我不希望美国成为枪战场,所以我支持zimmerman杀人有罪 (转载)
我不希望美国成为枪战场,所以我支持zimmerman杀人有罪 (转载)# WaterWorld - 未名水世界
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: lqm1989 (Jeremy Lin), 信区: Military
标 题: 我不希望美国成为枪战场,所以我支持zimmerman杀人有罪
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Jul 16 16:01:16 2013, 美东)
George Zimmerman went out in the night armed, looking for someone he
believed is dangerousa, expressed hatred toward a pedestrian without good
cause, and in the end killed an unarmed man. If they're dangerous enough to
call the police, don't get out of your car.
打斗过程只有gz 和 tm 清楚,gz 杀了 tm, gz的说辞证明他自己是正当防卫。gz有暴


【在 l*****9 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
: 发信人: lqm1989 (Jeremy Lin), 信区: Military
: 标 题: 我不希望美国成为枪战场,所以我支持zimmerman杀人有罪
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Jul 16 16:01:16 2013, 美东)
: George Zimmerman went out in the night armed, looking for someone he
: believed is dangerousa, expressed hatred toward a pedestrian without good
: cause, and in the end killed an unarmed man. If they're dangerous enough to
: call the police, don't get out of your car.
: 打斗过程只有gz 和 tm 清楚,gz 杀了 tm, gz的说辞证明他自己是正当防卫。gz有暴
: 力史,他的证词有许多漏洞。gz被无罪释放,是美国司法系统的耻辱,是美国的耻辱。

Details are trickling in about the past of George Zimmerman, the self-
appointed neighborhood watch captain who killed Trayvon Martin, a black
youth he deemed "suspicious." As you know, Zimmerman cited Florida's Stand
Your Ground Law to make the case that he fatally shot 17-year-old Trayvon on
Feb. 26 in a gated community in Sanford, Fla., in self-defense. This claim
allowed him to avoid arrest. But as details about Zimmerman's life prior to
the murder pour in, it appears less and less likely that Travyon initiated a
fight with the 28-year-old, which Zimmerman told authorities. Why? Because
Zimmerman has a history of violence and a criminal record to prove it.
Zimmerman has been arrested for assaulting a police officer and for domestic
violence. In addition, he reportedly lost his job as a bouncer because of
his temper. A onetime coworker of Zimmerman told the New York Daily News:
"He had a temper and he became a liability," he recalled. "One time this
woman was acting a little out of control. She was drunk. George lost his
cool and totally overreacted. ... It was weird, because he was such a cool
guy, but he got all nuts. He picked her up and threw her. It was pure rage.
She twisted her ankle. Everyone was flipping out."
That happened in 2005, the same year he faced charges of "resisting officer
with violence" and "battery of law enforcement officer." He got the charges
dropped by undertaking an alcohol education program. Knowing that Zimmerman
had a pattern of violence certainly casts doubt on his version of events and
that racism alone motivated the killing of Trayvon.
Did Zimmerman kill Trayvon only because the teen was black? I think it's
more complicated than that. Zimmerman's history of violence reveals a man
easily provoked. But Trayvon never would have wound up in Zimmerman's
crosshairs had the former bouncer not considered the teen to be a suspicious
person, and I do think Zimmerman would have viewed Trayvon in a different
light had the student's skin been lighter.