Nigerian scam moving to Asia (转载)
Nigerian scam moving to Asia (转载)# WaterWorld - 未名水世界
【 以下文字转载自 NewJersey 讨论区 】
发信人: WSN (天行健), 信区: NewJersey
标 题: Nigerian scam moving to Asia
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Feb 27 15:03:56 2012, 美东)
This is the email I got today. Basically moving the famous Nigerian scan to
China and Asia, :)
"My position as a principal director in Asian Pacific Regional Clearing
House has made me to have access to files and products that can help you if
you are in one way or the other interested in South East Asia business
connections. In April 2006, Lu Yunpeng, a multimillionaire and president of
Henan-based Yunpeng Cultural Development Co Ltd China moved some cash
through our clearing house system from Europe . The fund arrived in South
East Asia during the time Lu Yunpeng was been tried for murder in China . As
his account officer he instructed that I should put a hold on the fund that
was supposed to go to China pending on the outcome of his trial. In May
2006 he was sentenced to death and the fund remained unclaimed till date. As
his account officer I was aware that nobody knows about this fund movement
except his cousin who was also sentenced to death with him. Please see: I want to utilize this opportunity and make use of this fund. I want to work with you on it. The amount involved is in millions and I will tell you the exact figure when I hear from you. Please reply back(k********[email protected]) and lets benefit from this golden opportunity. You are my first contact. I shall wait three days and if I do not hear from you, I shall look for another person. Sincerely, kok Chou "