern Korean history, who signed the
The institute was merely a “tag-on” in the letter, which focused on other
university plans, said institute director Dali Yang, a political science
professor. Still, “we do take those concerns very seriously.”
Chicago’s institute supports research and teaching Mandarin and sponsors
events such as an October talk by a senior civil servant in China’s
Ministry of Environmental Protection. While Hanban broached the idea of
funding a professorship, “we felt our current model would be more
appropriate,” Yang said. He declined to say how much Hanban pays for the
Cornell University spurned an early overture from Hanban, said Ding Xiang
Warner, an associate professor of Asian Studies. Similarly, Columbia vetoed
a Hanban proposal around 2003 for a Confucius Institute to hold community
Chinese classes. The university didn’t regard such outreach as vital to its
mission, said Lening Liu, director of Columbia’s Chinese language program.
Research at Columbia
Five years later, the Hanban proposed funding for research and/or an endowed
professorship, Liu said. Columbia rejected the professorship -- which would
have required it to match the gift -- and agreed to the research component,
Liu said. Hanban is paying as much as $1 million over five years, Columbia
spokesman Robert Hornsby said.
Because faculty members complained that the name Confucius Institute gives a
false impression that Confucianism -- also a key element of Japanese and
Korean culture -- is limited to China, Columbia asked Hanban to change the
title to “Institute of Chinese Studies,” said Liu, who is also director of
the institute at Columbia.
Hanban refused and Columbia’s Confucius Institute, the first in the Ivy
League, began operating in 2010. It doesn’t have a website. Liu runs it out
of his office, which he shares with a colleague in the Chinese-language
Space Issue
“Hanban is not very happy with this,” Liu said. He met with Hanban
officials in Beijing this year to “make sure they understand we are working
on the space issue.”
Columbia’s institute has “total independence” to select research projects
, Liu said. It co-sponsored a conference in April on photographer Robert
Capa’s images of China and another in May on how to adapt Mandarin
instruction for students in different countries, Liu said. It plans a
workshop this year on the legal system in the late Qing dynasty, which ended
in 1912.
The institute could address more sensitive topics as long as they are not
politicized, Liu said. In the event of a dispute between Columbia and Hanban
, their agreement gives the university the final say, he said. “If the
Hanban tries to interfere, we won’t back off.”
‘Vaguest of Negotiations’
In 2007, Hanban proposed a Confucius Institute at the University of
Pennsylvania to teach Chinese to the community through the Graduate School
of Education. The proposal was withdrawn in 2009 because some China scholars
were upset that Hanban was bypassing them, said Frank Chance, associate
director of the Center for East Asian Studies. The opponents viewed the
proposal as a pretext to bring Chinese students to the U.S. and “shoehorn”
them into the university’s selective graduate programs, he said.
Now, the university and Hanban are having preliminary discussions about a
research-oriented Confucius Institute in partnership with elite Tsinghua
University in Beijing, Chance said. While some faculty members favor it,
others are “adamantly opposed,” he said.
“There’s a kind of internal struggle going on that up to this point has
prevented anything getting beyond the vaguest of negotiations.”
To contact the reporter on this story: Dan Golden in Boston at [email protected]
To contact the editor responsible for this story: Jonathan Kaufman at
j********[email protected]