A two-year-old boy shot himself dead (转载)
A two-year-old boy shot himself dead (转载)# WaterWorld - 未名水世界
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: StephenKing (金博士), 信区: USANews
标 题: A two-year-old boy shot himself dead
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri May 10 10:22:01 2013, 美东)
A two-year-old boy in the US southern state of Texas has died after he was
able to get his hands on his father’s handgun, and shot himself in the head.
The shooting took place at around 8:46 p.m. local time on Wednesday (0246
GMT on Thursday) in Corsicana.
Police said the young victim, identified as Kinsler Allen Davis, found the
gun and fired it while his 35-year-old father was looking in a closet in the
same bedroom.
The boy was transported initially to Navarro Regional Hospital, before
medics put him on a life flight to Children's Medical Center in Dallas,
where he was pronounced dead.
The incident is still under investigation. The event is the latest shooting
incident in the United States involving children.
It came a day after a three-year-old boy shot and killed himself after
finding a gun in his uncle’s backpack in the city of Tampa Bay.
On May 4, a six-year-old girl was shot in the chest with a handgun by her
teenage brother in Oakland Park.
On April 30, a 5-year-old Kentucky child fatally shot his 2-year-old sister
in the chest while they were at home doing chores.
In early April, a 4-year-old New Jersey boy got a 22-caliber rifle from his
family's home and shot and killed his 6-year-old friend.
On December 14, 2012, twenty children and six adult victims were fatally
shot by a gunman -- who later killed himself -- at the Sandy Hook Elementary
School in the town of Newtown in the US state of Connecticut. Earlier in
the day, the assailant killed his mother in another location.
Every year, more than 30,000 people are shot and killed in the United States.
The US averages 87 gun deaths each day as a function of gun violence, with
an average of 183 injured, according to the University of Chicago Crime Lab
and the Centers for Disease Control.
The year 2012 was a record setting year for gun sales in the US.
However, calls for stricter gun control measures are growing louder, and the
most recent nationwide polls show that the majority of US citizens support
a ban on assault weapons.
Tragic. Will his father be charged?


【在 S*********g 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
: 发信人: StephenKing (金博士), 信区: USANews
: 标 题: A two-year-old boy shot himself dead
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri May 10 10:22:01 2013, 美东)
: A two-year-old boy in the US southern state of Texas has died after he was
: able to get his hands on his father’s handgun, and shot himself in the head.
: The shooting took place at around 8:46 p.m. local time on Wednesday (0246
: GMT on Thursday) in Corsicana.
: Police said the young victim, identified as Kinsler Allen Davis, found the
: gun and fired it while his 35-year-old father was looking in a closet in the


【在 v*********n 的大作中提到】
: Tragic. Will his father be charged?
: head.
: the
