反对将同性恋者贡献列入加州学校的努力正式宣告失败# WaterWorld - 未名水世界
class Act Initiative 没有得到足够的签名,同性恋者贡献进入进入中小学历史课程
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (BP) -- California's first-in-the-nation gay history law
will remain the law for public schools after a signature drive aimed at
overturning it fell short for the second time in a year.
A pro-family coalition announced Monday (July 16) that it would not be able
to gather the 505,000 signatures needed to qualify what it had called the
CLASS Act, an initiative that would have repealed SB 48, which was signed
last year and went into effect Jan. 1. The coalition's email said about 446,
000 signatures had been collected. The California secretary of state likely
would have tossed out some of the signatures as invalid, so it's impossible
to know exactly how many more signatures were needed. Historically, at least
a few thousand are found to be invalid.
Monday was the deadline for submitting signatures to the state. The
signature drive did not use paid canvassers -- that is, people who are paid
to gather signatures.
"Placing a measure on the ballot through grassroots efforts alone has not
been done in California in recent memory," Kevin Snider, chief counsel to
the Pacific Justice Institute, said in a statement. "Although history was
against us, our conscience compelled the coalition to fight this battle
rather than doing nothing."
A signature drive effort last year to overturn SB 48 also fell short. This
year's effort aimed to place the CLASS Act on the 2014 ballot.
The new law requires social science classes to include the "role and
contributions" of "lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Americans." The
latter term includes people who cross dress and physically change their sex.
Even more significant, it mandates that "instructional materials" --
including textbooks -- include the history of homosexuals. The law also
prohibits instructional materials from "reflecting adversely" upon
homosexuals -- language some conservative leaders say would impact what is
taught about marriage.
Snider had told Baptist Press earlier this year that the Class Act
initiative would "bring back a sense of moderation and reason into the study
of social science." A person would not "be excluded because he or she
belongs to a protected class -- including gays or lesbians -- but nor will
that person be included because he or she belongs to a protected class."
Pro-family? More like pro-bigotry.


【在 i*****y 的大作中提到】
: class Act Initiative 没有得到足够的签名,同性恋者贡献进入进入中小学历史课程
: 将继续成为法律。
: SACRAMENTO, Calif. (BP) -- California's first-in-the-nation gay history law
: will remain the law for public schools after a signature drive aimed at
: overturning it fell short for the second time in a year.
: A pro-family coalition announced Monday (July 16) that it would not be able
: to gather the 505,000 signatures needed to qualify what it had called the
: CLASS Act, an initiative that would have repealed SB 48, which was signed
: last year and went into effect Jan. 1. The coalition's email said about 446,
: 000 signatures had been collected. The California secretary of state likely
